blob: e7f8ef86fc74d7051d2b38b6a2acbc6a04217f2d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package cloudtail
import (
. ""
func TestLogParserChain(t *testing.T) {
Convey("StdParser coverage", t, func() {
So(StdParser(), ShouldNotBeNil)
Convey("Empty works", t, func() {
chain := LogParserChain{}
entry := chain.ParseLogLine("hi")
So(entry, ShouldNotBeNil)
So(entry.TextPayload, ShouldEqual, "hi")
Convey("Non empty works", t, func() {
parser1 := &callbackParser{
cb: func(string) *Entry { return nil },
parser2 := &callbackParser{
cb: func(line string) *Entry { return &Entry{TextPayload: line + ", yo"} },
chain := LogParserChain{parser1, parser2}
entry := chain.ParseLogLine("hi")
So(entry.TextPayload, ShouldEqual, "hi, yo")
type textTestCase struct {
line string
wantSuccess bool
wantTimestamp string
wantSeverity Severity
wantPayload string
wantLabels map[string]string
func testTextLogsParser(t *testing.T, p LogParser, cases []textTestCase) {
timeLayout := "2006-01-02T15:04:05.000000-07:00"
for i, test := range cases {
got := p.ParseLogLine(test.line)
if test.wantSuccess && got == nil {
t.Errorf("%d: ParseLogLine('%s') -> nil, want success", i, test.line)
} else if !test.wantSuccess && got != nil {
t.Errorf("%d: ParseLogLine('%s') -> %v, want failure", i, test.line, got)
} else if test.wantSuccess && got.Timestamp.Format(timeLayout) != test.wantTimestamp {
t.Errorf("%d: ParseLogLine('%s').Timestamp -> %v, want %v", i, test.line, got.Timestamp.Format(timeLayout), test.wantTimestamp)
} else if test.wantSuccess && got.Severity != test.wantSeverity {
t.Errorf("%d: ParseLogLine('%s').Severity -> %v, want %v", i, test.line, got.Severity, test.wantSeverity)
} else if test.wantSuccess && got.TextPayload != test.wantPayload {
t.Errorf("%d: ParseLogLine('%s').TextPayload -> %v, want %v", i, test.line, got.TextPayload, test.wantPayload)
} else if test.wantSuccess && !reflect.DeepEqual(got.Labels, test.wantLabels) {
t.Errorf("%d: ParseLogLine('%s').Labels -> %v, want %v", i, test.line, got.Labels, test.wantLabels)
func TestInfraLogsParser(t *testing.T) {
testTextLogsParser(t, &infraLogsParser{},
line: "not a valid log line",
wantSuccess: false,
line: "[I2015-09-22T01:02:03.000004+00:00 123 456 __main__:789] Hello world",
wantSuccess: true,
wantTimestamp: "2015-09-22T01:02:03.000004+00:00",
wantSeverity: Info,
wantPayload: "[pid:123 tid:456 __main__:789] Hello world",
line: "[C2015-09-22T01:02:03.000004-07:00 123 456] Hello world",
wantSuccess: true,
wantTimestamp: "2015-09-22T01:02:03.000004-07:00",
wantSeverity: Critical,
wantPayload: "[pid:123 tid:456] Hello world",
line: "[C2015-09-22T01:02:03.000004-07:00 123 -456] Hello world",
wantSuccess: true,
wantTimestamp: "2015-09-22T01:02:03.000004-07:00",
wantSeverity: Critical,
wantPayload: "[pid:123 tid:-456] Hello world",
line: "[I2015-10-27T06:59:24.219355 29084 140208595912448 lib.botmap:403] Checking swarming botmap updates...",
wantSuccess: true,
wantTimestamp: "2015-10-27T06:59:24.219355+00:00",
wantSeverity: Info,
wantPayload: "[pid:29084 tid:140208595912448 lib.botmap:403] Checking swarming botmap updates...",
func TestTwistedLogsParser(t *testing.T) {
testTextLogsParser(t, &twistedLogsParser{},
line: "not a valid log line",
