blob: c1b042cff860bc0a0a6aca6d5e84f5b07938ad05 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The LUCI Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package datastore
import (
var (
// ErrMultipleInequalityFilter is returned from Query.Finalize if you build a
// query which has inequality filters on multiple fields.
ErrMultipleInequalityFilter = errors.New(
"inequality filters on multiple properties in the same Query is not allowed")
// ErrNullQuery is returned from Query.Finalize if you build a query for which
// there cannot possibly be any results.
ErrNullQuery = errors.New(
"the query is overconstrained and can never have results")
// Query is a builder-object for building a datastore query. It may represent
// an invalid query, but the error will only be observable when you call
// Finalize.
// A Query is, for the most part, not goroutine-safe. However, it is
type Query struct {
// These are set by Finalize as a way to cache the 1-1 correspondence of
// a Query to its FinalizedQuery form. err may also be set by intermediate
// Query functions if there's a problem before finalization.
// Query implements lazy finalization, meaning that it will happen at most
// once. This means that the finalization state and cached finalization must
// be locked around.
finalizeOnce sync.Once
finalized *FinalizedQuery
finalizeErr error
// queryFields are the Query's read-only fields.
type queryFields struct {
kind string
// Indicate if the query is executed to a firestore (with datastore API)
firestoreMode bool
eventualConsistency bool
keysOnly bool
distinct bool
limit *int32
offset *int32
order []IndexColumn
project stringset.Set
eqFilts map[string]PropertySlice
ineqFiltProp string
ineqFiltLow Property
ineqFiltLowIncl bool
ineqFiltLowSet bool
ineqFiltHigh Property
ineqFiltHighIncl bool
ineqFiltHighSet bool
start Cursor
end Cursor
err error
// NewQuery returns a new Query for the given kind. If kind may be empty to
// begin a kindless query.
func NewQuery(kind string) *Query {
return &Query{
queryFields: queryFields{
kind: kind,
func (q *Query) mod(cb func(*Query)) *Query {
if q.err != nil {
return q
ret := Query{
queryFields: q.queryFields,
if len(q.order) > 0 {
ret.order = make([]IndexColumn, len(q.order))
copy(ret.order, q.order)
if q.project != nil {
ret.project = q.project.Dup()
if len(q.eqFilts) > 0 {
ret.eqFilts = make(map[string]PropertySlice, len(q.eqFilts))
for k, v := range q.eqFilts {
newV := make(PropertySlice, len(v))
copy(newV, v)
ret.eqFilts[k] = newV
return &ret
// Kind alters the kind of this query.
func (q *Query) Kind(kind string) *Query {
return q.mod(func(q *Query) {
q.kind = kind
// Ancestor sets the ancestor filter for this query.
// If ancestor is nil, then this removes the Ancestor restriction from the
// query.
func (q *Query) Ancestor(ancestor *Key) *Query {
return q.mod(func(q *Query) {
if q.eqFilts == nil {
q.eqFilts = map[string]PropertySlice{}
if ancestor == nil {
delete(q.eqFilts, "__ancestor__")
if len(q.eqFilts) == 0 {
q.eqFilts = nil
} else {
q.eqFilts["__ancestor__"] = PropertySlice{MkProperty(ancestor)}
// EventualConsistency changes the EventualConsistency setting for this query.
// It only has an effect on Ancestor queries and is otherwise ignored.
func (q *Query) EventualConsistency(on bool) *Query {
return q.mod(func(q *Query) {
q.eventualConsistency = on
// Limit sets the limit (max items to return) for this query. If limit < 0, this
// removes the limit from the query entirely.
func (q *Query) Limit(limit int32) *Query {
return q.mod(func(q *Query) {
if limit < 0 {
q.limit = nil
} else {
q.limit = &limit
// Offset sets the offset (number of items to skip) for this query. If
// offset < 0, this removes the offset from the query entirely.
func (q *Query) Offset(offset int32) *Query {
return q.mod(func(q *Query) {
if offset < 0 {
q.offset = nil
} else {
q.offset = &offset
// KeysOnly makes this into a query which only returns keys (but doesn't fetch
// values). It's incompatible with projection queries.
