blob: 8a32b1f259b4c627593b12e4a44aebb0b36dcf6e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package querygs
import (
// maxLookbehind is the number of milestones to look behind in order to find a path to the
// firmware bundle
const maxLookbehind = 40
const maxLookahead = 5
// FindFirmwarePathResult is the result of a search in Google Storage.
type FindFirmwarePathResult struct {
Image string
FullPath gs.Path
// milestonesInOrder returns the milestones to be checked for the presence of a firmware bundle
// in order of priority.
// The current milestone isconsidered first, then milestones in increasing order, then
// milestones in decreasing order.
func milestonesInOrder(milestone int) []int {
out := []int{milestone}
for i := milestone + 1; i <= milestone+maxLookahead; i++ {
out = append(out, i)
for i := milestone - 1; i > 0 && i >= milestone-maxLookbehind; i-- {
out = append(out, i)
return out
// FindFirmwarePath finds the latest milestone associated with a given firmware image.
func (r *Reader) FindFirmwarePath(board string, milestone int, tip int, branch int, branchBranch string) (*FindFirmwarePathResult, error) {
var candidates []gs.Path
var images []string
milestones := milestonesInOrder(milestone)
for _, m := range milestones {
for _, releaseKind := range []string{"release", "firmware"} {
candidates = append(candidates, gs.Path(fmt.Sprintf("gs://chromeos-image-archive/%s-%s/R%d-%d.%d.%s/firmware_from_source.tar.bz2", board, releaseKind, m, tip, branch, branchBranch)))
images = append(images, fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s/R%d-%d.%d.%s", board, releaseKind, m, tip, branch, branchBranch))
successfulCandidates := make([]gs.Path, len(candidates))
var waitGroup sync.WaitGroup
for i, candidate := range candidates {
go func(i int, candidate gs.Path) {
if err := r.RemoteFileExists(candidate); err == nil {
successfulCandidates[i] = candidate
}(i, candidate)
for i, candidate := range successfulCandidates {
if candidate != "" {
return &FindFirmwarePathResult{images[i], candidate}, nil
firstCand := ""
if len(candidates) != 0 {
firstCand = string(candidates[0])
return nil, fmt.Errorf("no gspaths found starting with %q", firstCand)