blob: b012e776db3429e62f929b76b97f6397d1b11392 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The LUCI Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package datastore
import (
// FinalizedQuery is the representation of a Query which has been normalized.
// It contains only fully-specified, non-redundant, non-conflicting information
// pertaining to the Query to run. It can only represent a valid query.
type FinalizedQuery struct {
original *Query
kind string
eventuallyConsistent bool
distinct bool
keysOnly bool
limit *int32
offset *int32
start Cursor
end Cursor
project []string
orders []IndexColumn
eqFilts map[string]PropertySlice
ineqFiltProp string
ineqFiltLow Property
ineqFiltLowIncl bool
ineqFiltLowSet bool
ineqFiltHigh Property
ineqFiltHighIncl bool
ineqFiltHighSet bool
// Original returns the original Query object from which this FinalizedQuery was
// derived.
func (q *FinalizedQuery) Original() *Query {
return q.original
// Kind returns the datastore 'Kind' over which this query operates. It may be
// empty for a kindless query.
func (q *FinalizedQuery) Kind() string {
return q.kind
// EventuallyConsistent returns true iff this query will be eventually
// consistent. This is true when the query is a non-ancestor query, or when it's
// an ancestory query with the 'EventualConsistency(true)' option set.
func (q *FinalizedQuery) EventuallyConsistent() bool {
return q.eventuallyConsistent
// Project is the list of fields that this query projects on, or empty if this
// is not a projection query.
func (q *FinalizedQuery) Project() []string {
if len(q.project) == 0 {
return nil
ret := make([]string, len(q.project))
copy(ret, q.project)
return ret
// Distinct returnst true iff this is a distinct projection query. It will never
// be true for non-projection queries.
func (q *FinalizedQuery) Distinct() bool {
return q.distinct
// KeysOnly returns true iff this query will only return keys (as opposed to a
// normal or projection query).
func (q *FinalizedQuery) KeysOnly() bool {
return q.keysOnly
// Limit returns the maximum number of responses this query will retrieve, and a
// boolean indicating if the limit is set.
func (q *FinalizedQuery) Limit() (int32, bool) {
if q.limit != nil {
return *q.limit, true
return 0, false
// Offset returns the number of responses this query will skip before returning
// data, and a boolean indicating if the offset is set.
func (q *FinalizedQuery) Offset() (int32, bool) {
if q.offset != nil {
return *q.offset, true
return 0, false
// Orders returns the sort orders that this query will use, including all orders
// implied by the projections, and the implicit __key__ order at the end.
func (q *FinalizedQuery) Orders() []IndexColumn {
ret := make([]IndexColumn, len(q.orders))
copy(ret, q.orders)
return ret
// Bounds returns the start and end Cursors. One or both may be nil. The Cursors
// returned are implementation-specific depending on the actual RawInterface
// implementation and the filters installed (if the filters interfere with
// Cursor production).
func (q *FinalizedQuery) Bounds() (start, end Cursor) {
return q.start, q.end
// Ancestor returns the ancestor filter key, if any. This is a convenience
// function for getting the value from EqFilters()["__ancestor__"].
func (q *FinalizedQuery) Ancestor() *Key {
if anc, ok := q.eqFilts["__ancestor__"]; ok {
return anc[0].Value().(*Key)
return nil
// EqFilters returns all the equality filters. The map key is the field name
// and the PropertySlice is the values that field should equal.
// This includes a special equality filter on "__ancestor__". If "__ancestor__"
// is present in the result, it's guaranteed to have 1 value in the
// PropertySlice which is of type *Key.
func (q *FinalizedQuery) EqFilters() map[string]PropertySlice {
ret := make(map[string]PropertySlice, len(q.eqFilts))
for k, v := range q.eqFilts {
newV := make(PropertySlice, len(v))
copy(newV, v)
ret[k] = newV
return ret
// IneqFilterProp returns the inequality filter property name, if one is used
// for this filter. An empty return value means that this query does not
// contain any inequality filters.
func (q *FinalizedQuery) IneqFilterProp() string {
return q.ineqFiltProp
// IneqFilterLow returns the field name, operator and value for the low-side
// inequality filter. If the returned field name is "", it means that there's
// no lower inequality bound on this query.
// If field is non-empty, op may have the values ">" or ">=".
func (q *FinalizedQuery) IneqFilterLow() (field, op string, val Property) {
if q.ineqFiltLowSet {
field = q.ineqFiltProp
val = q.ineqFiltLow
op = ">"
if q.ineqFiltLowIncl {
op = ">="
// IneqFilterHigh returns the field name, operator and value for the high-side
// inequality filter. If the returned field name is "", it means that there's
// no upper inequality bound on this query.
