blob: a9e7b7c536e786cefefa20b70291000871fcce3f [file] [log] [blame]
package common
import (
const gitCommitPositionFooterName = "Cr-Commit-Position"
const svnCommitPositionFooterName = "git-svn-id"
var footerFormat = regexp.MustCompile(`(?m)^([a-zA-Z0-9-_]+)\s*:\s*(.*)$`)
var gitCommitPositionFormat = regexp.MustCompile(`(?P<name>.*)@{#(?P<number>\d+)}`)
var svnCommitPositionFormat = regexp.MustCompile(`(?P<name>.*)@(?P<number>\d+)`)
// ErrNoPositionFooter is returned when no matching position footer is found in
// commit.
var ErrNoPositionFooter = errors.New("No position footer found")
// ErrInvalidPositionFooter is returned when there is matching position footer
// key, but its value doesn't match expected format.
var ErrInvalidPositionFooter = errors.New("Invalid position footer format")
// GitCommit holds information about single Git commit.
type GitCommit struct {
Repository GitRepository
Hash string
CommitMessage string
footers map[string][]string
// CommitPosition is extracted from Git commit message and it uniquely
// identifies a commit.
type CommitPosition struct {
// Name is either ref name for commits created after SVN-Git
// transition, or SVN URL/branch name for commits before Git.
Name string
// Sequential number.
Number int
// ID uniquely identifies commit.
func (c *GitCommit) ID() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s-%s", c.Repository.Host, c.Repository.Name, c.Hash)
// GetFooters parses git commit message and extracts desired footers. A footer
// must contain key and value separated by a colon.
func (c *GitCommit) GetFooters(name string) []string {
if c.footers != nil {
return c.footers[name]
c.footers = make(map[string][]string)
results := footerFormat.FindAllStringSubmatch(c.CommitMessage, -1)
for _, result := range results {
if v, ok := c.footers[result[1]]; ok {
c.footers[result[1]] = append(v, result[2])
} else {
c.footers[result[1]] = []string{result[2]}
return c.footers[name]
// GetPositionNumber looks for Cr-Commit-Position or git-svn-id in commit
// message and returns number in that line. If there are multiple matching
// lines, the last instance is returned.
func (c *GitCommit) GetPositionNumber() (*CommitPosition, error) {
// extractPosition is helper function that returns the last matching
// line of re, or error if there is not match.
extractPosition := func(footerName string, re *regexp.Regexp) (
*CommitPosition, error) {
footers := c.GetFooters(footerName)
if len(footers) == 0 {
return nil, ErrNoPositionFooter
lastFooter := footers[len(footers)-1]
match := re.FindStringSubmatch(lastFooter)
if len(match) == 0 {
return nil, ErrInvalidPositionFooter
cp := CommitPosition{}
// Extract named parameters from regex, search for name and
// number.
for i, name := range re.SubexpNames() {
switch name {
case "name":
cp.Name = match[i]
case "number":
positionNumber, err := strconv.Atoi(match[2])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
cp.Number = positionNumber
return &cp, nil
pos, err := extractPosition(
gitCommitPositionFooterName, gitCommitPositionFormat)
if err == ErrNoPositionFooter {
// Git position was not found, try SVN.
pos, err = extractPosition(
svnCommitPositionFooterName, svnCommitPositionFormat)
return pos, err