blob: 58c6d01c286b15971517eb56254c088366fe6c2f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Package repo contains functions for interacting with manifests and the
// repo tool.
package repo
import (
var (
// Name of the root XML file to seek in manifest-internal.
rootXML = "default.xml"
// Manifest is a top-level Repo definition file.
type Manifest struct {
XMLName xml.Name `xml:"manifest"`
Includes []Include `xml:"include"`
Remotes []Remote `xml:"remote"`
Default Default `xml:"default"`
Notice string `xml:"notice,omitempty"`
RepoHooks []RepoHooks `xml:"repo-hooks"`
Projects []Project `xml:"project"`
// Project is an element of a manifest containing a Gerrit project to source path definition.
type Project struct {
Path string `xml:"path,attr,omitempty"`
Name string `xml:"name,attr,omitempty"`
Revision string `xml:"revision,attr,omitempty"`
Upstream string `xml:"upstream,attr,omitempty"`
RemoteName string `xml:"remote,attr,omitempty"`
Annotations []Annotation `xml:"annotation"`
Groups string `xml:"groups,attr,omitempty"`
SyncC string `xml:"sync-c,attr,omitempty"`
CopyFiles []CopyFile `xml:"copyfile"`
// Annotation is an element of a manifest annotating the parent element.
type Annotation struct {
Name string `xml:"name,attr,omitempty"`
Value string `xml:"value,attr,omitempty"`
// Include is a manifest element that imports another manifest file.
type Include struct {
Name string `xml:"name,attr,omitempty"`
// Remote is a manifest element that lists a remote.
type Remote struct {
Fetch string `xml:"fetch,attr,omitempty"`
Name string `xml:"name,attr,omitempty"`
Revision string `xml:"revision,attr,omitempty"`
Alias string `xml:"alias,attr,omitempty"`
Annotations []Annotation `xml:"annotation"`
// Default is a manifest element that lists the default.
type Default struct {
RemoteName string `xml:"remote,attr,omitempty"`
Revision string `xml:"revision,attr,omitempty"`
SyncJ string `xml:"sync-j,attr,omitempty"`
// CopyFile is a manifest element that lists a copy setting.
type CopyFile struct {
Dest string `xml:"dest,attr,omitempty"`
Src string `xml:"src,attr,omitempty"`
// RepoHooks is a manifest element containing various repo hooks.
type RepoHooks struct {
EnabledList string `xml:"enabled-list,attr,omitempty"`
InProject string `xml:"in-project,attr,omitempty"`
func (e *Default) AttrMap() map[string]string {
return map[string]string{
"remote": e.RemoteName,
"revision": e.Revision,
"sync-j": e.SyncJ,
func (e *Remote) AttrMap() map[string]string {
return map[string]string{
"fetch": e.Fetch,
"name": e.Name,
"revision": e.Revision,
"alias": e.Alias,
func (e *Project) AttrMap() map[string]string {
return map[string]string{
"path": e.Path,
"name": e.Name,
"revision": e.Revision,
"upstream": e.Upstream,
"remote": e.RemoteName,
"groups": e.Groups,
"sync-c": e.SyncC,
// GitName returns the git name of the remote, which
// is Alias if it is set, and Name otherwise.
func (r *Remote) GitName() string {
if r.Alias != "" {
return r.Alias
return r.Name
// GetRemoteByName returns a pointer to the remote with
// the given name/alias in the given manifest.
func (m *Manifest) GetRemoteByName(name string) *Remote {
for i, remote := range m.Remotes {
if remote.Name == name {
return &m.Remotes[i]
return nil
// GetProjectByName returns a pointer to the remote with
// the given path in the given manifest.
func (m *Manifest) GetProjectByName(name string) (*Project, error) {
for i, project := range m.Projects {
if project.Name == name {
return &m.Projects[i], nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("project %s does not exist in manifest", name)
// GetProjectByPath returns a pointer to the remote with
// the given path in the given manifest.
