blob: 19b5b38505f810f85c94a3e2551dc887b6a58ac2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The LUCI Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package datastore
import (
type metaMultiArgConstraints int
const (
// mmaReadWrite allows a metaMultiArg to operate on any type that can be
// both read and written to.
mmaReadWrite metaMultiArgConstraints = iota
// mmaKeysOnly implies mmaReadWrite, with the further statement that the only
// operation that will be performed against the arguments will be key
// extraction.
mmaKeysOnly = iota
// mmaWriteKeys indicates that the caller is only going to write key
// values. This enables the same inputs as mmaReadWrite, but also allows
// []*Key.
mmaWriteKeys = iota
func (c metaMultiArgConstraints) allowSingleKey() bool {
return c == mmaKeysOnly
func (c metaMultiArgConstraints) keyOperationsOnly() bool {
return c >= mmaKeysOnly
type multiArgType struct {
getMGS func(slot reflect.Value) MetaGetterSetter
getPLS func(slot reflect.Value) PropertyLoadSaver
newElem func() reflect.Value
func (mat *multiArgType) getKey(kc KeyContext, slot reflect.Value) (*Key, error) {
return newKeyObjErr(kc, mat.getMGS(slot))
func (mat *multiArgType) getPM(slot reflect.Value) (PropertyMap, error) {
return mat.getPLS(slot).Save(true)
func (mat *multiArgType) getMetaPM(slot reflect.Value) PropertyMap {
return mat.getMGS(slot).GetAllMeta()
func (mat *multiArgType) setPM(slot reflect.Value, pm PropertyMap) error {
return mat.getPLS(slot).Load(pm)
func (mat *multiArgType) setKey(slot reflect.Value, k *Key) bool {
return populateKeyMGS(mat.getMGS(slot), k)
// parseArg checks that et is of type S, *S, I, P or *P, for some
// struct type S, for some interface type I, or some non-interface non-pointer
// type P such that P or *P implements PropertyLoadSaver.
// If et is a chan type that implements PropertyLoadSaver, new elements will be
// allocated with a buffer of 0.
// If allowKey is true, et may additional be type *Key. Only MetaGetterSetter
// fields will be populated in the result (see keyMGS).
func parseArg(et reflect.Type, allowKeys bool) *multiArgType {
var mat multiArgType
if et == typeOfKey {
if !allowKeys {
return nil
mat.getMGS = func(slot reflect.Value) MetaGetterSetter { return &keyMGS{slot: slot} }
return &mat
// If we do identify a structCodec for this type, retain it so we don't
// resolve it multiple times.
var codec *structCodec
initCodec := func(t reflect.Type) *structCodec {
if codec == nil {
codec = getCodec(t)
return codec
// Fill in MetaGetterSetter functions.
switch {
case et.Implements(typeOfMetaGetterSetter):
// MGS
mat.getMGS = func(slot reflect.Value) MetaGetterSetter { return slot.Interface().(MetaGetterSetter) }
case reflect.PtrTo(et).Implements(typeOfMetaGetterSetter):
// *MGS
mat.getMGS = func(slot reflect.Value) MetaGetterSetter { return slot.Addr().Interface().(MetaGetterSetter) }
switch et.Kind() {
case reflect.Interface:
// I
mat.getMGS = func(slot reflect.Value) MetaGetterSetter { return getMGS(slot.Elem().Interface()) }
case reflect.Ptr:
// *S
if et.Elem().Kind() != reflect.Struct {
// Not a struct pointer.
return nil
mat.getMGS = func(slot reflect.Value) MetaGetterSetter { return &structPLS{slot.Elem(), codec, nil} }
case reflect.Struct:
// S
mat.getMGS = func(slot reflect.Value) MetaGetterSetter { return &structPLS{slot, codec, nil} }
// Don't know how to get MGS for this type.
return nil
// Fill in PropertyLoadSaver functions.
