blob: 0e7dc1cb9117806cfda0dc2c0551bf200d761f97 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package main
import (
cipd ""
// defaultExcludePrefixes excludes parts of that are not necessary
// when uploading Xcode contents. Specifically, it excludes unused platforms like
// AppleTVOS and WatchOS, documentation. It also excludes iOS simulator runtime
// which will be packaged separately.
var defaultExcludePrefixes = []string{
// iosPrefixes excludes parts of not required for building
// Chrome on Mac OS, but is useful for iOS.
var iosPrefixes = []string{
// Packages is the set of CIPD package definitions. The key is a convenience
// package name for direct reference.
type Packages map[string]cipd.PackageDef
// PackageSpec bundles the package name with a path to its YAML definition file.
type PackageSpec struct {
Name string
YamlPath string
func isUnderPrefix(path string, prefixes []string) bool {
for _, prefix := range prefixes {
p := filepath.Join(strings.Split(prefix, "/")...)
if strings.HasPrefix(path, p) {
return true
return false
// MakePackageArgs are the parameters for makePackage() to keep them manageable.
type MakePackageArgs struct {
cipdPackageName string
cipdPackagePrefix string
rootPath string
includePrefixes []string
excludePrefixes []string
// Makes a CIPD PackageDef using |MakePackageArgs|. Only files in |rootPath|,
// and meanwhile under any of |includePrefixes| relative path prefixes (if
// provided), and not under any of |excludePrefixes| will be included. All paths
// in |rootPath| are first filtered by |includePrefixes| (if provided), then
// tested to ensure it's not in |excludePrefixes|, to be included in the
// package.
func makePackage(args MakePackageArgs) (packageDef cipd.PackageDef, err error) {
absRootPath, err := filepath.Abs(args.rootPath)
if err != nil {
err = errors.Annotate(err, "failed to create an absolute root path from %s", args.rootPath).Err()
packageDef = cipd.PackageDef{
Root: absRootPath,
InstallMode: "copy",
PreserveModTime: true,
PreserveWritable: true,
Package: args.cipdPackagePrefix + "/" + args.cipdPackageName,
Data: []cipd.PackageChunkDef{
{VersionFile: ".xcode_versions/" + args.cipdPackageName + ".cipd_version"},
err = filepath.Walk(absRootPath, func(path string, info os.FileInfo, err error) error {
if err != nil {
return err
if !info.Mode().IsDir() {
if !strings.HasPrefix(path, absRootPath+string(os.PathSeparator)) {
return errors.Reason("file is not in the source folder: %s", path).Err()
relPath := path[len(absRootPath)+1:]
if len(args.includePrefixes) > 0 && !isUnderPrefix(relPath, args.includePrefixes) {
return nil
if len(args.excludePrefixes) > 0 && isUnderPrefix(relPath, args.excludePrefixes) {
return nil
packageDef.Data = append(packageDef.Data, cipd.PackageChunkDef{File: relPath})
return nil
return packageDef, err
// Makes Xcode's CIPD package definitions, including "mac" and "ios" package
// types.
func makeXcodePackages(xcodeAppPath string, cipdPackagePrefix string) (p Packages, err error) {
absXcodeAppPath, err := filepath.Abs(xcodeAppPath)
if err != nil {
err = errors.Annotate(err, "failed to create an absolute path from %s", xcodeAppPath).Err()
// Mac package exclude prefixes include prefixes in |defaultExcludePrefixes|
// and |iosPrefixes|. Use |make|, |copy| and |append| functions to ensure
// slices won't be accidentally changed.
excludePrefixesForMacPackage := make([]string, len(defaultExcludePrefixes))
copy(excludePrefixesForMacPackage, defaultExcludePrefixes)
excludePrefixesForMacPackage = append(excludePrefixesForMacPackage, iosPrefixes...)
