blob: ddc8574ce5c4eb10fe622719e80e021f06ac9791 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The LUCI Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package datastore
import (
pb ""
// KeyTok is a single token from a multi-part Key.
type KeyTok struct {
Kind string
IntID int64
StringID string
// IsIncomplete returns true iff this token doesn't define either a StringID or
// an IntID.
func (k KeyTok) IsIncomplete() bool {
return k.StringID == "" && k.IntID == 0
// Special returns true iff this token begins and ends with "__"
func (k KeyTok) Special() bool {
return len(k.Kind) >= 2 && k.Kind[:2] == "__" && k.Kind[len(k.Kind)-2:] == "__"
// ID returns the 'active' id as a Property (either the StringID or the IntID).
func (k KeyTok) ID() Property {
if k.StringID != "" {
return MkProperty(k.StringID)
return MkProperty(k.IntID)
// Less returns true iff k would sort before other.
func (k KeyTok) Less(other KeyTok) bool {
if k.Kind < other.Kind {
return true
} else if k.Kind > other.Kind {
return false
a, b := k.ID(), other.ID()
return a.Less(&b)
// KeyContext is the context in which a key is generated.
type KeyContext struct {
AppID string
Namespace string
// MkKeyContext is a helper function to create a new KeyContext.
// It is preferable to field-based struct initialization because, as a function,
// it has the ability to enforce an exact number of parameters.
func MkKeyContext(appID, namespace string) KeyContext {
return KeyContext{AppID: appID, Namespace: namespace}
// Matches returns true iff the AppID and Namespace parameters are the same for
// the two KeyContext instances.
func (kc KeyContext) Matches(o KeyContext) bool {
return (kc.AppID == o.AppID && kc.Namespace == o.Namespace)
// NewKeyToks creates a new Key. It is the Key implementation returned from
// the various PropertyMap serialization routines, as well as the native key
// implementation for the in-memory implementation of gae.
// See NewKeyToks for a version of this function which automatically
// provides aid and ns.
func (kc KeyContext) NewKeyToks(toks []KeyTok) *Key {
if len(toks) == 0 {
return nil
newToks := make([]KeyTok, len(toks))
copy(newToks, toks)
return &Key{kc, newToks}
// NewKey is a wrapper around NewToks which has an interface similar to NewKey
// in the SDK.
// See NewKey for a version of this function which automatically provides aid
// and ns.
func (kc KeyContext) NewKey(kind, stringID string, intID int64, parent *Key) *Key {
if parent == nil {
return &Key{kc, []KeyTok{{kind, intID, stringID}}}
toks := parent.toks
newToks := make([]KeyTok, len(toks), len(toks)+1)
copy(newToks, toks)
newToks = append(newToks, KeyTok{kind, intID, stringID})
return &Key{kc, newToks}
// MakeKey is a convenience function for manufacturing a *Key. It should only
// be used when elems... is known statically (e.g. in the code) to be correct.
// elems is pairs of (string, string|int|int32|int64) pairs, which correspond to
// Kind/id pairs. Example:
// MkKeyContext("aid", "namespace").MakeKey("Parent", 1, "Child", "id")
// Would create the key:
// aid:namespace:/Parent,1/Child,id
// If elems is not parsable (e.g. wrong length, wrong types, etc.) this method
// will panic.
// See MakeKey for a version of this function which automatically
// provides aid and ns.
func (kc KeyContext) MakeKey(elems ...interface{}) *Key {
if len(elems) == 0 {
return nil
if len(elems)%2 != 0 {
panic(fmt.Errorf("datastore.MakeKey: odd number of tokens: %v", elems))
toks := make([]KeyTok, len(elems)/2)
for i := 0; len(elems) > 0; i, elems = i+1, elems[2:] {
knd, ok := elems[0].(string)
if !ok {
panic(fmt.Errorf("datastore.MakeKey: bad kind: %v", elems[i]))
t := &toks[i]
t.Kind = knd
switch x := elems[1].(type) {
case string:
t.StringID = x
case int:
t.IntID = int64(x)
case int32:
t.IntID = int64(x)
case int64:
t.IntID = int64(x)
case uint16:
t.IntID = int64(x)
case uint32:
t.IntID = int64(x)
panic(fmt.Errorf("datastore.MakeKey: bad id: %v", x))
return kc.NewKeyToks(toks)
// Key is the type used for all datastore operations.
