blob: e73b1705ed7564ac4695a385c72ba7e90e661974 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The LUCI Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package datastore
import (
. ""
. ""
const (
MaxUint = ^uint(0)
MaxInt = int(MaxUint >> 1)
IntIs32Bits = int64(MaxInt) < math.MaxInt64
func TestDatastoreQueries(t *testing.T) {
Convey("Datastore Query suport", t, func() {
Convey("can create good queries", func() {
q := NewQuery("Foo").Gt("farnsworth", 20).KeysOnly(true).Limit(10).Offset(39)
start := fakeCursor(1337)
end := fakeCursor(24601)
q = q.Start(start).End(end)
So(q, ShouldNotBeNil)
fq, err := q.Finalize()
So(fq, ShouldNotBeNil)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
Convey("ensures orders make sense", func() {
q := NewQuery("Cool")
q = q.Eq("cat", 19).Eq("bob", 10).Order("bob", "bob")
Convey("removes dups and equality orders", func() {
q = q.Order("wat")
fq, err := q.Finalize()
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(fq.Orders(), ShouldResemble, []IndexColumn{
{Property: "wat"}, {Property: "__key__"}})
type queryTest struct {
// name is the name of the test case
name string
// q is the input query
q *Query
// gql is the expected generated GQL.
gql string
// assertion is the error to expect after prepping the query, or nil if the
// error should be nil.
assertion func(err error)
// equivalentQuery is another query which ShouldResemble q. This is useful to
// see the effects of redundancy pruning on e.g. filters.
equivalentQuery *Query
type sillyCursor string
func (s sillyCursor) String() string { return string(s) }
func nq(kinds ...string) *Query {
kind := "Foo"
if len(kinds) > 0 {
kind = kinds[0]
return NewQuery(kind)
func mkKey(elems ...interface{}) *Key {
return MkKeyContext("s~aid", "ns").MakeKey(elems...)
func errString(v string) func(error) {
return func(err error) {
So(err, ShouldErrLike, v)
func shouldBeErrInvalidKey(err error) {
So(IsErrInvalidKey(err), ShouldBeTrue)
var queryTests = []queryTest{
{"only one inequality",
nq().Order("bob", "wat").Gt("bob", 10).Lt("wat", 29),
errString("inequality filters on multiple properties"),
{"bad order",
errString("invalid order"), nil},
{"empty order",
errString("empty order"), nil},
{"negative offset disables Offset",
"SELECT * FROM `Foo` ORDER BY `__key__`",
nil, nq()},
{"projecting a keys-only query",
errString("cannot project a keysOnly query"), nil},
{"projecting a keys-only query (reverse)",
errString("cannot project a keysOnly query"), nil},
{"projecting an empty field",
nq().Project("hello", ""),
errString("cannot filter/project on: \"\""), nil},
{"projecting __key__",
nq().Project("hello", "__key__"),
errString("cannot project on \"__key__\""), nil},
{"getting all the keys",
"SELECT __key__ ORDER BY `__key__`",
nil, nil},
{"projecting a duplicate",
nq().Project("hello", "hello"),
"SELECT `hello` FROM `Foo` ORDER BY `hello`, `__key__`",
nil, nq().Project("hello")},
{"projecting a duplicate (style 2)",
"SELECT `hello` FROM `Foo` ORDER BY `hello`, `__key__`",
nil, nq().Project("hello")},
{"project distinct",
"SELECT DISTINCT `hello` FROM `Foo` ORDER BY `hello`, `__key__`",
nil, nil},
{"projecting in an inequality query",
nq().Gte("foo", 10).Project("bar").Distinct(true),
"SELECT DISTINCT `bar`, `foo` FROM `Foo` WHERE `foo` >= 10 ORDER BY `foo`, `bar`, `__key__`",
nil, nil},
{"bad ancestors",
nq().Ancestor(mkKey("goop", 0)),
shouldBeErrInvalidKey, nil},
{"nil ancestors",
"SELECT * FROM `Foo` ORDER BY `__key__`",
nil, nq()},
{"Bad key filters",
nq().Gt("__key__", mkKey("goop", 0)),
shouldBeErrInvalidKey, nil},
{"filters for __key__ that aren't keys",
nq().Gt("__key__", 10),
errString("filters on \"__key__\" must have type *Key"), nil},
{"multiple inequalities",
nq().Gt("bob", 19).Lt("charlie", 20),
errString("inequality filters on multiple properties"), nil},
{"inequality must be first sort order",
nq().Gt("bob", 19).Order("-charlie"),
errString("first sort order"), nil},
{"inequality must be first sort order (reverse)",
nq().Order("-charlie").Gt("bob", 19),
errString("first sort order"), nil},
{"equality filter projected field",
nq().Project("foo").Eq("foo", 10),
errString("cannot project"), nil},
{"equality filter projected field (reverse)",
nq().Eq("foo", 10).Project("foo"),
errString("cannot project"), nil},
{"kindless with non-__key__ filters",
nq("").Lt("face", 25.3),
errString("kindless queries can only filter on __key__"), nil},
{"kindless with non-__key__ orders",
errString("invalid order for kindless query"), nil},
{"kindless with descending-__key__ order",
errString("invalid order for kindless query"), nil},