func (q *Query) KeysOnly(on bool) *Query {
return q.mod(func(q *Query) {
q.keysOnly = on
// Order sets one or more orders for this query.
func (q *Query) Order(fieldNames ...string) *Query {
if len(fieldNames) == 0 {
return q
return q.mod(func(q *Query) {
for _, fn := range fieldNames {
ic, err := ParseIndexColumn(fn)
if err != nil {
q.err = err
if q.reserved(ic.Property) {
q.order = append(q.order, ic)
// ClearOrder removes all orders from this Query.
func (q *Query) ClearOrder() *Query {
return q.mod(func(q *Query) {
q.order = nil
// Project lists one or more field names to project.
func (q *Query) Project(fieldNames ...string) *Query {
if len(fieldNames) == 0 {
return q
return q.mod(func(q *Query) {
for _, f := range fieldNames {
if q.reserved(f) {
if f == "__key__" {
q.err = fmt.Errorf("cannot project on %q", f)
if q.project == nil {
q.project = stringset.New(1)
// Distinct makes a projection query only return distinct values. This has
// no effect on non-projection queries.
func (q *Query) Distinct(on bool) *Query {
return q.mod(func(q *Query) {
q.distinct = on
// ClearProject removes all projected fields from this Query.
func (q *Query) ClearProject() *Query {
return q.mod(func(q *Query) {
q.project = nil
// Start sets a starting cursor. The cursor is implementation-defined by the
// particular 'impl' you have installed.
func (q *Query) Start(c Cursor) *Query {
return q.mod(func(q *Query) {
q.start = c
// End sets the ending cursor. The cursor is implementation-defined by the
// particular 'impl' you have installed.
func (q *Query) End(c Cursor) *Query {
return q.mod(func(q *Query) {
q.end = c
// Eq adds one or more equality restrictions to the query.
// Equality filters interact with multiply-defined properties by ensuring that
// the given field has /at least one/ value which is equal to the specified
// constraint.
// So a query with `.Eq("thing", 1, 2)` will only return entities where the
// field "thing" is multiply defined and contains both a value of 1 and a value
// of 2.
// `Eq("thing", 1).Eq("thing", 2)` and `.Eq("thing", 1, 2)` have identical
// meaning.
func (q *Query) Eq(field string, values ...interface{}) *Query {
if len(values) == 0 {
return q
return q.mod(func(q *Query) {
if !q.reserved(field) {
if q.eqFilts == nil {
q.eqFilts = make(map[string]PropertySlice, 1)
s := q.eqFilts[field]
for _, value := range values {
p := Property{}
if q.err = p.SetValue(value, ShouldIndex); q.err != nil {
idx := sort.Search(len(s), func(i int) bool {
// s[i] >= p is the same as:
return s[i].Equal(&p) || p.Less(&s[i])
if idx == len(s) || !s[idx].Equal(&p) {
s = append(s, Property{})
copy(s[idx+1:], s[idx:])
s[idx] = p
q.eqFilts[field] = s
func (q *Query) reserved(field string) bool {
if field == "__key__" || field == "__scatter__" {
return false
if field == "" {
q.err = fmt.Errorf(
"cannot filter/project on: %q", field)
return true
if strings.HasPrefix(field, "__") && strings.HasSuffix(field, "__") {
q.err = fmt.Errorf(
"cannot filter/project on reserved property: %q", field)
return true
return false
func (q *Query) ineqOK(field string, value Property) bool {
if q.reserved(field) {
return false
if field == "__key__" && value.Type() != PTKey {
q.err = fmt.Errorf(
"filters on %q must have type *Key (got %s)", field, value.Type())
return false
if q.ineqFiltProp != "" && q.ineqFiltProp != field {
q.err = ErrMultipleInequalityFilter
return false
return true
// Lt imposes a 'less-than' inequality restriction on the Query.
// Inequality filters interact with multiply-defined properties by ensuring that
// the given field has /exactly one/ value which matches /all/ of the inequality
// constraints.