func (m *Manifest) GetProjectByPath(path string) (*Project, error) {
for i, project := range m.Projects {
if project.Path == path {
return &m.Projects[i], nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("project %s does not exist in manifest", path)
type projectType string
const (
singleCheckout projectType = "single"
multiCheckout projectType = "multi"
pinned projectType = "pinned"
tot projectType = "tot"
func (m *Manifest) getProjects(ptype projectType) []*Project {
projectCount := make(map[string]int)
for _, project := range m.Projects {
projects := []*Project{}
for i, project := range m.Projects {
includeProject := false
projectMode := m.ProjectBranchMode(project)
if projectMode == Pinned {
includeProject = ptype == pinned
} else if projectMode == Tot {
includeProject = ptype == tot
} else if projectCount[project.Name] == 1 {
includeProject = ptype == singleCheckout
// Restart the if/else if block here because it is possible
// to have a project with multiple checkouts, some of which
// are pinned/tot and some of which are not.
if projectCount[project.Name] > 1 {
includeProject = includeProject || ptype == multiCheckout
if includeProject {
projects = append(projects, &m.Projects[i])
return projects
// GetSingleCheckoutProjects returns all projects in the manifest that have a
// single checkout and are not pinned/tot.
func (m *Manifest) GetSingleCheckoutProjects() []*Project {
return m.getProjects(singleCheckout)
// GetMultiCheckoutProjects returns all projects in the manifest that have a
// multiple checkouts and are not pinned/tot.
func (m *Manifest) GetMultiCheckoutProjects() []*Project {
return m.getProjects(multiCheckout)
// GetPinnedProjects returns all projects in the manifest that are
// pinned.
func (m *Manifest) GetPinnedProjects() []*Project {
return m.getProjects(pinned)
// GetTotProjects returns all projects in the manifest that are
// tot.
func (m *Manifest) GetTotProjects() []*Project {
return m.getProjects(tot)
var (
gobHost = ""
externalGobInstance = "chromium"
externalGobHost = fmt.Sprintf(gobHost, externalGobInstance)
externalGobURL = fmt.Sprintf("https://%s", externalGobHost)
internalGobInstance = "chrome-internal"
internalGobHost = fmt.Sprintf(gobHost, internalGobInstance)
internalGobURL = fmt.Sprintf("https://%s", internalGobHost)
aospGobInstance = "android"
aospGobHost = fmt.Sprintf(gobHost, aospGobInstance)
aospGobURL = fmt.Sprintf("https://%s", aospGobHost)
weaveGobInstance = "weave"
weaveGobHost = fmt.Sprintf(gobHost, weaveGobInstance)
weaveGobURL = fmt.Sprintf("https://%s", weaveGobHost)
externalRemote = "cros"
internalRemote = "cros-internal"
crosRemotes = map[string]string{
externalRemote: externalGobURL,
internalRemote: internalGobURL,
"aosp": aospGobURL,
"weave": weaveGobURL,
// Mapping 'remote name' -> regexp that matches names of repositories on
// that remote that can be branched when creating CrOS branch.
// Branching script will actually create a new git ref when branching
// these projects. It won't attempt to create a git ref for other projects
// that may be mentioned in a manifest. If a remote is missing from this
// dictionary, all projects on that remote are considered to not be
// branchable.
branchableProjects = map[string]*regexp.Regexp{
externalRemote: regexp.MustCompile("(chromiumos|aosp)/(.+)"),
internalRemote: regexp.MustCompile("chromeos/(.+)"),
manifestAttrBranchingCreate = "create"
manifestAttrBranchingPin = "pin"
manifestAttrBranchingToT = "tot"
// BranchMode is a particular branching mode (Pinned, ToT, Create).
type BranchMode string
const (
// UnspecifiedMode is an unspecified branch mode.
UnspecifiedMode BranchMode = "unspecified"
// Pinned branch mode.
Pinned BranchMode = "pinned"
// Tot branch mode.
Tot BranchMode = "tot"
// Create branch mode.
Create BranchMode = "create"
// ProjectBranchMode returns the branch mode (create, pinned, tot) of a project.
func (m *Manifest) ProjectBranchMode(project Project) BranchMode {
// Anotation is set.
explicitMode, _ := project.GetAnnotation("branch-mode")
if explicitMode != "" {
switch explicitMode {
case manifestAttrBranchingCreate:
return Create
case manifestAttrBranchingPin:
return Pinned
case manifestAttrBranchingToT:
return Tot
return UnspecifiedMode
// Othwerise, peek at remote.
