blob: 60b19e00bb978eb2c40e2f23f0d9a787399fe40e [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# Generates Python proto bindings using *.proto files located in luci-go repo.
# Assumes you are running this in infra gclient checkout.
THIS_DIR=$(shell pwd)
all: regenerate
cd $(INFRA) && gclient runhooks
echo "Run gclient sync yourself"
exit 1
LEGACY_PROTOC = $(INFRA)/cipd/legacy/bin/protoc
regenerate: $(PROTOC) $(TOOLS)/protoc-gen-prpc-python
rm -rf ./go ./validate
vpython3 ${THIS_DIR}/third_party/validate/
--proto_path $(INFRA)/go/src \
--proto_path ${THIS_DIR}/third_party \
--proto_path $(LUCI_GO)/common/proto/googleapis \
$(LUCI_GO)/buildbucket/proto/*.proto \
$(LUCI_GO)/common/bq/pb/*.proto \
$(LUCI_GO)/common/proto/gerrit/gerrit.proto \
$(LUCI_GO)/common/proto/options.proto \
$(LUCI_GO)/common/proto/structmask/structmask.proto \
$(LUCI_GO)/cv/api/bigquery/v1/*.proto \
$(LUCI_GO)/cv/api/config/v2/*.proto \
$(LUCI_GO)/cv/api/recipe/v1/*.proto \
$(LUCI_GO)/cv/api/v1/*.proto \
$(LUCI_GO)/resultdb/proto/v1/*.proto \
$(LUCI_GO)/scheduler/appengine/messages/config.proto \
$(LUCI_GO)/server/auth/delegation/messages/*.proto \
$(LUCI_GO)/tokenserver/api/*.proto \
$(LUCI_GO)/tokenserver/api/minter/v1/*.proto \
--plugin=$(TOOLS)/protoc-gen-prpc-python \
--python_out ./ \
--prpc-python_out .
--proto_path ${THIS_DIR}/third_party \
${THIS_DIR}/third_party/validate/*.proto \
--plugin=$(TOOLS)/protoc-gen-prpc-python \
--python_out ./ \
--prpc-python_out .
python3 go/
python3 validate/
@git -C $(LUCI_GO) rev-parse HEAD > luci-go.revision
@git -C $(LUCI_GO) diff --quiet || echo 'DIRTY: please clean luci-go checkout' >> luci-go.revision
@git -C $(LUCI_GO) merge-base --is-ancestor HEAD origin/main || echo "NOT-LANDED: please checkout revision from luci-go's origin/main" >> luci-go.revision
git commit ./ -m "Update Python proto bindings."