macMakePackageArgs := MakePackageArgs{
cipdPackageName: MacPackageName,
cipdPackagePrefix: cipdPackagePrefix,
rootPath: absXcodeAppPath,
includePrefixes: []string{},
excludePrefixes: excludePrefixesForMacPackage,
mac, err := makePackage(macMakePackageArgs)
if err != nil {
err = errors.Annotate(err, "failed to create mac cipd pakcage").Err()
iosMakePackageArgs := MakePackageArgs{
cipdPackageName: IosPackageName,
cipdPackagePrefix: cipdPackagePrefix,
rootPath: absXcodeAppPath,
includePrefixes: iosPrefixes,
excludePrefixes: defaultExcludePrefixes,
ios, err := makePackage(iosMakePackageArgs)
if err != nil {
err = errors.Annotate(err, "failed to create ios cipd pakcage").Err()
p = Packages{"mac": mac, "ios": ios}
// buildCipdPackages builds and optionally uploads CIPD packages to the
// server. `buildFn` callback takes a PackageSpec for each package in `packages`
// and is expected to call `cipd pkg-build` or `cipd create` on it.
func buildCipdPackages(packages Packages, buildFn func(PackageSpec) error) error {
tmpDir, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "mac_toolchain_")
if err != nil {
return errors.Annotate(err, "cannot create a temporary folder for CIPD package configuration files in %s", os.TempDir()).Err()
defer os.RemoveAll(tmpDir)
// Iterate deterministically (for testability).
names := make([]string, 0, len(packages))
for name := range packages {
names = append(names, name)
for _, name := range names {
p := packages[name]
yamlBytes, err := yaml.Marshal(p)
if err != nil {
return errors.Annotate(err, "failed to serialize %s.yaml", name).Err()
yamlPath := filepath.Join(tmpDir, name+".yaml")
if err = ioutil.WriteFile(yamlPath, yamlBytes, 0600); err != nil {
return errors.Annotate(err, "failed to write package definition file %s", yamlPath).Err()
if err = buildFn(PackageSpec{Name: p.Package, YamlPath: yamlPath}); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func createBuilder(ctx context.Context, tags []string, refs []string, serviceAccountJSON, outputDir string) func(PackageSpec) error {
builder := func(p PackageSpec) error {
args := []string{}
if outputDir != "" {
pkgParts := strings.Split(p.Name, "/")
fileName := pkgParts[len(pkgParts)-1] + ".cipd"
args = append(args, "pkg-build",
"-out", filepath.Join(outputDir, fileName),
// Ensure outputDir exists. MkdirAll returns nil if path already exists.
if err := os.MkdirAll(outputDir, 0777); err != nil {
return errors.Annotate(err, "failed to create output directory %s", outputDir).Err()
} else {
args = append(args,
"create", "-verification-timeout", "60m",
for _, tag := range tags {
args = append(args, "-tag", tag)
for _, ref := range refs {
args = append(args, "-ref", strings.ToLower(ref))
args = append(args, "-pkg-def", p.YamlPath)
if serviceAccountJSON != "" {
args = append(args, "-service-account-json", serviceAccountJSON)
logging.Infof(ctx, "Creating a CIPD package %s", p.Name)
logging.Debugf(ctx, "Running cipd %s", strings.Join(args, " "))
if err := RunCommand(ctx, "cipd", args...); err != nil {
return errors.Annotate(err, "creating a CIPD package failed.").Err()
return nil
return builder
func packageXcode(ctx context.Context, xcodeAppPath string, cipdPackagePrefix, serviceAccountJSON, outputDir string) error {
xcodeVersion, buildVersion, err := getXcodeVersion(filepath.Join(xcodeAppPath, "Contents", "version.plist"))
if err != nil {
return errors.Annotate(err, "this doesn't look like a valid folder: %s", xcodeAppPath).Err()
packages, err := makeXcodePackages(xcodeAppPath, cipdPackagePrefix)
if err != nil {
return err
tags := []string{
"xcode_version:" + xcodeVersion,
"build_version:" + buildVersion,
refs := []string{
strings.ToLower(buildVersion), // Refs must match [a-z0-9_-]*
buildFn := createBuilder(ctx, tags, refs, serviceAccountJSON, outputDir)
if err = buildCipdPackages(packages, buildFn); err != nil {
return err
fmt.Printf("\nCIPD packages:\n")
for _, p := range packages {
fmt.Printf(" %s %s\n", p.Package, strings.ToLower(buildVersion))
return nil
// PackageRuntimeAndXcodeArgs are the parameters for packageRuntimeAndXcode() to
// keep them manageable.