wantSuccess: false,
line: "2015-09-27 23:40:38-0700 [-] Finished processing request with id: 97038920",
wantSuccess: true,
wantTimestamp: "2015-09-27T23:40:38.000000-07:00",
wantSeverity: Default,
wantPayload: "[-] Finished processing request with id: 97038920",
line: "2015-09-27 23:41:00+0000 [HTTP11ClientProtocol,client] GitilesPoller: No new commits.",
wantSuccess: true,
wantTimestamp: "2015-09-27T23:41:00.000000+00:00",
wantSeverity: Default,
wantPayload: "[HTTP11ClientProtocol,client] GitilesPoller: No new commits.",
line: "2015-09-27 23:41:00+1000 [HTTPChannel,44506,] Loading builder Android's build 39149 from on-disk pickle",
wantSuccess: true,
wantTimestamp: "2015-09-27T23:41:00.000000+10:00",
wantSeverity: Default,
wantPayload: "[HTTPChannel,44506,] Loading builder Android's build 39149 from on-disk pickle",
func TestPuppetLogsParser(t *testing.T) {
testTextLogsParser(t, &puppetLogsParser{},
line: "not a valid log line",
wantSuccess: false,
line: "Thu Oct 22 22:42:42 -0700 2015 Puppet (notice): Compiled catalog for in environment production in 0.30 seconds",
wantSuccess: true,
wantTimestamp: "2015-10-22T22:42:42.000000-07:00",
wantSeverity: Notice,
wantPayload: "Puppet: Compiled catalog for in environment production in 0.30 seconds",
line: "Thu Oct 22 22:44:00 +1000 2015 Puppet (warning): Ignoring invalid UTF-8 byte sequences in data to be sent to PuppetDB",
wantSuccess: true,
wantTimestamp: "2015-10-22T22:44:00.000000+10:00",
wantSeverity: Warning,
wantPayload: "Puppet: Ignoring invalid UTF-8 byte sequences in data to be sent to PuppetDB",
func TestApacheErrorLogsParser(t *testing.T) {
testTextLogsParser(t, &apacheErrorLogsParser{
localTimeZone: time.FixedZone("", -7*60*60),
}, []textTestCase{
line: "not a valid log line",
wantSuccess: false,
line: "[Thu Oct 22 23:27:26 2015] [error] [client] Certificate Verification: Error (23): certificate revoked",
wantSuccess: true,
wantTimestamp: "2015-10-22T23:27:26.000000-07:00",
wantSeverity: Error,
wantPayload: "[] Certificate Verification: Error (23): certificate revoked",
func TestGlogLogsParser(t *testing.T) {
now := time.Date(2016, 6, 12, 23, 4, 5, 6, time.FixedZone("", -7*60*60))
testTextLogsParser(t, &glogLogsParser{
now: &now,
}, []textTestCase{
line: "not a valid log line",
wantSuccess: false,
line: "I0612 22:55:35.173471 4608] Hello World",
wantSuccess: true,
wantTimestamp: "2016-06-12T22:55:35.173471-07:00",
wantSeverity: Info,
wantPayload: "[tid:4608] Hello World",
wantLabels: map[string]string{
"threadID": "4608",
"module": "",
"caller": "",
func TestLucipyLogsParser(t *testing.T) {
testTextLogsParser(t, &lucipyLogsParser{}, []textTestCase{
line: "not a valid log line",
wantSuccess: false,
line: "23176 2021-03-19 02:14:18.237 I: Hello World",
wantSuccess: true,
wantTimestamp: "2021-03-19T02:14:18.237000+00:00",
wantSeverity: Info,
wantPayload: "Hello World",
wantLabels: map[string]string{
"processID": "23176",
type callbackParser struct {
cb func(line string) *Entry
mergeCb func(line string, e *Entry) bool
func (p *callbackParser) ParseLogLine(line string) *Entry { return p.cb(line) }
func (p *callbackParser) MergeLogLine(line string, e *Entry) bool { return p.mergeCb(line, e) }