blob: f67564bbe5f66cd86fa77de9948ba58ec3627747 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Package bb implements a BuildBucket.Client using calls to BuildBucket.
package bb
import (
pb ""
// Client defines an interface used to interact with Buildbucket.
type Client interface {
GetTargetBuilds(context.Context, []int64) ([]*pb.Build, error)
type resultFlowBBClient struct {
client pb.BuildsClient
requestFields []string
br *pb.BatchResponse
// NewClient creates a new Client to interact with BuildBucket.
func NewClient(ctx context.Context, conf *result_flow.BuildbucketConfig, fields []string, h *http.Client) (Client, error) {
b := pb.NewBuildsPRPCClient(&prpc.Client{
C: h,
Host: conf.Host,
return &resultFlowBBClient{
client: b,
requestFields: fields,
}, nil
// GetTargetBuilds gets the pb.Build object from BuildBucket API via a batch request.
func (c *resultFlowBBClient) GetTargetBuilds(ctx context.Context, bIDs []int64) ([]*pb.Build, error) {
if len(bIDs) == 0 {
return nil, nil
// Retry the batch buildbucket call upon errors.
err := retry.Retry(
func() error {
var berr error, berr = c.client.Batch(ctx, batchRequest(c.requestFields, bIDs))
if berr != nil {
// All requests in the batch failed. Assume they are all transient errors.
return transient.Tag.Apply(berr)
return nil
func(err error, d time.Duration) {
"Transient error calling Buildbucket: %v. Retrying... with delay %s",
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var builds []*pb.Build
for _, r := range {
if _, ok := r.Response.(*pb.BatchResponse_Response_Error); ok {
logging.Errorf(ctx, "failed to read a single build, err: %v", r)
res := r.Response.(*pb.BatchResponse_Response_GetBuild)
builds = append(builds, res.GetBuild)
return builds, nil
func batchRequest(f []string, bIDs []int64) *pb.BatchRequest {
var r []*pb.BatchRequest_Request
for _, bID := range bIDs {
r = append(r, &pb.BatchRequest_Request{
Request: &pb.BatchRequest_Request_GetBuild{
GetBuild: &pb.GetBuildRequest{
Id: bID,
Fields: &field_mask.FieldMask{Paths: f},
return &pb.BatchRequest{Requests: r}