// If field is non-empty, op may have the values "<" or "<=".
func (q *FinalizedQuery) IneqFilterHigh() (field, op string, val Property) {
if q.ineqFiltHighSet {
field = q.ineqFiltProp
val = q.ineqFiltHigh
op = "<"
if q.ineqFiltHighIncl {
op = "<="
var escaper = strings.NewReplacer(
"\\%", `\%`,
"\\_", `\_`,
"\\", `\\`,
"\x00", `\0`,
"\b", `\b`,
"\n", `\n`,
"\r", `\r`,
"\t", `\t`,
"\x1A", `\Z`,
"'", `\'`,
"\"", `\"`,
"`", "\\`",
func gqlQuoteName(s string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("`%s`", escaper.Replace(s))
func gqlQuoteString(s string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf(`"%s"`, escaper.Replace(s))
// GQL returns a correctly formatted Cloud Datastore GQL expression which
// is equivalent to this query.
// The flavor of GQL that this emits is defined here:
// NOTE: Cursors are omitted because currently there's currently no syntax for
// literal cursors.
// NOTE: GeoPoint values are emitted with speculated future syntax. There is
// currently no syntax for literal GeoPoint values.
func (q *FinalizedQuery) GQL() string {
ret := bytes.Buffer{}
ws := func(s string) {
_, err := ret.WriteString(s)
if err != nil {
if len(q.project) != 0 {
if q.distinct {
proj := make([]string, len(q.project))
for i, p := range q.project {
proj[i] = gqlQuoteName(p)
ws(" ")
ws(strings.Join(proj, ", "))
} else if q.keysOnly {
ws(" __key__")
} else {
ws(" *")
if q.kind != "" {
fmt.Fprintf(&ret, " FROM %s", gqlQuoteName(q.kind))
filts := []string(nil)
anc := Property{}
if len(q.eqFilts) > 0 {
eqProps := make([]string, 0, len(q.eqFilts))
for k, v := range q.eqFilts {
if k == "__ancestor__" {
anc = v[0]
eqProps = append(eqProps, k)
for _, k := range eqProps {
vals := q.eqFilts[k]
k = gqlQuoteName(k)
for _, v := range vals {
if v.Type() == PTNull {
filts = append(filts, fmt.Sprintf("%s IS NULL", k))
} else {
filts = append(filts, fmt.Sprintf("%s = %s", k, v.GQL()))
if q.ineqFiltProp != "" {
for _, f := range [](func() (p, op string, v Property)){q.IneqFilterLow, q.IneqFilterHigh} {
prop, op, v := f()
if prop != "" {
filts = append(filts, fmt.Sprintf("%s %s %s", gqlQuoteName(prop), op, v.GQL()))
if anc.propType != PTNull {
filts = append(filts, fmt.Sprintf("__key__ HAS ANCESTOR %s", anc.GQL()))
if len(filts) > 0 {
fmt.Fprintf(&ret, " WHERE %s", strings.Join(filts, " AND "))
if len(q.orders) > 0 {
orders := make([]string, len(q.orders))
for i, col := range q.orders {
orders[i] = col.GQL()
fmt.Fprintf(&ret, " ORDER BY %s", strings.Join(orders, ", "))
if q.limit != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(&ret, " LIMIT %d", *q.limit)
if q.offset != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(&ret, " OFFSET %d", *q.offset)
return ret.String()
func (q *FinalizedQuery) String() string {
// TODO(riannucci): make a more compact go-like representation here.
return q.GQL()
// Valid returns true iff this FinalizedQuery is valid in the provided
// KeyContext's App ID and Namespace.
// This checks the ancestor filter (if any), as well as the inequality filters
// if they filter on '__key__'.
// In particular, it does NOT validate equality filters which happen to have
// values of type PTKey, nor does it validate inequality filters that happen to
// have values of type PTKey (but don't filter on the magic '__key__' field).
func (q *FinalizedQuery) Valid(kc KeyContext) error {
anc := q.Ancestor()
if anc != nil {
switch {
case !anc.Valid(false, kc):
return MakeErrInvalidKey("ancestor [%s] is not valid in context %s", anc, kc).Err()
case anc.IsIncomplete():
return MakeErrInvalidKey("ancestor [%s] is incomplete", anc).Err()
if q.ineqFiltProp == "__key__" {
if q.ineqFiltLowSet {
if k := q.ineqFiltLow.Value().(*Key); !k.Valid(false, kc) {
return MakeErrInvalidKey(
"low inequality filter key [%s] is not valid in context %s", k, kc).Err()
if q.ineqFiltHighSet {
if k := q.ineqFiltHigh.Value().(*Key); !k.Valid(false, kc) {
return MakeErrInvalidKey(
"high inequality filter key [%s] is not valid in context %s", k, kc).Err()
return nil