type Key struct {
kc KeyContext
toks []KeyTok
var _ interface {
} = (*Key)(nil)
// NewKeyEncoded decodes and returns a *Key
func NewKeyEncoded(encoded string) (ret *Key, err error) {
ret = &Key{}
// Re-add padding
if m := len(encoded) % 4; m != 0 {
encoded += strings.Repeat("=", 4-m)
b, err := base64.URLEncoding.DecodeString(encoded)
if err != nil {
r := &pb.Reference{}
if err = proto.Unmarshal(b, r); err != nil {
ret.kc = MkKeyContext(r.GetApp(), r.GetNameSpace())
ret.toks = make([]KeyTok, len(r.Path.Element))
for i, e := range r.Path.Element {
ret.toks[i] = KeyTok{
Kind: e.GetType(),
IntID: e.GetId(),
StringID: e.GetName(),
// LastTok returns the last KeyTok in this Key. Non-nil Keys are always guaranteed
// to have at least one token.
func (k *Key) LastTok() KeyTok {
return k.toks[len(k.toks)-1]
// AppID returns the application ID that this Key is for.
func (k *Key) AppID() string { return k.kc.AppID }
// Namespace returns the namespace that this Key is for.
func (k *Key) Namespace() string { return k.kc.Namespace }
// KeyContext returns the KeyContext that this Key is using.
func (k *Key) KeyContext() *KeyContext {
kc := k.kc
return &kc
// Kind returns the Kind of the child KeyTok
func (k *Key) Kind() string { return k.toks[len(k.toks)-1].Kind }
// StringID returns the StringID of the child KeyTok
func (k *Key) StringID() string { return k.toks[len(k.toks)-1].StringID }
// IntID returns the IntID of the child KeyTok
func (k *Key) IntID() int64 { return k.toks[len(k.toks)-1].IntID }
// String returns a human-readable representation of the key in the form of
// AID:NS:/Kind,id/Kind,id/...
func (k *Key) String() string {
b := bytes.NewBuffer(make([]byte, 0, 512))
fmt.Fprintf(b, "%s:%s:", k.kc.AppID, k.kc.Namespace)
for _, t := range k.toks {
if t.StringID != "" {
fmt.Fprintf(b, "/%s,%q", t.Kind, t.StringID)
} else {
fmt.Fprintf(b, "/%s,%d", t.Kind, t.IntID)
return b.String()
// IsIncomplete returns true iff the last token of this Key doesn't define
// either a StringID or an IntID.
func (k *Key) IsIncomplete() bool {
return k.LastTok().IsIncomplete()
// Valid determines if a key is valid, according to a couple of rules:
// - k is not nil
// - every token of k:
// - (if !allowSpecial) token's kind doesn't start with '__'
// - token's kind and appid are non-blank
// - token is not incomplete
// - all tokens have the same namespace and appid
func (k *Key) Valid(allowSpecial bool, kc KeyContext) bool {
if !kc.Matches(k.kc) {
return false
for _, t := range k.toks {
if t.IsIncomplete() {
return false
if !allowSpecial && t.Special() {
return false
if t.Kind == "" {
return false
if t.StringID != "" && t.IntID != 0 {
return false
return true
// PartialValid returns true iff this key is suitable for use in a Put
// operation. This is the same as Valid(k, false, ...), but also allowing k to
// be IsIncomplete().
func (k *Key) PartialValid(kc KeyContext) bool {
if k.IsIncomplete() {
if !kc.Matches(k.kc) {
return false
k = kc.NewKey(k.Kind(), "", 1, k.Parent())
return k.Valid(false, kc)
// Parent returns the parent Key of this *Key, or nil. The parent
// will always have the concrete type of *Key.
func (k *Key) Parent() *Key {
if len(k.toks) <= 1 {
return nil
return k.kc.NewKeyToks(k.toks[:len(k.toks)-1])
// MarshalJSON allows this key to be automatically marshaled by encoding/json.
func (k *Key) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
return []byte(`"` + k.Encode() + `"`), nil
// Encode encodes the provided key as a base64-encoded protobuf.
// This encoding is compatible with the SDK-provided encoding and is agnostic
// to the underlying implementation of the Key.
// It's encoded with the urlsafe base64 table without padding.
func (k *Key) Encode() string {
e := make([]*pb.Path_Element, len(k.toks))
for i, t := range k.toks {
t := t
e[i] = &pb.Path_Element{
Type: &t.Kind,
if t.StringID != "" {
e[i].Name = &t.StringID
} else {
e[i].Id = &t.IntID
var namespace *string
if ns := k.kc.Namespace; ns != "" {
namespace = &ns
r, err := proto.Marshal(&pb.Reference{
App: &k.kc.AppID,
NameSpace: namespace,
Path: &pb.Path{
Element: e,
if err != nil {
// trim padding
return strings.TrimRight(base64.URLEncoding.EncodeToString(r), "=")
// UnmarshalJSON allows this key to be automatically unmarshaled by encoding/json.
