blob: b956a66c7c9501e630860b9fb12da2e65c112d34 [file] [log] [blame]
# See, there is a section about this file.
#vim: ft=python:
# 'wheel' is needed by
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# expect_tests is maintained by Chrome Infra
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# Required to run/test some appengine apps locally
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# See also custom_builds/
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'build_options': ['--without-libyaml'],
# Soft requirement of expect_tests
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# When upgrading, ensure requests_cache is compatible with new version!
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'implicit': True, # Required by python_dateutil, webtest, uritemplate, google_api_core.
# Uploaded by running "./ scipy 0.18.1"
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'gs': '',
'only_on': [
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'repo': 'external/',
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'implicit': True, # Required by google_api_python_client
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# 'implicit': True, # Required by webtest
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# 'implicit': True, # Required by webtest
"Werkzeug": {
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"gs": "1b99c679ce5960c70f7bdef36ac935e36d0803d2.tar.gz",
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