{"kindless with equality filters",
nq("").Eq("hello", 1),
errString("may not have any equality"), nil},
{"kindless with ancestor filter",
nq("").Ancestor(mkKey("Parent", 1)),
"SELECT * WHERE __key__ HAS ANCESTOR KEY(DATASET(\"s~aid\"), NAMESPACE(\"ns\"), \"Parent\", 1) ORDER BY `__key__`",
nil, nil},
{"kindless with ancestor filter and __key__ ineq",
nq("").Ancestor(mkKey("Parent", 1)).Lt("__key__", mkKey("Parent", 1, "Sub", "hat")),
"SELECT * WHERE `__key__` < KEY(DATASET(\"s~aid\"), NAMESPACE(\"ns\"), \"Parent\", 1, \"Sub\", \"hat\") AND __key__ HAS ANCESTOR KEY(DATASET(\"s~aid\"), NAMESPACE(\"ns\"), \"Parent\", 1) ORDER BY `__key__`",
nil, nil},
{"distinct non-projection",
nq().Distinct(true).Gt("marla", 1),
"SELECT * FROM `Foo` WHERE `marla` > 1 ORDER BY `marla`, `__key__`",
nil, nq().Gt("marla", 1)},
{"chained errors return the first",
nq().Eq("__reserved__", 100).Eq("hello", "wurld").Order(""),
errString("__reserved__"), nil},
{"multiple ancestors",
nq().Ancestor(mkKey("something", "correct")).Ancestor(mkKey("something", "else")),
("SELECT * FROM `Foo` " +
"WHERE __key__ HAS ANCESTOR KEY(DATASET(\"s~aid\"), NAMESPACE(\"ns\"), \"something\", \"else\") " +
"ORDER BY `__key__`"),
nil, nq().Ancestor(mkKey("something", "else"))},
{"filter with illegal type",
nq().Eq("something", complex(1, 2)),
errString("bad type complex"), nil},
{"sort orders used for equality are ignored",
nq().Order("a", "b", "c").Eq("b", 2, 2),
"SELECT * FROM `Foo` WHERE `b` = 2 ORDER BY `a`, `c`, `__key__`",
nil, nq().Order("a", "c").Eq("b", 2)},
{"sort orders used for equality are ignored (reversed)",
nq().Eq("b", 2).Order("a", "b", "c"),
"SELECT * FROM `Foo` WHERE `b` = 2 ORDER BY `a`, `c`, `__key__`",
nq().Order("a", "c").Eq("b", 2)},
{"duplicate equality filters are ignored",
nq().Eq("b", 10, -1, 2, 2, 7, 1, 2, 10, -1, 7, 1, 2),
"SELECT * FROM `Foo` WHERE `b` = -1 AND `b` = 1 AND `b` = 2 AND `b` = 7 AND `b` = 10 ORDER BY `__key__`",
nq().Eq("b", -1, 1, 2, 7, 10)},
{"duplicate orders are ignored",
"SELECT * FROM `Foo` ORDER BY `a`, `__key__`",
{"Filtering on a reserved property is forbidden",
nq().Gte("__special__", 10),
errString("cannot filter/project on reserved property: \"__special__\""),
{"in-bound key filters with ancestor OK",
nq().Ancestor(mkKey("Hello", 10)).Lte("__key__", mkKey("Hello", 10, "Something", "hi")),
("SELECT * FROM `Foo` " +
"WHERE `__key__` <= KEY(DATASET(\"s~aid\"), NAMESPACE(\"ns\"), \"Hello\", 10, \"Something\", \"hi\") AND " +
"__key__ HAS ANCESTOR KEY(DATASET(\"s~aid\"), NAMESPACE(\"ns\"), \"Hello\", 10) " +
"ORDER BY `__key__`"),
{"projection elements get filled in",
nq().Project("Foo", "Bar").Order("-Bar"),
"SELECT `Bar`, `Foo` FROM `Foo` ORDER BY `Bar` DESC, `Foo`, `__key__`",
nil, nq().Project("Foo", "Bar").Order("-Bar").Order("Foo")},
{"query without anything is fine",
"SELECT * FROM `Foo` ORDER BY `__key__`",
{"ineq on __key__ with ancestor must be an ancestor of __ancestor__!",
nq().Ancestor(mkKey("Hello", 10)).Lt("__key__", mkKey("Hello", 8)),
errString("inequality filters on __key__ must be descendants of the __ancestor__"),
{"ineq on __key__ with ancestor must be an ancestor of __ancestor__! (2)",
nq().Ancestor(mkKey("Hello", 10)).Gt("__key__", mkKey("Hello", 8)),
errString("inequality filters on __key__ must be descendants of the __ancestor__"),
{"can build an empty query",
nq().Lt("hello", 10).Gt("hello", 50),
func(err error) { So(err, ShouldEqual, ErrNullQuery) },
func TestQueries(t *testing.T) {
Convey("queries have tons of condition checking", t, func() {
for _, tc := range queryTests {
Convey(, func() {
fq, err := tc.q.Finalize()
if err == nil {
err = fq.Valid(MkKeyContext("s~aid", "ns"))
if tc.assertion != nil {
} else {
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
if tc.gql != "" {
So(fq.GQL(), ShouldEqual, tc.gql)
if tc.equivalentQuery != nil {
fq2, err := tc.equivalentQuery.Finalize()
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
fq.original = nil
fq2.original = nil
So(fq, ShouldResemble, fq2)
func TestQueryConcurrencySafety(t *testing.T) {
Convey("query and derivative query finalization is goroutine-safe", t, func() {
const rounds = 10
q := NewQuery("Foo")
err := parallel.FanOutIn(func(outerC chan<- func() error) {
for i := 0; i < rounds; i++ {
outerQ := q.Gt("Field", i)
// Finalize the original query.
outerC <- func() error {
_, err := q.Finalize()
return err
// Finalize the derivative query a lot.
outerC <- func() error {
return parallel.FanOutIn(func(innerC chan<- func() error) {
for i := 0; i < rounds; i++ {
innerC <- func() error {
_, err := outerQ.Finalize()
return err
So(err, ShouldBeNil)