blob: 28cf4a89e80cc80afda84f37e5d300fa4455cc9f [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
from google.appengine.ext import ndb
from model.base_build_model import BaseBuildModel
class WfFailureGroup(BaseBuildModel):
"""Represents a group of build failures maybe caused by the same culprit CL.
def _CreateKey(master_name, builder_name, build_number): # pragma: no cover
return ndb.Key(
BaseBuildModel.CreateBuildKey(master_name, builder_name, build_number))
def Create(master_name, builder_name, build_number): # pragma: no cover
return WfFailureGroup(
key=WfFailureGroup._CreateKey(master_name, builder_name, build_number))
def Get(master_name, builder_name, build_number): # pragma: no cover
return WfFailureGroup._CreateKey(master_name, builder_name,
# Integer representation for build failure type.
# Refer to common/waterfall/ for all the failure types.
build_failure_type = ndb.IntegerProperty(indexed=True)
# When the group was created.
created_time = ndb.DateTimeProperty(indexed=True)
# The blame list of CLs that make up the regression range for this group.
blame_list = ndb.JsonProperty(indexed=False, compressed=True)
# The list of compile failure output nodes (from signals).
# Only not None if this group represents a compile failure.
output_nodes = ndb.JsonProperty(indexed=False)
# A sorted list of lists of the failed steps and tests of a test failure.
# Only not None if this group represents a test failure.
# Example:
# [
# ['step_a', 'test1'],
# ['step_a', 'test2'],
# ['step_b', None]
# ]
# ndb.JsonProperty uses json.dumps() without sort_keys=True, which causes
# dicts that are identical except for their internal key order to have
# different JSON representations. So, for the failed_steps_and_tests JSON
# property, a list is used instead of a dict (json.dumps() preserves the order
# of list elements). This enables a WfFailureGroup query based on equivalent
# failed_steps_and_tests to return all of the matching results, instead of
# missing some results. Missing results is a possibility if
# failed_steps_and_tests used a dict, and the keys of the original dict (that
# went to the database) were JSONified to string in a different order than the
# keys of the dict used in the query. For example:
# '{"step_a": [], "step_y": []}' versus '{"step_y": [], "step_a": []}'.
failed_steps_and_tests = ndb.JsonProperty(indexed=False)
# The sorted list of suspected tuples, if available, from heuristic analysis.
suspected_tuples = ndb.JsonProperty(indexed=False, compressed=True)