remote := m.GetRemoteByName(project.RemoteName)
if remote == nil {
return UnspecifiedMode
remoteName := remote.GitName()
_, inCrosRemote := crosRemotes[remoteName]
projectRegexp, inBranchableProjects := branchableProjects[remoteName]
if inCrosRemote && inBranchableProjects && projectRegexp.MatchString(project.Name) {
return Create
return Pinned
// GetAnnotation returns the value of the annotation with the
// given name, if it exists. It also returns a bool indicating
// whether or not the annotation exists.
func (p *Project) GetAnnotation(name string) (string, bool) {
for _, annotation := range p.Annotations {
if annotation.Name == name {
return annotation.Value, true
return "", false
// GetAnnotation returns the value of the annotation with the
// given name, if it exists. It also returns a bool indicating
// whether or not the annotation exists.
func (r *Remote) GetAnnotation(name string) (string, bool) {
for _, annotation := range r.Annotations {
if annotation.Name == name {
return annotation.Value, true
return "", false
// ResolveImplicitLinks explicitly sets remote/revision information
// for each project in the manifest.
func (m *Manifest) ResolveImplicitLinks() {
for i, project := range m.Projects {
// Set default remote on projects without an explicit remote
if project.RemoteName == "" {
project.RemoteName = m.Default.RemoteName
// Set default revision on projects without an explicit revision
if project.Revision == "" {
remote := m.GetRemoteByName(project.RemoteName)
if remote == nil || remote.Revision == "" {
project.Revision = m.Default.Revision
} else {
project.Revision = remote.Revision
// Path defaults to name.
if project.Path == "" {
project.Path = project.Name
m.Projects[i] = project
// GetUniqueProject returns the unique project with the given name
// (nil if the project DNE). It returns an error if multiple projects with the
// given name exist.
func (m *Manifest) GetUniqueProject(name string) (Project, error) {
var project Project
matchingProjects := 0
for _, p := range m.Projects {
if p.Name == name {
if matchingProjects > 1 {
return Project{}, fmt.Errorf("multiple projects named %s", name)
project = p
if matchingProjects == 0 {
return Project{}, fmt.Errorf("no project named %s", name)
return project, nil
// ParseManifest parses a manifest from the given byte array.
func ParseManifest(contents []byte) (*Manifest, error) {
manifest := &Manifest{}
if err := xml.Unmarshal(contents, manifest); err != nil {
return nil, errors.Annotate(err, "failed to unmarshal data").Err()
return manifest, nil
// ToBytes marshals the manifest into a raw byte array.
func (m *Manifest) ToBytes() ([]byte, error) {
data, err := xml.MarshalIndent(m, "", " ")
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Annotate(err, "failed to write manifest").Err()
return data, nil
// Write writes the manifest to the given path.
func (m *Manifest) Write(path string) error {
data, err := m.ToBytes()
if err != nil {
return err
err = ioutil.WriteFile(path, []byte(xml.Header+string(data)), 0644)
if err != nil {
return errors.Annotate(err, "failed to write manifest").Err()
return nil
func projectInArr(project Project, projects []Project) bool {
for _, proj := range projects {
// Path is a unniue identifier for projects.
if project.Path == proj.Path {
return true
return false
func remoteInArr(remote Remote, remotes []Remote) bool {
for _, rem := range remotes {
if remote.Name == rem.Name {
return true
return false
// MergeManifests will merge the given manifests based on includes, taking
// manifests[path] to be the top-level manifest.
// manifests maps manifest filenames to the Manifest structs themselves.
// This basically re-implements `repo manifest` but is necessary because we can't run
// `repo manifest` on a singular git repository.
func MergeManifests(root string, manifests *map[string]*Manifest) (*Manifest, error) {
baseManifest, ok := (*manifests)[root]
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("manifest %s does not exist", root)
// Merge each included manifest. Then merge into baseManifest.
for _, includedManifest := range baseManifest.Includes {
mergedManifest, err := MergeManifests(includedManifest.Name, manifests)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Merge projects.
for _, project := range mergedManifest.Projects {
if !projectInArr(project, baseManifest.Projects) {
baseManifest.Projects = append(baseManifest.Projects, project)
// Merge remotes.
for _, remote := range mergedManifest.Remotes {
if !remoteInArr(remote, baseManifest.Remotes) {
baseManifest.Remotes = append(baseManifest.Remotes, remote)
// Keep the base manifest's default.
// Clear includes.
baseManifest.Includes = []Include{}
return baseManifest, nil