type PackageRuntimeAndXcodeArgs struct {
xcodeAppPath string
cipdPackagePrefix string
serviceAccountJSON string
outputDir string
// Packages runtime & rest of Xcode.
func packageRuntimeAndXcode(ctx context.Context, args PackageRuntimeAndXcodeArgs) error {
runtimePath := filepath.Join(args.xcodeAppPath, XcodeIOSSimulatorRuntimeRelPath, XcodeIOSSimulatorRuntimeFilename)
packageRuntimeArgs := PackageRuntimeArgs{
xcodeAppPath: args.xcodeAppPath,
runtimePath: runtimePath,
cipdPackagePrefix: args.cipdPackagePrefix,
serviceAccountJSON: args.serviceAccountJSON,
outputDir: args.outputDir,
if err := packageRuntime(ctx, packageRuntimeArgs); err != nil {
return errors.Annotate(err, "Error when packaging runtime.").Err()
if err := packageXcode(ctx, args.xcodeAppPath, args.cipdPackagePrefix, args.serviceAccountJSON, args.outputDir); err != nil {
return errors.Annotate(err, "Error when packaging rest of Xcode.").Err()
return nil
// PackageRuntimeArgs are the parameters for packageRuntime() to keep them
// manageable.
type PackageRuntimeArgs struct {
xcodeAppPath string
runtimePath string
cipdPackagePrefix string
serviceAccountJSON string
outputDir string
// Packages the iOS runtime named |runtimeFileName|(e.g. iOS.simruntime) under
// |runtimeDir|. |xcodeAppPath| is required when packaging a runtime that comes
// within Xcode package to properly set CIPD refs & tags.
func packageRuntime(ctx context.Context, args PackageRuntimeArgs) error {
runtimeDir := filepath.Dir(args.runtimePath)
runtimeFileName := args.runtimePath[strings.LastIndex(args.runtimePath, string(os.PathSeparator))+1:]
xcodeBuildVersion := ""
if args.xcodeAppPath != "" {
var err error
_, xcodeBuildVersion, err = getXcodeVersion(filepath.Join(args.xcodeAppPath, "Contents", "version.plist"))
if err != nil {
return errors.Annotate(err, "this doesn't look like a valid folder: %s", args.xcodeAppPath).Err()
runtimeMakePackageArgs := MakePackageArgs{
cipdPackageName: IosRuntimePackageName,
cipdPackagePrefix: args.cipdPackagePrefix,
rootPath: runtimeDir,
includePrefixes: []string{runtimeFileName},
excludePrefixes: []string{},
pkg, err := makePackage(runtimeMakePackageArgs)
if err != nil {
return errors.Annotate(err, "failed to create cipd package definition for %s/%s", runtimeDir, runtimeFileName).Err()
runtimeName, runtimeID, err := getSimulatorVersion(filepath.Join(runtimeDir, runtimeFileName, "Contents", "Info.plist"))
if err != nil {
return errors.Annotate(err, "failed to get simulator info from %s/%s/Contents/Info.plist", runtimeDir, runtimeFileName).Err()
tags := []string{
"ios_runtime_version:" + runtimeName,
refs := []string{
runtimeID + "_latest",
// Sets CIPD refs & tags according to whether the runtime is a default one
// within Xcode package.
if xcodeBuildVersion == "" {
tags = append(tags,
refs = append(refs,
} else {
xcodeBuildVersion = strings.ToLower(xcodeBuildVersion)
tags = append(tags,
refs = append(refs,
buildFn := createBuilder(ctx, tags, refs, args.serviceAccountJSON, args.outputDir)
if err = buildCipdPackages(Packages{runtimeID: pkg}, buildFn); err != nil {
return err
fmt.Printf("\nCIPD package for simulator runtime:\n")
fmt.Printf(" %s %s %s\n", pkg.Package, runtimeID, xcodeBuildVersion)
return nil