switch {
case et.Implements(typeOfPropertyLoadSaver):
// PLS
mat.getPLS = func(slot reflect.Value) PropertyLoadSaver { return slot.Interface().(PropertyLoadSaver) }
case reflect.PtrTo(et).Implements(typeOfPropertyLoadSaver):
// *PLS
mat.getPLS = func(slot reflect.Value) PropertyLoadSaver { return slot.Addr().Interface().(PropertyLoadSaver) }
switch et.Kind() {
case reflect.Interface:
// I
mat.getPLS = func(slot reflect.Value) PropertyLoadSaver {
obj := slot.Elem().Interface()
if pls, ok := obj.(PropertyLoadSaver); ok {
return pls
return GetPLS(obj)
case reflect.Ptr:
// *S
if et.Elem().Kind() != reflect.Struct {
// Not a struct pointer.
return nil
mat.getPLS = func(slot reflect.Value) PropertyLoadSaver { return &structPLS{slot.Elem(), codec, nil} }
case reflect.Struct:
// S
mat.getPLS = func(slot reflect.Value) PropertyLoadSaver { return &structPLS{slot, codec, nil} }
// Don't know how to get PLS for this type.
return nil
// Generate new element.
// If a map/chan type implements an interface, its pointer is also considered
// to implement that interface.
// In this case, we have special pointer-to-map/chan logic in multiArgTypePLS.
mat.newElem = func() reflect.Value {
return reflect.New(et).Elem()
switch et.Kind() {
case reflect.Map:
mat.newElem = func() reflect.Value {
return reflect.MakeMap(et)
case reflect.Chan:
mat.newElem = func() reflect.Value {
return reflect.MakeChan(et, 0)
case reflect.Ptr:
elem := et.Elem()
switch elem.Kind() {
case reflect.Map:
mat.newElem = func() reflect.Value {
ptr := reflect.New(elem)
return ptr
case reflect.Chan:
mat.newElem = func() reflect.Value {
ptr := reflect.New(elem)
ptr.Elem().Set(reflect.MakeChan(elem, 0))
return ptr
mat.newElem = func() reflect.Value { return reflect.New(et.Elem()) }
case reflect.Interface:
mat.newElem = nil
return &mat
// mustParseMultiArg checks that v has type []S, []*S, []I, []P or []*P, for
// some struct type S, for some interface type I, or some non-interface
// non-pointer type P such that P or *P implements PropertyLoadSaver.
func mustParseMultiArg(et reflect.Type) *multiArgType {
if et.Kind() != reflect.Slice {
panic(fmt.Errorf("invalid argument type: expected slice, got %s", et))
return mustParseArg(et.Elem(), true)
func mustParseArg(et reflect.Type, sliceArg bool) *multiArgType {
if mat := parseArg(et, false); mat != nil {
return mat
panic(fmt.Errorf("invalid argument type: %s is not a PLS or pointer-to-struct", et))
func newKeyObjErr(kc KeyContext, mgs MetaGetterSetter) (*Key, error) {
if key, _ := GetMetaDefault(mgs, "key", nil).(*Key); key != nil {
return key, nil
// get kind
kind := GetMetaDefault(mgs, "kind", "").(string)
if kind == "" {
return nil, errors.New("unable to extract $kind")
// get id - allow both to be default for default keys
sid := GetMetaDefault(mgs, "id", "").(string)
iid := GetMetaDefault(mgs, "id", 0).(int64)
// get parent
par, _ := GetMetaDefault(mgs, "parent", nil).(*Key)
return kc.NewKey(kind, sid, iid, par), nil
func isOKSingleType(t reflect.Type, allowKey bool) error {
switch {
case t == nil:
return errors.New("no type information")
case t.Implements(typeOfPropertyLoadSaver):
return nil
case !allowKey && t == typeOfKey:
return errors.New("not user datatype")
case t.Kind() != reflect.Ptr:
return errors.New("not a pointer")
case t.Elem().Kind() != reflect.Struct:
return errors.New("does not point to a struct")
return nil
// keyMGS is a MetaGetterSetter that wraps a single key value/slot. It only
// implements operations on the "key" key.
