blob: b0fab828afa3ab3c6cc1ff4519078f762c0f4b5e [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Findit for Waterfall configuration."""
from google.appengine.ext import ndb
from gae_libs.model.versioned_config import VersionedConfig
class FinditConfig(VersionedConfig):
"""Global configuration of findit."""
# Deprecated: A dict mapping supported masters to lists of unsupported steps.
# The previous format of this dict is no longer also be supported, but is
# instead converted to the new version at runtime if detected.
# {
# master_name1: [unsupported_step1, unsupported_step2, ...],
# master_name2: [...],
# ...
# }
masters_to_blacklisted_steps = ndb.JsonProperty(indexed=False, default={})
# steps_for_masters_rules is a dict containing rules for which steps
# should and shouldn't run depending on the master.
# steps_for_masters_rules should have the format:
# {
# 'supported_masters': {
# master_name: {
# 'supported_steps': [step1, step2, ...],
# 'unsupported_steps': [step3, step4, ...],
# 'check_global': True or False
# },
# ...
# },
# 'global': {
# 'unsupported_steps': [...]
# }
# }
# 'supported_steps': Optional list used to override any 'unsupported_steps'
# under global.
# 'unsupported_steps': Optional list to supplement 'unsupported_steps' under
# global.
# 'check_global': Optional bool (True by default) to specify any settings in
# global are to be obeyed or ignored entirely.
steps_for_masters_rules = ndb.JsonProperty(indexed=False, default={})
# Mapping of waterfall builders to try-server trybots, which are used to
# re-run compile, test, and flake try jobs. Bots for failures on the main
# waterfall (compile, test) have a dedicated pool separate from the bots
# used to run flake try jobs.
# {
# 'Chromium':
# 'Linux': {
# 'waterfall_trybot': 'linux_chromium_variable',
# 'flake_trybot': 'linux_chromium_variable_deflake',
# 'mastername': 'tryserver.chromium.linux',
# 'strict_regex": true
# },
# 'Mac': {
# 'strict_regex': true,
# 'use_swarmbucket': true # If true, no other configs needed.
# },
# ...
# },
# ...
# }
builders_to_trybots = ndb.JsonProperty(indexed=False, default={})
# A dict containing common settings for try jobs. For example,
# {
# 'server_query_interval_seconds': 60,
# 'job_timeout_hours': 5,
# 'allowed_response_error_times': 5
# 'pubsub_token': 'SomeSecretString',
# 'pubsub_topic': 'projects/findit-for-me/topics/jobs',
# 'pubsub_swarming_topic': 'projects/findit-for-me/topics/swarm',
# }
try_job_settings = ndb.JsonProperty(indexed=False, default={})
# A dict containing common settings for swarming tasks. For example,
# {
# 'server_host': '',
# 'default_request_priority': 150,
# 'request_expiration_hours': 20,
# 'server_query_interval_seconds': 60,
# 'task_timeout_hours': 23,
# 'isolated_server': '',
# 'isolated_storage_url': '',
# 'iterations_to_rerun': 10,
# 'get_swarming_task_id_timeout_seconds': 300,
# 'get_swarming_task_id_wait_seconds': 10
# 'server_retry_timeout_hours': 1,
# 'maximum_server_contact_retry_interval_seconds': 1,
# 'should_retry_server': False,
# 'minimum_number_of_available_bots': 5,
# 'minimum_percentage_of_available_bots': 0.1,
# }
swarming_settings = ndb.JsonProperty(indexed=False, default={})
# A dict containing build data download settings. For example,
# {
# 'download_interval_seconds': 10,
# 'memcache_download_expiration_seconds': 3600,
# 'use_ninja_output_log': False
# }
download_build_data_settings = ndb.JsonProperty(indexed=False, default={})
# A dict containing action settings for identified culprits or suspects.
# {
# 'auto_commit_revert': True,
# 'auto_create_revert': True,
# 'cr_notification_build_threshold': 2,
# 'cr_notification_latency_limit_minutes': 30,
# 'culprit_commit_limit_hours': 24,
# 'auto_create_revert_daily_threshold_compile': 4,
# 'auto_commit_revert_daily_threshold_compile': 10,
# 'auto_create_revert_daily_threshold_test': 10,
# 'auto_commit_revert_daily_threshold_test': 4,
# 'auto_reate_revert_daily_threshold_flake': 10,
# 'auto_commit_revert_daily_threshold_flake': 4,
# 'rotations_url': 'rotations_url',
# 'max_flake_bug_updates_per_day': 30,
# 'minimum_confidence_to_update_endpoints': 0.7,
# 'minimum_confidence_to_revert_flake_culprit': 1.0,
# }
action_settings = ndb.JsonProperty(indexed=False, default={})
# A dict containing settings for identifying the CL that introduced test
# flakiness. For example,
# {
# 'lower_flake_threshold': 0.02,
# 'upper_flake_threshold': 0.98,
# 'max_commit_positions_to_look_back': 500,
# 'max_iterations_to_rerun': 800,
# 'timeout_per_test_seconds': 120,
# 'timeout_per_swarming_task_seconds': 3600,
# 'swarming_task_cushion': 1.0,
# 'swarming_task_retries_per_build': 2,
# 'iterations_to_run_after_timeout': 10,
# 'max_iterations_per_task': 200,
# 'throttle_flake_analyses': False,
# }
check_flake_settings = ndb.JsonProperty(indexed=False, default={})
# A dict containing settings for Flake Detection. For example,
# {
# 'report_flakes_to_flake_analyzer': True,
# 'min_required_impacted_cls_per_day': 3,
# }
flake_detection_settings = ndb.JsonProperty(indexed=False, default={})
# A dict containing settings for Code Coverage. For example,
# {
# 'serve_presubmit_coverage_data': True,
# }
code_coverage_settings = ndb.JsonProperty(indexed=False, default={})
# A dict containing settings for interacting with code review systems.
# For example,
# {
# 'rietveld_hosts': [''],
# 'gerrit_hosts': [''],
# 'commit_bot_emails': [''],
# }
code_review_settings = ndb.JsonProperty(indexed=False, default={})