blob: 73a92fb6724f13ff8c4192396029605bb7e08f4f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package tasks
import (
skycmdlib "infra/cmd/skylab/internal/cmd/cmdlib"
// Verify subcommand: Verify hosts.
var Verify = &subcommands.Command{
UsageLine: "verify [HOST...]",
ShortDesc: "create verify tasks",
LongDesc: `Create verify tasks.
This command does not wait for the tasks to start running.`,
CommandRun: func() subcommands.CommandRun {
c := &verifyRun{}
c.authFlags.Register(&c.Flags, site.DefaultAuthOptions)
c.Flags.IntVar(&c.expirationMins, "expiration-mins", 10, "The expiration minutes of the request.")
return c
type verifyRun struct {
authFlags authcli.Flags
envFlags skycmdlib.EnvFlags
expirationMins int
func (c *verifyRun) Run(a subcommands.Application, args []string, env subcommands.Env) int {
if err := c.innerRun(a, args, env); err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(a.GetErr(), "%s: %s\n", a.GetName(), err)
return 1
return 0
func (c *verifyRun) innerRun(a subcommands.Application, args []string, env subcommands.Env) error {
hosts := args
if len(args) == 0 {
hosts = []string{"host1", "host2", "..."}
return cmdlib.NewUsageError(
"skylab verify has been removed! Please use:\n\nshivas repair-duts -verify "+strings.Join(hosts, " ")+"\n",