blob: 9cce13e868ea678b92139556121c05dd54c44db3 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import apache_beam as beam
from dataflow import cq_attempts as sanitize_cq_attempts
from dataflow.common import chops_beam
class ExtractBuildBucketIdFn(beam.DoFn):
def process(self, cq_attempt_with_key):
# For a CQ attempt, we create one row for each contributing BuildBucket id.
key = cq_attempt_with_key[0]
cq_attempt_dict = cq_attempt_with_key[1]
bb_ids = cq_attempt_dict.get('contributing_bbucket_ids')
if bb_ids:
for bb_id in bb_ids:
yield str(bb_id), key
class FilterJoinedBuildBucketCQAttempt(beam.DoFn):
def process(self, joined_result):
# The key is BuildBucket ID. We expect there to be exactly 1 cq_attempt, and
# up to 1 BuildBucket entry.
cq_attempt_key = joined_result[1]['cq_attempt_key']
bb_entry = joined_result[1]['bb_entries']
if len(bb_entry) != 1 or len(cq_attempt_key) != 1:
yield cq_attempt_key[0], bb_entry[0]
def update_with_presubmit_failure(input_tuple):
value = input_tuple[1]
cq_attempts = value['cq_attempts']
assert len(cq_attempts) == 1, "There must be 1 cq_attempt."
cq_attempt = cq_attempts[0]
if cq_attempt['fail_type'] == 'FAILED_JOBS':
buildbucket_results = value['bb_entries']
presubmit_failures = 0
other_failures = 0
for bb_result in buildbucket_results:
if (bb_result['status'] == 'FAILURE' and
bb_result['builder'] == 'chromium_presubmit'):
presubmit_failures += 1
elif bb_result['status'] != 'SUCCESS':
other_failures += 1
if presubmit_failures >= 1 and other_failures == 0:
cq_attempt['fail_type'] = 'FAILED_PRESUBMIT_BOT'
# Dictionaries are supposed to be returned in a single element list.
return [cq_attempt]
def process_input(cq_events_pcol, bb_entries_pcol):
"""Sets up the pipeline stages to return aggregated cq attempts pcol.
This function performs two tasks:
1) Computes CQ attempts from raw CQ events. This includes data sanitization.
2) If a CQ attempt fails only because of 'chromium_presubmit' builder, sets
the failure status to 'FAILED_PRESUBMIT_BOT'.
# Pcol of cq_attempt_as_dict
sanitized_cq_attempts = (
cq_events_pcol | sanitize_cq_attempts.ComputeAttempts())
# Create Pcol of tuples: (cq_attempt_key, cq_attempt_as_dict)
def extract_key(cq_attempt_dict):
key_parts = [
key = ':'.join([str(part) or '' for part in key_parts])
return key, cq_attempt_dict
cq_attempts_with_key = sanitized_cq_attempts | beam.Map(extract_key)
# Create Pcol of tuples: (build_bucket_id, cq_attempt_key)
cq_attempt_key_keyed_by_bb_id = cq_attempts_with_key | beam.ParDo(
# Create Pcol of tuples: (build_bucket_id, build_bucket_entry)
bb_entry_keyed_by_bb_id = bb_entries_pcol | beam.Map(
lambda e: (str(e.get('id')), e))
# Create Pcol of tuples: (cq_attempt_key, BuildBucket entry)
bb_entries_keyed_by_cq_attempt_key = ({
'bb_entries' : bb_entry_keyed_by_bb_id,
'cq_attempt_key': cq_attempt_key_keyed_by_bb_id
} | 'Join BuildBucket with cq attempts' >> beam.CoGroupByKey()
| beam.ParDo(FilterJoinedBuildBucketCQAttempt())
# Uses BuildBucket entries associated with a CQ attempt to potentially change
# the failure reason to FAILED_PRESUBMIT_BOT. Creates a Pcol of
# cq_attempt_as_dict.
results = ({
'cq_attempts' : cq_attempts_with_key,
'bb_entries' : bb_entries_keyed_by_cq_attempt_key
} | beam.CoGroupByKey()
| beam.FlatMap(update_with_presubmit_failure)
return results
def main():
p = chops_beam.EventsPipeline()
q = ('SELECT timestamp_millis, action, attempt_start_usec, cq_name, issue,'
' patchset, dry_run, failure_reason, contributing_buildbucket_ids, '
' earliest_equivalent_patchset '
'FROM `chrome-infra-events.raw_events.cq`')
cq_events_pcol = p | 'read raw CQ events' >> chops_beam.BQRead(q)
q = ('SELECT id, builder.builder, status from '
bb_entries_pcol = p | 'read BuildBucket' >> chops_beam.BQRead(q)
results = process_input(cq_events_pcol, bb_entries_pcol)
# pylint: disable=expression-not-assigned
results | chops_beam.BQWrite('chrome-infra-events', 'cq_attempts')
if __name__ == '__main__':