// So a query with `.Gt("thing", 5).Lt("thing", 10)` will only return entities
// where the field "thing" has a single value where `5 < val < 10`.
func (q *Query) Lt(field string, value interface{}) *Query {
p := Property{}
err := p.SetValue(value, ShouldIndex)
if err == nil && q.ineqFiltHighSet {
if q.ineqFiltHigh.Less(&p) {
return q
} else if q.ineqFiltHigh.Equal(&p) && !q.ineqFiltHighIncl {
return q
return q.mod(func(q *Query) {
if q.err = err; err != nil {
if q.ineqOK(field, p) {
q.ineqFiltProp = field
q.ineqFiltHighSet = true
q.ineqFiltHigh = p
q.ineqFiltHighIncl = false
// Lte imposes a 'less-than-or-equal' inequality restriction on the Query.
// Inequality filters interact with multiply-defined properties by ensuring that
// the given field has /exactly one/ value which matches /all/ of the inequality
// constraints.
// So a query with `.Gt("thing", 5).Lt("thing", 10)` will only return entities
// where the field "thing" has a single value where `5 < val < 10`.
func (q *Query) Lte(field string, value interface{}) *Query {
p := Property{}
err := p.SetValue(value, ShouldIndex)
if err == nil && q.ineqFiltHighSet {
if q.ineqFiltHigh.Less(&p) {
return q
} else if q.ineqFiltHigh.Equal(&p) {
return q
return q.mod(func(q *Query) {
if q.err = err; err != nil {
if q.ineqOK(field, p) {
q.ineqFiltProp = field
q.ineqFiltHighSet = true
q.ineqFiltHigh = p
q.ineqFiltHighIncl = true
// Gt imposes a 'greater-than' inequality restriction on the Query.
// Inequality filters interact with multiply-defined properties by ensuring that
// the given field has /exactly one/ value which matches /all/ of the inequality
// constraints.
// So a query with `.Gt("thing", 5).Lt("thing", 10)` will only return entities
// where the field "thing" has a single value where `5 < val < 10`.
func (q *Query) Gt(field string, value interface{}) *Query {
p := Property{}
err := p.SetValue(value, ShouldIndex)
if err == nil && q.ineqFiltLowSet {
if p.Less(&q.ineqFiltLow) {
return q
} else if p.Equal(&q.ineqFiltLow) && !q.ineqFiltLowIncl {
return q
return q.mod(func(q *Query) {
if q.err = err; err != nil {
if q.ineqOK(field, p) {
q.ineqFiltProp = field
q.ineqFiltLowSet = true
q.ineqFiltLow = p
q.ineqFiltLowIncl = false
// Gte imposes a 'greater-than-or-equal' inequality restriction on the Query.
// Inequality filters interact with multiply-defined properties by ensuring that
// the given field has /exactly one/ value which matches /all/ of the inequality
// constraints.
// So a query with `.Gt("thing", 5).Lt("thing", 10)` will only return entities
// where the field "thing" has a single value where `5 < val < 10`.
func (q *Query) Gte(field string, value interface{}) *Query {
p := Property{}
err := p.SetValue(value, ShouldIndex)
if err == nil && q.ineqFiltLowSet {
if p.Less(&q.ineqFiltLow) {
return q
} else if p.Equal(&q.ineqFiltLow) {
return q
return q.mod(func(q *Query) {
if q.err = err; err != nil {
if q.ineqOK(field, p) {
q.ineqFiltProp = field
q.ineqFiltLowSet = true
q.ineqFiltLow = p
q.ineqFiltLowIncl = true
// ClearFilters clears all equality and inequality filters from the Query. It
// does not clear the Ancestor filter if one is defined.
func (q *Query) ClearFilters() *Query {
return q.mod(func(q *Query) {
anc := q.eqFilts["__ancestor__"]
if anc != nil {
q.eqFilts = map[string]PropertySlice{"__ancestor__": anc}
} else {
q.eqFilts = nil
q.ineqFiltLowSet = false
q.ineqFiltHighSet = false
// Finalize converts this Query to a FinalizedQuery. If the Query has any
// inconsistencies or violates any of the query rules, that will be returned
// here.
