blob: fa242c896d15068e2a042e758a84c7932bd3f09c [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import contextlib
import json
from recipe_engine.recipe_api import Property
DEPS = [
# Mapping from a builder name to a list of GOOS-GOARCH variants it should build
# CIPD packages for. 'native' means "do not cross-compile, build for the host
# platform". Targeting 'native' will also usually build non-go based packages.
# If the builder is not in this set, or the list of GOOS-GOARCH for it is empty,
# it won't be used for building CIPD packages.
# Only builders named '*-packager-*' builders will actually upload CIPD
# packages, while '*-continuous-*' builders merely verify that CIPD packages can
# be built.
# trusty-64 is the primary builder for linux-amd64, and the rest just
# cross-compile to different platforms (to speed up the overall cycle time by
# doing stuff in parallel).
'infra-continuous-precise-64': ['linux-arm', 'linux-arm64'],
'infra-continuous-trusty-64': ['native', 'linux-386'],
'infra-continuous-xenial-64': ['linux-mipsle', 'linux-mips64',
'infra-continuous-yakkety-64': ['linux-s390x'],
'infra-continuous-zesty-64': ['linux-ppc64', 'linux-ppc64le'],
# 10.13 is the primary builder for darwin-amd64.
'infra-continuous-mac-10.10-64': [],
'infra-continuous-mac-10.11-64': [],
'infra-continuous-mac-10.12-64': [],
'infra-continuous-mac-10.13-64': ['native'],
# Windows builders each build and test for their own bitness.
'infra-continuous-win-32': ['native'],
'infra-continuous-win-64': ['native'],
# Internal builders, they use exact same recipe.
'infra-internal-continuous-trusty-64': ['native', 'linux-arm', 'linux-arm64'],
'infra-internal-continuous-win-32': ['native'],
'infra-internal-continuous-win-64': ['native'],
'infra-internal-continuous-mac-10.10-64': [],
'infra-internal-continuous-mac-10.11-64': [],
'infra-internal-continuous-mac-10.13-64': ['native'],
# Builders also upload CIPD packages.
'infra-packager-linux-64': [
'infra-packager-mac-64': ['native'],
'infra-packager-win-32': ['native'],
'infra-packager-win-64': ['native'],
'infra-internal-packager-linux-64': ['native', 'linux-arm', 'linux-arm64'],
'infra-internal-packager-mac-64': ['native'],
'infra-internal-packager-win-32': ['native'],
'infra-internal-packager-win-64': ['native'],
# A builder responsible for calling " bundle" to generate cipd bundles
# with vendored go code. We need only one.
GO_DEPS_BUNDLING_BUILDER = 'infra-packager-mac-64'
def RunSteps(api):
if not api.runtime.is_luci: # pragma: no cover
raise ValueError('This recipe is not supported outside of LUCI.')
buildername = api.buildbucket.builder_name
if (buildername.startswith('infra-internal-continuous') or
project_name = 'infra_internal'
repo_url = INTERNAL_REPO
elif (buildername.startswith('infra-continuous') or
project_name = 'infra'
repo_url = PUBLIC_REPO
else: # pragma: no cover
raise ValueError(
'This recipe is not intended for builder %s. ' % buildername)
co = api.infra_checkout.checkout(
# Prefix the system binary path to PATH so that all Python invocations will
# use the system Python. This will ensure that packages built will be built
# aginst the system Python's paths.
# This is needed by the "infra_python" CIPD package, which incorporates the
# checkout's VirtualEnv into its packages. This, in turn, results in the CIPD
# package containing a reference to the Python that was used to create it. In
# order to control for this, we ensure that the Python is a system Python,
# which resides at a fixed path.
with api.infra_system.system_env():
# Whatever is checked out by bot_update. It is usually equal to
# except when the build was triggered
# manually (commit id is empty in that case).
rev =['got_revision']
build_main(api, co, buildername, project_name, repo_url, rev)
def build_main(api, checkout, buildername, project_name, repo_url, rev):
with api.step.defer_results():
with api.context(cwd=api.path['checkout']):
# Run Linux tests everywhere, Windows tests only on public CI.
if api.platform.is_linux or project_name == 'infra':
api.python('infra python tests', '', ['test'])
# Validate ccompute configs.
if api.platform.is_linux and project_name == 'infra_internal':
'ccompute config test',
'ccompute/scripts/', ['test'])
# Some third_party go packages on OSX rely on cgo and thus a configured
# clang toolchain.
with api.osx_sdk('mac'):
# Call ' bundle' to package dependencies specified in deps.lock into
# a CIPD package. This is not strictly necessary, but it significantly
# reduces time it takes to run ''. Note that '' requires
# environment produced by '' (for things like glide and go itself).
# When the recipe runs with outdated deps bundle, '' call above falls
# back to fetching dependencies from git directly. When the bundle is
# up-to-date, ' bundle' finishes right away not doing anything.
if (buildername == GO_DEPS_BUNDLING_BUILDER and
not api.runtime.is_experimental):
'bundle go deps',
api.path['checkout'].join('go', ''),
'python', # knows how to expand 'python' into sys.executable
api.path['checkout'].join('go', ''),
'infra go tests',
api.path['checkout'].join('go', ''),
['python', api.path['checkout'].join('go', '')])
for plat in CIPD_PACKAGE_BUILDERS.get(buildername, []):
if plat == 'native':
goos, goarch = None, None
goos, goarch = plat.split('-', 1)
with api.infra_cipd.context(api.path['checkout'], goos, goarch):
if 'packager' in buildername:
if api.runtime.is_experimental:
api.step('no CIPD package upload in experimental mode', cmd=None)
api.infra_cipd.upload(api.infra_cipd.tags(repo_url, rev))
def GenTests(api):
def test(name, builder, repo, project, bucket, plat, is_experimental=False):
return (
api.test(name) +
api.platform(plat, 64) +
api.runtime(is_luci=True, is_experimental=is_experimental) +'generic', buildnumber=123) +
api.buildbucket.ci_build(project, bucket, builder, git_repo=repo)
yield test('public-ci-linux', 'infra-continuous-trusty-64',
PUBLIC_REPO, 'infra', 'ci', 'linux')
yield test('public-ci-win', 'infra-continuous-win-32',
PUBLIC_REPO, 'infra', 'ci', 'win')
yield test('internal-ci-linux', 'infra-internal-continuous-trusty-64',
INTERNAL_REPO, 'infra-internal', 'ci', 'linux')
yield test('internal-ci-mac', 'infra-internal-continuous-mac-64',
INTERNAL_REPO, 'infra-internal', 'ci', 'mac')
yield test('public-packager-mac', 'infra-packager-mac-64',
PUBLIC_REPO, 'infra-internal', 'prod', 'mac')
yield test('public-packager-mac_experimental', 'infra-packager-mac-64',
PUBLIC_REPO, 'infra-internal', 'prod', 'mac',
yield test('internal-packager-linux', 'infra-internal-packager-linux-64',
INTERNAL_REPO, 'infra-internal', 'prod', 'linux')