blob: 535b8d524b1acb868bb3889f1111e45ccf259c11 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// HEAVILY adapted from
package datastore
import (
// Entities with more than this many indexed properties will not be saved.
const maxIndexedProperties = 20000
type structTag struct {
name string
idxSetting IndexSetting
isSlice bool
substructCodec *structCodec
convert bool
metaVal interface{}
canSet bool
type structCodec struct {
byMeta map[string]int
byName map[string]int
byIndex []structTag
hasSlice bool
mgs bool
problem error
type structPLS struct {
o reflect.Value
c *structCodec
func (p *structPLS) getMGS() MetaGetterSetter {
if !p.c.mgs {
return nil
return p.o.Addr().Interface().(MetaGetterSetter)
var _ PropertyLoadSaver = (*structPLS)(nil)
// typeMismatchReason returns a string explaining why the property p could not
// be stored in an entity field of type v.Type().
func typeMismatchReason(val interface{}, v reflect.Value) string {
entityType := reflect.TypeOf(val)
return fmt.Sprintf("type mismatch: %s versus %v", entityType, v.Type())
func (p *structPLS) Load(propMap PropertyMap) error {
if err := p.Problem(); err != nil {
return err
convFailures := errors.MultiError(nil)
t := reflect.Type(nil)
for name, props := range propMap {
multiple := len(props) > 1
for i, prop := range props {
if reason := loadInner(p.c, p.o, i, name, prop, multiple); reason != "" {
if t == nil {
t = p.o.Type()
convFailures = append(convFailures, &ErrFieldMismatch{
StructType: t,
FieldName: name,
Reason: reason,
if len(convFailures) > 0 {
return convFailures
return nil
func loadInner(codec *structCodec, structValue reflect.Value, index int, name string, p Property, requireSlice bool) string {
var v reflect.Value
// Traverse a struct's struct-typed fields.
for {
fieldIndex, ok := codec.byName[name]
if !ok {
return "no such struct field"
v = structValue.Field(fieldIndex)
st := codec.byIndex[fieldIndex]
if st.substructCodec == nil {
if v.Kind() == reflect.Slice {
for v.Len() <= index {
v.Set(reflect.Append(v, reflect.New(v.Type().Elem()).Elem()))
structValue = v.Index(index)
requireSlice = false
} else {
structValue = v
// Strip the "I." from "I.X".
name = name[len(]
codec = st.substructCodec
doConversion := func(v reflect.Value) (string, bool) {
a := v.Addr()
if conv, ok := a.Interface().(PropertyConverter); ok {
err := conv.FromProperty(p)
if err != nil {
return err.Error(), true
return "", true
return "", false
if ret, ok := doConversion(v); ok {
return ret
var slice reflect.Value
if v.Kind() == reflect.Slice && v.Type().Elem().Kind() != reflect.Uint8 {
slice = v
v = reflect.New(v.Type().Elem()).Elem()
} else if requireSlice {
return "multiple-valued property requires a slice field type"
if ret, ok := doConversion(v); ok {
if ret != "" {
return ret
} else {
knd := v.Kind()
project := PTNull
overflow := (func(interface{}) bool)(nil)
set := (func(interface{}))(nil)
switch knd {
case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64:
project = PTInt
overflow = func(x interface{}) bool { return v.OverflowInt(x.(int64)) }
set = func(x interface{}) { v.SetInt(x.(int64)) }
case reflect.Bool:
project = PTBool
set = func(x interface{}) { v.SetBool(x.(bool)) }
case reflect.String:
project = PTString
set = func(x interface{}) { v.SetString(x.(string)) }
case reflect.Float32, reflect.Float64:
project = PTFloat
overflow = func(x interface{}) bool { return v.OverflowFloat(x.(float64)) }
set = func(x interface{}) { v.SetFloat(x.(float64)) }
case reflect.Ptr:
project = PTKey
set = func(x interface{}) {
if k, ok := x.(*Key); ok {
case reflect.Struct:
switch v.Type() {
case typeOfTime:
project = PTTime
set = func(x interface{}) { v.Set(reflect.ValueOf(x)) }
case typeOfGeoPoint:
project = PTGeoPoint
set = func(x interface{}) { v.Set(reflect.ValueOf(x)) }
panic(fmt.Errorf("helper: impossible: %s", typeMismatchReason(p.value, v)))
case reflect.Slice:
project = PTBytes
set = func(x interface{}) {
panic(fmt.Errorf("helper: impossible: %s", typeMismatchReason(p.value, v)))
pVal, err := p.Project(project)
if err != nil {
return typeMismatchReason(p.value, v)
if overflow != nil && overflow(pVal) {
return fmt.Sprintf("value %v overflows struct field of type %v", pVal, v.Type())
if slice.IsValid() {
slice.Set(reflect.Append(slice, v))
return ""
func (p *structPLS) Save(withMeta bool) (PropertyMap, error) {
ret := PropertyMap(nil)
if withMeta {
ret = p.GetAllMeta()
} else {
ret = make(PropertyMap, len(p.c.byName))
if _, err :=, "", ShouldIndex); err != nil {
return nil, err
return ret, nil
func (p *structPLS) getDefaultKind() string {
