blob: 8d5ec6577027df0d394057e6d50408bbeb355951 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Package servod provides functions to manage connection and communication with servod daemon on servo-host.
package servod
import (
xmlrpc_value ""
const (
// Waiting 60 seconds when starting servod daemon.
startServodTimeout = 60
// Waiting 3 seconds when stopping servod daemon.
stopServodTimeout = 3
// status of servod daemon on servo-host.
type status string
const (
servodUndefined status = "UNDEFINED"
servodRunning status = "RUNNING"
servodStopping status = "STOPPING"
servodNotRunning status = "NOT_RUNNING"
// servod holds information to manage servod daemon.
type servod struct {
// Servo-host hostname or IP address where servod daemon will be running.
host string
// Port allocated for running servod.
port int32
// Function to receive parameters to start servod.
getParams func() ([]string, error)
// Proxy offers forward tunnel connections via SSH to the servod instance on Servo-Host.
// Labs are restricted to SSH connection and port 22.
proxy *proxy
// Prepare prepares servod before call it to run commands.
// If servod is running: do nothing.
// If servod is not running: start servod.
func (s *servod) Prepare(ctx context.Context, pool *sshpool.Pool) error {
status, err := s.getStatus(ctx, pool)
if err != nil {
return errors.Annotate(err, "prepare servod").Err()
switch status {
case servodNotRunning:
err = s.start(ctx, pool)
if err != nil {
return errors.Annotate(err, "prepare servod").Err()
case servodRunning:
return nil
return errors.Reason("prepare servod %s:%d: fail to start",, s.port).Err()
// getStatus return status of servod daemon on the servo-host.
func (s *servod) getStatus(ctx context.Context, pool *sshpool.Pool) (status, error) {
r := ssh.Run(ctx, pool,, fmt.Sprintf("status servod PORT=%d", s.port))
if r.ExitCode == 0 {
if strings.Contains(strings.ToLower(r.Stdout), "start/running") {
return servodRunning, nil
} else if strings.Contains(strings.ToLower(r.Stdout), "stop/waiting") {
return servodStopping, nil
} else if strings.Contains(strings.ToLower(r.Stderr), "unknown instance") {
return servodNotRunning, nil
log.Debug(ctx, "Status check: %s", r.Stderr)
return servodUndefined, errors.Reason("servo status %q: fail to check status",
// start starts servod daemon on servo-host.
func (s *servod) start(ctx context.Context, pool *sshpool.Pool) error {
params, err := s.getParams()
if err != nil {
return errors.Annotate(err, "start servod").Err()
cmd := strings.Join(append([]string{"start", "servod"}, params...), " ")
r := ssh.Run(ctx, pool,, cmd)
if r.ExitCode != 0 {
return errors.Reason("start servod: %s", r.Stderr).Err()
// Waiting to start servod.
// TODO(otabek@): Replace to use servod tool to wait servod start.
log.Debug(ctx, "Start servod: waiting %d seconds to initialize daemon.", startServodTimeout)
time.Sleep(startServodTimeout * time.Second)
return nil
// Stop stops servod daemon on servo-host.
func (s *servod) Stop(ctx context.Context, pool *sshpool.Pool) error {
r := ssh.Run(ctx, pool,, fmt.Sprintf("stop servod PORT=%d", s.port))
if r.ExitCode != 0 {
log.Debug(ctx, "stop servod: %s", r.Stderr)
return errors.Reason("stop servod: %s", r.Stderr).Err()
} else {
// Wait to teardown the servod.
log.Debug(ctx, "Stop servod: waiting %d seconds to fully teardown the daemon.", stopServodTimeout)
time.Sleep(stopServodTimeout * time.Second)
return nil
// Call performs execution commands by servod daemon by XMLRPC connection.
func (s *servod) Call(ctx context.Context, pool *sshpool.Pool, req *tlw.CallServodRequest) (r *tlw.CallServodResponse, err error) {
if s.proxy == nil {
p, err := newProxy(pool,, s.port)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Annotate(err, "call servod").Err()
s.proxy = p
newAddr := s.proxy.LocalAddr()
host, portString, err := net.SplitHostPort(newAddr)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Annotate(err, "call servod %q", newAddr).Err()
port, err := strconv.Atoi(portString)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Annotate(err, "call servod %q", newAddr).Err()
c := xmlrpc.New(host, port)
var args []interface{}
for _, ra := range req.Args {
args = append(args, ra)
method := string(req.Method)
call := xmlrpc.NewCall(method, args...)
val := &xmlrpc_value.Value{}
err = c.Run(ctx, call, val)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Annotate(err, "call servod %q: %s", newAddr, method).Err()
return &tlw.CallServodResponse{
Value: val,
Fault: false,
}, nil
// Close closes using resource.
func (s *servod) Close() error {
if s.proxy != nil {
if err := s.proxy.Close(); err != nil {
return errors.Annotate(err, "close servod").Err()
return nil