func (q *Query) Finalize() (*FinalizedQuery, error) {
if q.err != nil {
return nil, q.err
q.finalizeOnce.Do(func() {
q.finalized, q.finalizeErr = q.finalizeImpl()
return q.finalized, q.finalizeErr
func (q *Query) finalizeImpl() (*FinalizedQuery, error) {
ancestor := (*Key)(nil)
if slice, ok := q.eqFilts["__ancestor__"]; ok {
ancestor = slice[0].Value().(*Key)
err := func() error {
if q.kind == "" { // kindless query checks
if q.ineqFiltProp != "" && q.ineqFiltProp != "__key__" {
return fmt.Errorf(
"kindless queries can only filter on __key__, got %q", q.ineqFiltProp)
allowedEqs := 0
if ancestor != nil {
allowedEqs = 1
if len(q.eqFilts) > allowedEqs {
return fmt.Errorf("kindless queries may not have any equality filters")
for _, o := range q.order {
if o.Property != "__key__" || o.Descending {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid order for kindless query: %#v", o)
if q.keysOnly && q.project != nil && q.project.Len() > 0 {
return errors.New("cannot project a keysOnly query")
if q.ineqFiltProp != "" {
if len(q.order) > 0 && q.order[0].Property != q.ineqFiltProp {
return fmt.Errorf(
"first sort order must match inequality filter: %q v %q",
q.order[0].Property, q.ineqFiltProp)
if q.ineqFiltLowSet && q.ineqFiltHighSet {
if q.ineqFiltHigh.Less(&q.ineqFiltLow) ||
(q.ineqFiltHigh.Equal(&q.ineqFiltLow) &&
(!q.ineqFiltLowIncl || !q.ineqFiltHighIncl)) {
return ErrNullQuery
if q.ineqFiltProp == "__key__" {
if q.ineqFiltLowSet {
if ancestor != nil && !q.ineqFiltLow.Value().(*Key).HasAncestor(ancestor) {
return fmt.Errorf(
"inequality filters on __key__ must be descendants of the __ancestor__")
if q.ineqFiltHighSet {
if ancestor != nil && !q.ineqFiltHigh.Value().(*Key).HasAncestor(ancestor) {
return fmt.Errorf(
"inequality filters on __key__ must be descendants of the __ancestor__")
err := error(nil)
if q.project != nil {
q.project.Iter(func(p string) bool {
if _, iseq := q.eqFilts[p]; iseq {
err = fmt.Errorf("cannot project on equality filter field: %s", p)
return false
return true
return err
if err != nil {
return nil, err
ret := &FinalizedQuery{
original: q,
kind: q.kind,
keysOnly: q.keysOnly,
eventuallyConsistent: q.getEventualConsistency(ancestor),
limit: q.limit,
offset: q.offset,
start: q.start,
end: q.end,
eqFilts: q.eqFilts,
ineqFiltProp: q.ineqFiltProp,
ineqFiltLow: q.ineqFiltLow,
ineqFiltLowIncl: q.ineqFiltLowIncl,
ineqFiltLowSet: q.ineqFiltLowSet,
ineqFiltHigh: q.ineqFiltHigh,
ineqFiltHighIncl: q.ineqFiltHighIncl,
ineqFiltHighSet: q.ineqFiltHighSet,
// If a starting cursor is provided, ignore the offset, as it would have been
// accounted for in the query that produced the cursor.
if ret.start != nil {
ret.offset = nil
if q.project != nil {
ret.project = q.project.ToSlice()
ret.distinct = q.distinct && q.project.Len() > 0
// If we're DISTINCT && have an inequality filter, we must project that
// inequality property as well.
if ret.distinct && ret.ineqFiltProp != "" && !q.project.Has(ret.ineqFiltProp) {
ret.project = append([]string{ret.ineqFiltProp}, ret.project...)
seenOrders := stringset.New(len(q.order))
// if len(q.order) > 0, we already enforce that the first order
// is the same as the inequality above. Otherwise we need to add it.
if len(q.order) == 0 && q.ineqFiltProp != "" {
ret.orders = []IndexColumn{{Property: q.ineqFiltProp}}
// drop orders where there's an equality filter
// Deduplicate orders
for _, o := range q.order {
if _, iseq := q.eqFilts[o.Property]; !iseq {
if seenOrders.Add(o.Property) {
ret.orders = append(ret.orders, o)
// Add any projection columns not mentioned in the user-defined order as
// ASCENDING orders. Technically we could be smart and automatically use
// a DESCENDING ordered index, if it fit, but the logic gets insane, since all
// suffixes of all used indexes need to be PRECISELY equal (and so you'd have
// to hunt/invalidate/something to find the combination of indexes that are
// compatible with each other as well as the query). If you want to use
// a DESCENDING column, just add it to the user sort order, and this loop will
// not synthesize a new suffix entry for it.