func (k *Key) UnmarshalJSON(buf []byte) error {
if len(buf) < 2 || buf[0] != '"' || buf[len(buf)-1] != '"' {
return errors.New("datastore: bad JSON key")
nk, err := NewKeyEncoded(string(buf[1 : len(buf)-1]))
if err != nil {
return err
*k = *nk
return nil
// GobEncode allows the Key to be encoded in a Gob struct.
func (k *Key) GobEncode() ([]byte, error) {
return []byte(k.Encode()), nil
// GobDecode allows the Key to be decoded in a Gob struct.
func (k *Key) GobDecode(buf []byte) error {
nk, err := NewKeyEncoded(string(buf))
if err != nil {
return err
*k = *nk
return nil
// Root returns the entity root for the given key.
func (k *Key) Root() *Key {
if len(k.toks) > 1 {
ret := *k
ret.toks = ret.toks[:1]
return &ret
return k
// Less returns true iff k would sort before other.
func (k *Key) Less(other *Key) bool {
if k.kc.AppID < other.kc.AppID {
return true
} else if k.kc.AppID > other.kc.AppID {
return false
if k.kc.Namespace < other.kc.Namespace {
return true
} else if k.kc.Namespace > other.kc.Namespace {
return false
lim := len(k.toks)
if len(other.toks) < lim {
lim = len(other.toks)
for i := 0; i < lim; i++ {
a, b := k.toks[i], other.toks[i]
if a.Less(b) {
return true
} else if b.Less(a) {
return false
return len(k.toks) < len(other.toks)
// HasAncestor returns true iff other is an ancestor of k (or if other == k).
func (k *Key) HasAncestor(other *Key) bool {
if !k.kc.Matches(other.kc) {
return false
if len(k.toks) < len(other.toks) {
return false
for i, tok := range other.toks {
if tok != k.toks[i] {
return false
return true
// GQL returns a correctly formatted Cloud Datastore GQL key literal.
// The flavor of GQL that this emits is defined here:
func (k *Key) GQL() string {
ret := &bytes.Buffer{}
fmt.Fprintf(ret, "KEY(DATASET(%s)", gqlQuoteString(k.kc.AppID))
if ns := k.kc.Namespace; ns != "" {
fmt.Fprintf(ret, ", NAMESPACE(%s)", gqlQuoteString(ns))
for _, t := range k.toks {
if t.IntID != 0 {
fmt.Fprintf(ret, ", %s, %d", gqlQuoteString(t.Kind), t.IntID)
} else {
fmt.Fprintf(ret, ", %s, %s", gqlQuoteString(t.Kind), gqlQuoteString(t.StringID))
if _, err := ret.WriteString(")"); err != nil {
return ret.String()
// Equal returns true iff the two keys represent identical key values.
func (k *Key) Equal(other *Key) bool {
return k.IncompleteEqual(other) && (k.LastTok() == other.LastTok())
// IncompleteEqual asserts that, were the two keys incomplete, they would be
// equal.
// This asserts equality for the full lineage of the key, except for its last
// token ID.
func (k *Key) IncompleteEqual(other *Key) (ret bool) {
ret = (k.kc.Matches(other.kc) &&
len(k.toks) == len(other.toks))
if ret {
for i, t := range k.toks {
if i == len(k.toks)-1 {
// Last token: check only Kind.
if ret = (t.Kind == other.toks[i].Kind); !ret {
} else {
if ret = t == other.toks[i]; !ret {
// Incomplete returns an incomplete version of the key. The ID fields of the
// last token will be set to zero/empty.
func (k *Key) Incomplete() *Key {
if k.IsIncomplete() {
return k
return k.kc.NewKey(k.Kind(), "", 0, k.Parent())
// WithID returns the key generated by setting the ID of its last token to
// the specified value.
// To generate this, k is reduced to its Incomplete form, then populated with a
// new ID. The resulting key will have the same token linage as k (i.e., will
// be IncompleteEqual).
func (k *Key) WithID(stringID string, intID int64) *Key {
if k.StringID() == stringID && k.IntID() == intID {
return k
return k.kc.NewKey(k.Kind(), stringID, intID, k.Parent())
// Split componentizes the key into pieces (AppID, Namespace and tokens)
// Each token represents one piece of they key's 'path'.
// toks is guaranteed to be empty if and only if k is nil. If k is non-nil then
// it contains at least one token.
func (k *Key) Split() (appID, namespace string, toks []KeyTok) {
appID = k.kc.AppID
namespace = k.kc.Namespace
toks = make([]KeyTok, len(k.toks))
copy(toks, k.toks)
// EstimateSize estimates the size of a Key.
// It uses
// as a guide for these values.
func (k *Key) EstimateSize() int64 {
ret := int64(len(k.kc.AppID))
ret += int64(len(k.kc.Namespace))
for _, t := range k.toks {
ret += int64(len(t.Kind))
if t.StringID != "" {
ret += int64(len(t.StringID))
} else {
ret += 8
return ret