blob: 2101d37a44ab625d299adee720a1d4793d84ecdd [file] [log] [blame]
[if-any cue]
[# Do not show cue if there is an alert shown on the page.]
[# Dialog box for privacy settings.]
[is cue "privacy_click_through"]
<div id="cue" class="scrim">
<div id="privacy_dialog">
<h2>Email display settings</h2>
<p>There is a <a href="/hosting/settings" title="Settings"
class="dismiss_cue">setting</a> to control how your email
address appears on comments and issues that you post.
[if-any is_privileged_domain_user]
Since you are an integral part of this community, that setting
defaults to showing your full email address.</p>
<p>Also, you are being trusted to view email addresses of
non-members who post comments in your projects. Please use
those addresses only to request additional information about
the posted comments, and do not share other users' email
addresses beyond the site.</p>
Project members will always see your full email address. By
default, other users who visit the site will see an
abbreviated version of your email address.</p>
<p>If you do not wish your email address to be shared, there
are other ways to <a
involved</a> in the community. To report a problem when using
the Chrome browser, you may use the "Report an issue..." item
on the "Help" menu.</p>
<div class="actions">
<a href="#" title="Got it" class="dismiss_cue">GOT IT</a>
<table align="center" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" id="cue">
[# Cue cards to teach users how to join a project.]
[is cue "how_to_join_project"]
Join this project by contacting the project owners.
[# Cue card to teach users how to search for numbers in the issue tracker.]
[is cue "search_for_numbers"]
[if-any jump_local_id]
To find issues containing "[jump_local_id]", use quotes.
[# Cue card to teach users how to search for numbers in the issue tracker.]
[is cue "dit_keystrokes"]
Type <b style="font-size:130%"><tt>?</tt></b> for keyboard shortcuts.
[# Cue card to teach users that italics mean derived values in the issue tracker.]
[is cue "italics_mean_derived"]
<i>Italics</i> mean that a value was derived by a filter rule.
<a href="">Learn more</a>
[# Cue card to teach users that full-text indexing takes time.]
[is cue "stale_fulltext"]
Searching for text in issues may show results that are a few minutes out of date.
[# Cue cards to improve discoverability of people roles.]
[is cue "document_team_duties"]
[if-any read_only][else]
Document <a href="people/list">each teammate's project duties</a>.
[# Cue cards to explain grid mode.]
[is cue "showing_ids_instead_of_tiles"]
Grid mode automatically switches to displaying IDs when there are many results.
[# Link to dismiss the cue card.]
[if-any logged_in_user]
[if-any read_only][else]
<a href="#" title="Don't show this message again" style="margin-left:3em;vertical-align:middle;" class="dismiss_cue"
><img src="/static/images/close_icon.png" width="13" height="13"></a>
<script type="text/javascript" nonce="[nonce]">
runOnLoad(function() {
var dismissLinks = document.getElementsByClassName("dismiss_cue");
for (var i = 0; i < dismissLinks.length; ++i) {
var dismissCue = dismissLinks[[]i];
dismissCue.addEventListener("click", function(event) {
_CS_dismissCue("[format "js"][cue][end]");
if (dismissCue.href == "#")