blob: b79a2cc0998b5e94930ddf96a38b91db02b344ef [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Classes representing the monitoring interface for tasks or devices.
import argparse
from infra_libs import ts_mon
p = argparse.ArgumentParser()
args = p.parse_args() # Must contain info for Monitor (and optionally Target)
# Will use the default Target set up via command line args:
m = ts_mon.BooleanMetric('/my/metric/name', fields={'foo': 1, 'bar': 'baz'})
# Use a custom Target:
t = ts_mon.TaskTarget('service', 'job', 'region', 'host') # or DeviceTarget
m2 = ts_mon.GaugeMetric('/my/metric/name2', fields={'asdf': 'qwer'}, target=t)
Library usage:
from infra_libs.ts_mon import CounterMetric
# No need to set up Monitor or Target, assume calling code did that.
c = CounterMetric('/my/counter', fields={'source': 'mylibrary'})
for x in range(100):
import collections
import contextlib
import datetime
import logging
import random
import threading
import time
import traceback
from google.protobuf import message
from infra_libs.ts_mon.common import errors
from infra_libs.ts_mon.common import metric_store
from infra_libs.ts_mon.protos import metrics_pb2
import six
# The maximum number of MetricsData messages to include in each HTTP request.
# MetricsCollections larger than this will be split into multiple requests.
class State(object):
"""Package-level state is stored here so that it is easily accessible.
Configuration is kept in this one object at the global level so that all
libraries in use by the same tool or service can all take advantage of the
same configuration.
def __init__(self, store_ctor=None, target=None):
"""Optional arguments are for unit tests."""
if store_ctor is None: # pragma: no branch
store_ctor = metric_store.InProcessMetricStore
# The Monitor object that will be used to send all metrics.
self.global_monitor = None
# The Target object that will be paired with all metrics that don't supply
# their own. = target
# The flush mode being used to control when metrics are pushed.
self.flush_mode = None
# A predicate to determine if metrics should be sent.
self.flush_enabled_fn = lambda: True
# The background thread that flushes metrics every
# --ts-mon-flush-interval-secs seconds. May be None if
# --ts-mon-flush != 'auto' or --ts-mon-flush-interval-secs == 0.
self.flush_thread = None
# All metrics created by this application.
self.metrics = {}
# The MetricStore object that holds the actual metric values. = store_ctor(self)
# Cached time of the last flush. Useful mostly in AppEngine apps.
self.last_flushed = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(0)
# Metric name prefix
self.metric_name_prefix = '/chrome/infra/'
# Metrics registered with register_global_metrics. Keyed by metric name.
self.global_metrics = {}
# Callbacks registered with register_global_metrics_callback. Keyed by the
# arbitrary string provided by the user. Called before each flush.
self.global_metrics_callbacks = {}
# Whether to call invoke_global_callbacks() on every flush(). Set to False
# on Appengine because it does its own thing.
self.invoke_global_callbacks_on_flush = True
# Thread-local state.
self._thread_local = threading.local()
# The target context. Keys are target types. Values are stacks of target
# fields. Metrics with target types use these to get their target fields
# rather than the dicts that are passed in when setting or incrementing.
self._thread_local.target_context = collections.defaultdict(list)
def reset_for_unittest(self):
self.metrics = {}
self.global_metrics = {}
self.global_metrics_callbacks = {}
self.invoke_global_callbacks_on_flush = True
self.last_flushed = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(0)
state = State()
def target_context(target_fields):
"""Sets and unsets a target context."""
assert isinstance(target_fields, message.Message), (
'Cannot set non-protobuf target context %r' % (target_fields,))
typ = type(target_fields)
stk = state._thread_local.target_context[typ]
yield True # dummy value, not used by the caller
def flush():
"""Send all metrics that are registered in the application.
Returns True if flush was successful.
if not state.flush_enabled_fn():
logging.debug('ts_mon: sending metrics is disabled.')
return True
if not state.global_monitor or not
raise errors.MonitoringNoConfiguredMonitorError(None)
if state.invoke_global_callbacks_on_flush:
rpcs = []
for proto in _generate_proto():
for rpc in rpcs:
if rpc is not None:
if state.global_monitor.failed():
return False
# Only update last_flushed on successful flush.
state.last_flushed = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
return True
def _populate_root_labels(root_labels, target):
"""Populate root_labels for the given target."""
for field, value in zip(target[0].DESCRIPTOR.fields, target[1:]):
if isinstance(value, bool):
root_labels.add(, bool_value=value)
elif isinstance(value, six.integer_types):
root_labels.add(, int64_value=value)
elif isinstance(value, six.string_types):
root_labels.add(, string_value=value)
raise NotImplementedError()
def _generate_proto():
"""Generate MetricsPayload for global_monitor.send()."""