// GetMeta will be implemented, returning the *Key for the "key" meta.
// If slot is addressable, SetMeta will allow it to be set to the supplied
// Value.
type keyMGS struct {
slot reflect.Value
func (mgs *keyMGS) GetAllMeta() PropertyMap {
return PropertyMap{"$key": MkPropertyNI(mgs.slot.Interface())}
func (mgs *keyMGS) GetMeta(key string) (interface{}, bool) {
if key != "key" {
return nil, false
return mgs.slot.Interface(), true
func (mgs *keyMGS) SetMeta(key string, value interface{}) bool {
if !(key == "key" && mgs.slot.CanAddr()) {
return false
return true
// metaMultiArgIndex is a two-dimensional index into a metaMultiArg.
type metaMultiArgIndex struct {
// elem is the index of the element in a metaMultiArg.
elem int
// slot is the index within the specified element. If the element is not a
// slice, slot will always be 0.
slot int
type metaMultiArgElement struct {
arg reflect.Value
mat *multiArgType
// size is -1 if this element is not a slice.
size int
// offset is the offset of the first element in the flattened space.
offset int
// slot returns the element at the specified slot. If idx is invalid, slot will
// panic.
// If arg is a single value, the only valid index is 0. if arg is a slice, idx
// will be the offset within that slice.
func (e *metaMultiArgElement) slot(idx int) reflect.Value {
if e.size >= 0 {
return e.arg.Index(idx)
if idx != 0 {
panic(fmt.Errorf("invalid slot index %d for single element", idx))
return e.arg
// length returns the number of elements in this metaMultiArgElement.
// If it represents a slice, the number of elements will be the length of that
// slice. If it represents a single value, the length will be 1.
func (e *metaMultiArgElement) length() int {
if e.size >= 0 {
return e.size
return 1
type metaMultiArg struct {
// elems is the set of metaMultiArgElement entries, each of which represents
// either a single value or a slice of single values.
elems []metaMultiArgElement
keysOnly bool
// count is the total number of elements, flattening slices.
count int
// flat, if true, means that this metaMultiArg consists entirely of single
// elements (no slices). This is used as a lookup optimization to avoid binary
// index search.
flat bool
// makeMetaMultiArg returns a metaMultiArg for the supplied args.
// If an arg is a slice, a slice metaMultiArg will be returned, and errors for
// that slice will be written into a positional MultiError if they occur.
// If keysOnly is true, the caller is instructing metaMultiArg to only extract
// the datastore *Key from args. *Key entries will be permitted, but the caller
// may not write to them (since keys are read-only structs).
func makeMetaMultiArg(args []interface{}, c metaMultiArgConstraints) (*metaMultiArg, error) {
mma := metaMultiArg{
elems: make([]metaMultiArgElement, len(args)),
keysOnly: c.keyOperationsOnly(),
flat: true,
lme := errors.NewLazyMultiError(len(args))
for i, arg := range args {
if arg == nil {
lme.Assign(i, errors.New("cannot use nil as single argument"))
v := reflect.ValueOf(arg)
vt := v.Type()
// Try and treat the argument as a single-value first. This allows slices
// that implement PropertyLoadSaver to be properly treated as a single
// element.
var (
mat *multiArgType
err error
isSlice = false
if mat = parseArg(vt, c.allowSingleKey()); mat == nil {
// If this is a slice, treat it as a slice of arg candidates.
// If only keys are being read/written, we allow a []*Key to be accepted
// here, since slices are addressable (write).
if v.Kind() == reflect.Slice {
isSlice = true
mma.flat = false
mat = parseArg(vt.Elem(), c.keyOperationsOnly())
} else {
// Single types need to be able to be assigned to.