// NOTE: if you want to use an index that sorts by -__key__, you MUST
// include all of the projected fields for that index in the order explicitly.
// Otherwise the generated orders will be wacky. So:
// Query("Foo").Project("A", "B").Order("A").Order("-__key__")
// will turn into a orders of:
// __key__, DESCENDING
// __key__, ASCENDING
// To prevent this, your query should have another Order("B") clause before
// the -__key__ clause.
if len(ret.project) > 0 {
for _, p := range ret.project {
if !seenOrders.Has(p) {
ret.orders = append(ret.orders, IndexColumn{Property: p})
// If the suffix format ends with __key__ already (e.g. .Order("__key__")),
// then we're good to go. Otherwise we need to add it as the last bit of the
// suffix, since all indexes implicitly have it as the last column.
if len(ret.orders) == 0 || ret.orders[len(ret.orders)-1].Property != "__key__" {
ret.orders = append(ret.orders, IndexColumn{Property: "__key__"})
return ret, nil
func (q *Query) String() string {
ret := &bytes.Buffer{}
needComma := false
p := func(fmtStr string, stuff ...interface{}) {
if needComma {
if _, err := ret.WriteString(", "); err != nil {
needComma = true
fmt.Fprintf(ret, fmtStr, stuff...)
if _, err := ret.WriteString("Query("); err != nil {
if q.err != nil {
p("ERROR=%q", q.err.Error())
// Filters
if q.kind != "" {
p("Kind=%q", q.kind)
if q.eqFilts["__ancestor__"] != nil {
p("Ancestor=%s", q.eqFilts["__ancestor__"][0].Value().(*Key).String())
for prop, vals := range q.eqFilts {
if prop == "__ancestor__" {
for _, v := range vals {
p("Filter(%q == %s)", prop, v.GQL())
if q.ineqFiltProp != "" {
if q.ineqFiltLowSet {
op := ">"
if q.ineqFiltLowIncl {
op = ">="
p("Filter(%q %s %s)", q.ineqFiltProp, op, q.ineqFiltLow.GQL())
if q.ineqFiltHighSet {
op := "<"
if q.ineqFiltHighIncl {
op = "<="
p("Filter(%q %s %s)", q.ineqFiltProp, op, q.ineqFiltHigh.GQL())
// Order
if len(q.order) > 0 {
orders := make([]string, len(q.order))
for i, o := range q.order {
orders[i] = o.String()
p("Order(%s)", strings.Join(orders, ", "))
// Projection
if q.project != nil && q.project.Len() > 0 {
f := "Project(%s)"
if q.distinct {
f = "Project[DISTINCT](%s)"
p(f, strings.Join(q.project.ToSlice(), ", "))
// Cursors
if q.start != nil {
p("Start(%q)", q.start.String())
if q.end != nil {
p("End(%q)", q.end.String())
// Modifiiers
if q.limit != nil {
p("Limit=%d", *q.limit)
if q.offset != nil {
p("Offset=%d", *q.offset)
if q.eventualConsistency {
if q.keysOnly {
if _, err := ret.WriteRune(')'); err != nil {
return ret.String()
// FirestoreMode set the firestore mode. It removes internal checks for
// this Query which don't apply when using Firestore-in-Datastore mode.
// All Datastore queries become strongly consistent if firestoreMode is set
// as True. The eventualConsistency flag will be ignored.
// In particular, it allows non-ancestor queries within a transaction.
func (q *Query) FirestoreMode(on bool) *Query {
return q.mod(func(q *Query) {
q.firestoreMode = on
// GetFirestoreMode returns the firestore mode.
func (q *Query) GetFirestoreMode() bool {
return q.firestoreMode
func (q *Query) getEventualConsistency(ancestor *Key) bool {
if q.firestoreMode {
// eventualConsistency won't be true anyway in firestore mode.
// So user input of eventualConsistency will be ignored
return false
return q.eventualConsistency || ancestor == nil