proto = metrics_pb2.MetricsPayload()
# Key: Target, value: MetricsCollection.
collections = {} # pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name
# Key: (Target, metric name) tuple, value: MetricsDataSet.
data_sets = {}
count = 0
for (target, metric, start_times, end_time, fields_values
) in
for fields, value in six.iteritems(fields_values):
# In default, the start time of all data points for a single stream
# should be set with the first time of a value change in the stream,
# until metric.reset() invoked.
# e.g.,
# At 00:00.
# {value: 1,
# fields: ('metric:result': 'success', 'metric:command': 'get_name'),
# start_timestamp=0, end_timestamp=0}
# At 00:01.
# {value: 1,
# fields: ('metric:result': 'success', 'metric:command': 'get_name'),
# start_timestamp=0, end_timestamp=1}
# At 00:02.
# {value: 2,
# fields: ('metric:result': 'success', 'metric:command': 'get_name'),
# start_timestamp=0, end_timestamp=2}
# This is important for cumulative metrics, because the monitoring
# backend detects the restart of a monitoring target and inserts a reset
# point to make Delta()/Rate() computation results accurate.
# If a given metric has own start_time, which can be set via
# metric.dangerously_set_start_time(), then report all the data points
# with the metric-level start_time.
# Otherwise, report data points with the first value change time.
start_time = metric.start_time or start_times.get(fields, end_time)
yield proto
proto = metrics_pb2.MetricsPayload()
count = 0
if target not in collections:
collections[target] = proto.metrics_collection.add()
if isinstance(target, tuple):
_populate_root_labels(collections[target].root_labels, target)
collection = collections[target]
key = (target,
new_data_set = None
if key not in data_sets:
new_data_set = metrics_pb2.MetricsDataSet()
data = metrics_pb2.MetricsData()
metric.populate_data(data, start_time, end_time, fields, value)
# All required data protos have been successfully populated. Now we can
# insert them in serialized proto and bookeeping data structures.
if new_data_set is not None:
data_sets[key] = collection.metrics_data_set[-1]
count += 1
if count > 0:
yield proto
def register(metric):
"""Adds the metric to the list of metrics sent by flush().
This is called automatically by Metric's constructor.
# If someone is registering the same metric object twice, that's okay, but
# registering two different metric objects with the same metric name is not.
for m in state.metrics.values():
if metric == m:
state.metrics[] = metric
if in state.metrics:
raise errors.MonitoringDuplicateRegistrationError(
state.metrics[] = metric
def unregister(metric):
"""Removes the metric from the list of metrics sent by flush()."""
del state.metrics[]
def close():
"""Stops any background threads and waits for them to exit."""
if state.flush_thread is not None:
def reset_for_unittest(disable=False):
state.flush_enabled_fn = lambda: not disable
def register_global_metrics(metrics):
"""Declare metrics as global.
Outside Appengine this has no effect.
On Appengine, registering a metric as "global" simply means it will be reset
every time the metric is sent. This allows any instance to send such a metric
to a shared stream, e.g. by overriding target fields like task_num (instance
ID), host_name (version) or job_name (module name).
There is no "unregister". Multiple calls add up. It only needs to be called
once, similar to gae_ts_mon.initialize().
metrics (iterable): a collection of Metric objects.
state.global_metrics.update({ m for m in metrics})
def register_global_metrics_callback(name, callback):
"""Register a named function to compute global metrics values.
There can only be one callback for a given name. Setting another callback with
the same name will override the previous one. To disable a callback, set its
function to None.
name (string): name of the callback.
callback (function): this function will be called without arguments every
minute. On Appengine it is called once for the whole application from the
gae_ts_mon cron job. It is intended to set the values of the global
if not callback:
if name in state.global_metrics_callbacks:
del state.global_metrics_callbacks[name]
state.global_metrics_callbacks[name] = callback
def invoke_global_callbacks():
for name, callback in six.iteritems(state.global_metrics_callbacks):
logging.debug('Invoking callback %s', name)
except Exception:
logging.exception('Monitoring global callback "%s" failed', name)
class _FlushThread(threading.Thread):
"""Background thread that flushes metrics on an interval."""
def __init__(self, interval_secs, stop_event=None):
super(_FlushThread, self).__init__(name='ts_mon')
if stop_event is None:
stop_event = threading.Event()
self.daemon = True
self.interval_secs = interval_secs
self.stop_event = stop_event
def _flush_and_log_exceptions(self):
return flush()
except Exception:
logging.exception('Automatic monitoring flush failed.')
return False
def run(self):
# Jitter the first interval so tasks started at the same time (say, by cron)
# on different machines don't all send metrics simultaneously.
next_timeout = random.uniform(self.interval_secs / 2.0, self.interval_secs)
retry_interval = 1
while True:
if self.stop_event.wait(next_timeout):
# Try to flush every N seconds exactly so rate calculations are more
# consistent. If the flush fails, retry with backoff.
start = time.time()
if self._flush_and_log_exceptions():
now = time.time()
next_timeout = self.interval_secs - (now - start)
if next_timeout < 0:
next_timeout = 0
retry_interval = 1
# Flush failed, so retry at increasing delays, up to the interval.
next_timeout = retry_interval
retry_interval *= 2
if retry_interval > self.interval_secs:
retry_interval = self.interval_secs
def stop(self):
"""Stops the background thread and performs a final flush."""