// We only allow *Key here when the keys cannot be written to, since *Key
// should not be modified in-place, as they are immutable.
err = isOKSingleType(vt, c.allowSingleKey())
if mat == nil && err == nil {
err = errors.New("not a PLS, pointer-to-struct, or slice thereof")
if err != nil {
lme.Assign(i, fmt.Errorf("invalid input type (%T): %s", arg, err))
elem := &mma.elems[i]
*elem = metaMultiArgElement{
arg: v,
mat: mat,
offset: mma.count,
if isSlice {
l := v.Len()
mma.count += l
elem.size = l
} else {
elem.size = -1
if err := lme.Get(); err != nil {
return nil, err
return &mma, nil
func (mma *metaMultiArg) index(idx int) (mmaIdx metaMultiArgIndex) {
if mma.flat {
mmaIdx.elem = idx
mmaIdx.elem = sort.Search(len(mma.elems), func(i int) bool { return mma.elems[i].offset > idx }) - 1
// Get the current slot value.
mmaIdx.slot = idx - mma.elems[mmaIdx.elem].offset
// get returns the element type and value at flattened index idx.
func (mma *metaMultiArg) get(idx metaMultiArgIndex) (*multiArgType, reflect.Value) {
// Get the current slot value.
elem := &mma.elems[idx.elem]
slot := elem.arg
if elem.size >= 0 {
// slot is a slice type, get its member.
slot = slot.Index(idx.slot)
return elem.mat, slot
// getKeysPMs returns the keys and PropertyMap for the supplied argument items.
func (mma *metaMultiArg) getKeysPMs(kc KeyContext, meta bool) ([]*Key, []PropertyMap, *errorTracker) {
et := newErrorTracker(mma)
// Determine our flattened keys and property maps.
retKey := make([]*Key, mma.count)
var retPM []PropertyMap
if !mma.keysOnly {
retPM = make([]PropertyMap, mma.count)
var index metaMultiArgIndex
for i := 0; i < mma.count; i++ {
// If we're past the end of the element, move onto the next.
for index.slot >= mma.elems[index.elem].length() {
index.slot = 0
mat, slot := mma.get(index)
key, err := mat.getKey(kc, slot)
if err != nil {
et.trackError(index, err)
retKey[i] = key
if !mma.keysOnly {
var pm PropertyMap
if meta {
pm = mat.getMetaPM(slot)
} else {
var err error
if pm, err = mat.getPM(slot); err != nil {
et.trackError(index, err)
retPM[i] = pm
return retKey, retPM, et
type errorTracker struct {
elemErrors errors.MultiError
mma *metaMultiArg
func newErrorTracker(mma *metaMultiArg) *errorTracker {
return &errorTracker{
mma: mma,
func (et *errorTracker) trackError(index metaMultiArgIndex, err error) {
if err == nil {
defer et.Unlock()
et.trackErrorLocked(index, err)
func (et *errorTracker) trackErrorLocked(index metaMultiArgIndex, err error) {
if err == nil {
if et.elemErrors == nil {
et.elemErrors = make(errors.MultiError, len(
// If this is a single element, assign the error directly.
elem := &[index.elem]
if elem.size < 0 {
et.elemErrors[index.elem] = err
} else {
// This is a slice element. Use a slice-sized MultiError for its element
// error slot, then add this error to the inner MultiError's slot index.
serr, ok := et.elemErrors[index.elem].(errors.MultiError)
if !ok {
serr = make(errors.MultiError, elem.size)
et.elemErrors[index.elem] = serr
serr[index.slot] = err
func (et *errorTracker) error() error {
if et.elemErrors != nil {
return et.elemErrors
return nil
type boolTracker struct {
res ExistsResult
func newBoolTracker(mma *metaMultiArg, et *errorTracker) *boolTracker {
bt := boolTracker{
errorTracker: et,
sizes := make([]int, len(mma.elems))
for i, e := range mma.elems {
if e.size < 0 {
sizes[i] = 1
} else {
sizes[i] = e.size
return &bt
func (bt *boolTracker) trackExistsResult(index metaMultiArgIndex, err error) {
defer bt.Unlock()
switch err {
case nil:
bt.res.set(index.elem, index.slot)
case ErrNoSuchEntity:
// Pass through to track as MultiError.
bt.trackErrorLocked(index, err)
func (bt *boolTracker) result() *ExistsResult {
return &bt.res