blob: 8b27d9c694eeca208692aced1afb805719fd08ee [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package main
import (
tricium "infra/tricium/api/v1"
const (
category = "InclusiveLanguageCheck"
var (
termsRegexp = regexp.MustCompile(`\b((black|white)list|master|slave)\b`)
nocheckRegexp = regexp.MustCompile(`\b\s*(nocheck)$`)
pyCommentRegexp = regexp.MustCompile(`#.*$`)
cCommentRegexp = regexp.MustCompile(`//.*$`)
javaDocRegexp = regexp.MustCompile(`^\s*\*`)
gitPathRegexp = regexp.MustCompile(`(\+|/)master(/|\:)`)
replacements = map[string]string{
"blacklist": "blocklist",
"whitelist": "allowlist",
"master": "main",
"slave": "replica",
commentText = map[string]string{
"blacklist": "Nit: Please avoid 'blacklist'. Suggested replacements include 'blocklist' and 'denylist'. Reach out to if you have questions.",
"whitelist": "Nit: Please avoid 'whitelist'. Suggested replacements include 'allowlist' and 'safelist'. Reach out to if you have questions.",
"master": "Nit: Please avoid 'master'. Suggested replacements include 'main' and 'primary' and 'producer'. Reach out to if you have questions.",
"slave": "Nit: Please avoid 'slave'. Suggested replacements include 'replica' and 'secondary' and 'consumer'. Reach out to if you have questions.",
func main() {
inputDir := flag.String("input", "", "Path to root of Tricium input")
outputDir := flag.String("output", "", "Path to root of Tricium output")
if flag.NArg() != 0 {
log.Panicf("Unexpected argument.")
// Read Tricium input FILES data.
input := &tricium.Data_Files{}
if err := tricium.ReadDataType(*inputDir, input); err != nil {
log.Panicf("Failed to read FILES data: %v", err)
// Create RESULTS data.
results := &tricium.Data_Results{}
for _, file := range input.Files {
if file.IsBinary {
log.Printf("Skipping binary file %q.", file.Path)
checkInclusiveLanguage(filepath.Join(*inputDir, file.Path), file.Path, results)
// Write Tricium RESULTS data.
path, err := tricium.WriteDataType(*outputDir, results)
if err != nil {
log.Panicf("Failed to write RESULTS data: %v", err)
log.Printf("Wrote RESULTS data to %q.", path)
type match struct {
start, end int32
func findMatches(s string) (ret []match) {
if nocheckRegexp.MatchString(s) {
return ret
if javaDocRegexp.MatchString(s) {
return ret
if cCommentRegexp.MatchString(s) {
// Ignore everything after `//'.
s = cCommentRegexp.ReplaceAllLiteralString(s, "")
if pyCommentRegexp.MatchString(s) {
// Ignore everything after `#'.
s = pyCommentRegexp.ReplaceAllLiteralString(s, "")
// Ignore git branch references
if gitPathRegexp.MatchString(s) {
// Simply removing "master" from the middle of a line will remove the
// false positive, but will break any true positives that occur
// on the line after it since the reported character positions will be wrong.
// So, blank it out with whitespace instead:
s = string(gitPathRegexp.ReplaceAllFunc([]byte(s), func(b []byte) []byte {
return []byte(strings.Repeat(" ", len(string(b))))
matchIdx := termsRegexp.FindAllStringIndex(s, -1)
if matchIdx != nil {
for _, idx := range matchIdx {
startIdx := int32(idx[0])
endIdx := int32(idx[1])
ret = append(ret, match{startIdx, endIdx})
return ret
func checkInclusiveLanguage(abspath, relpath string, results *tricium.Data_Results) {
for _, m := range findMatches(relpath) {
results.Comments = append(results.Comments, inclusiveLanguageComment(relpath, relpath, 0, m.start, m.end))
file, err := os.Open(abspath)
if err != nil {
log.Panicf("Failed to open file: %v, path: %s", err, abspath)
defer func() {
if err := file.Close(); err != nil {
log.Panicf("Failed to close file: %v, path: %s", err, abspath)
lineNum := int32(1)
scanner := bufio.NewScanner(file)
for scanner.Scan() {
line := scanner.Text()
// Check for non-inclusive terms.
for _, m := range findMatches(line) {
results.Comments = append(results.Comments, inclusiveLanguageComment(relpath, line, lineNum, m.start, m.end))
func inclusiveLanguageReplacement(path string, line string, lineNum int32, startIdx int32, endIdx int32) *tricium.Data_Replacement {
term := strings.ToLower(line[startIdx:endIdx])
replacement, ok := replacements[term]
if !ok {
log.Printf("No replacement found for %q", term)
return &tricium.Data_Replacement{
Path: path,
Replacement: replacement,
StartLine: lineNum,
EndLine: lineNum,
StartChar: startIdx,
EndChar: endIdx,
func inclusiveLanguageComment(path string, line string, lineNum int32, startIdx int32, endIdx int32) *tricium.Data_Comment {
term := strings.ToLower(line[startIdx:endIdx])
msg, ok := commentText[term]
if !ok {
log.Printf("No comment text found for %q", term)
ret := &tricium.Data_Comment{
Category: fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", category, "Warning"),
Message: msg,
Path: path,
StartLine: lineNum,
EndLine: lineNum,
StartChar: startIdx,
EndChar: endIdx,
ret.Suggestions = append(ret.Suggestions, &tricium.Data_Suggestion{
Description: msg,
Replacements: []*tricium.Data_Replacement{inclusiveLanguageReplacement(path, line, lineNum, startIdx, endIdx)},
return ret