return p.o.Type().Name()
func (p *structPLS) save(propMap PropertyMap, prefix string, is IndexSetting) (idxCount int, err error) {
if err = p.Problem(); err != nil {
saveProp := func(name string, si IndexSetting, v reflect.Value, st *structTag) (err error) {
if st.substructCodec != nil {
count, err := (&structPLS{v, st.substructCodec}).save(propMap, name, si)
if err == nil {
idxCount += count
if idxCount > maxIndexedProperties {
err = errors.New("gae: too many indexed properties")
return err
prop := Property{}
if st.convert {
prop, err = v.Addr().Interface().(PropertyConverter).ToProperty()
} else {
err = prop.SetValue(v.Interface(), si)
if err != nil {
return err
propMap[name] = append(propMap[name], prop)
if prop.IndexSetting() == ShouldIndex {
if idxCount > maxIndexedProperties {
return errors.New("gae: too many indexed properties")
return nil
for i, st := range p.c.byIndex {
if == "-" {
name :=
if prefix != "" {
name = prefix + name
v := p.o.Field(i)
is1 := is
if st.idxSetting == NoIndex {
is1 = NoIndex
if st.isSlice {
for j := 0; j < v.Len(); j++ {
if err = saveProp(name, is1, v.Index(j), &st); err != nil {
} else {
if err = saveProp(name, is1, v, &st); err != nil {
func (p *structPLS) GetMeta(key string) (interface{}, error) {
if err := p.Problem(); err != nil {
return nil, err
if idx, ok := p.c.byMeta[key]; ok {
return p.getMetaFor(idx), nil
if p.c.mgs {
ret, err := p.getMGS().GetMeta(key)
if err == nil {
return ret, err
} else if err != ErrMetaFieldUnset {
return nil, err
if key == "kind" {
return p.getDefaultKind(), nil
return nil, ErrMetaFieldUnset
func (p *structPLS) getMetaFor(idx int) interface{} {
st := p.c.byIndex[idx]
val := st.metaVal
f := p.o.Field(idx)
if st.canSet {
if !reflect.DeepEqual(reflect.Zero(f.Type()).Interface(), f.Interface()) {
val = f.Interface()
if bf, ok := val.(Toggle); ok {
val = bf == On // true if On, otherwise false
return val
func (p *structPLS) GetAllMeta() PropertyMap {
ret := PropertyMap(nil)
needKind := true
if p.c.mgs {
ret = p.getMGS().GetAllMeta()
_, haveKind := ret["$kind"]
needKind = !haveKind
} else {
ret = make(PropertyMap, len(p.c.byMeta)+1)
for k, idx := range p.c.byMeta {
val := p.getMetaFor(idx)
p := Property{}
if err := p.SetValue(val, NoIndex); err != nil {
ret["$"+k] = []Property{p}
if needKind {
if _, ok := p.c.byMeta["kind"]; !ok {
ret["$kind"] = []Property{MkPropertyNI(p.getDefaultKind())}
return ret
func (p *structPLS) GetMetaDefault(key string, def interface{}) interface{} {
return GetMetaDefaultImpl(p.GetMeta, key, def)
func (p *structPLS) SetMeta(key string, val interface{}) (err error) {
if err = p.Problem(); err != nil {
idx, ok := p.c.byMeta[key]
if !ok {
if p.c.mgs {
return p.getMGS().SetMeta(key, val)
return ErrMetaFieldUnset
if !p.c.byIndex[idx].canSet {
return fmt.Errorf("gae/helper: cannot set meta %q: unexported field", key)
// setting a BoolField
if b, ok := val.(bool); ok {
if b {
val = On
} else {
val = Off
f := p.o.Field(idx)
if val == nil {
} else {
return nil
func (p *structPLS) Problem() error { return p.c.problem }
var (
// The RWMutex is chosen intentionally, as the majority of access to the
// structCodecs map will be in parallel and will be to read an existing codec.
// There's no reason to serialize goroutines on every
// gae.Interface.{Get,Put}{,Multi} call.
structCodecsMutex sync.RWMutex
structCodecs = map[reflect.Type]*structCodec{}
// validPropertyName returns whether name consists of one or more valid Go
// identifiers joined by ".".
func validPropertyName(name string) bool {
if name == "" {
return false
for _, s := range strings.Split(name, ".") {
if s == "" {
return false
first := true
for _, c := range s {
if first {
first = false
if c != '_' && !unicode.IsLetter(c) {
return false
} else {
if c != '_' && !unicode.IsLetter(c) && !unicode.IsDigit(c) {
return false
return true
var (
errRecursiveStruct = fmt.Errorf("(internal): struct type is recursively defined")
func getStructCodecLocked(t reflect.Type) (c *structCodec) {
if c, ok := structCodecs[t]; ok {
return c
me := func(fmtStr string, args ...interface{}) error {
return fmt.Errorf(fmtStr, args...)
c = &structCodec{
byIndex: make([]structTag, t.NumField()),
byName: make(map[string]int, t.NumField()),
byMeta: make(map[string]int, t.NumField()),
problem: errRecursiveStruct, // we'll clear this later if it's not recursive
mgs: reflect.PtrTo(t).Implements(typeOfMGS),
defer func() {
// If the codec has a problem, free up the indexes
if c.problem != nil {
c.byIndex = nil
c.byName = nil
c.byMeta = nil
structCodecs[t] = c
for i := range c.byIndex {
st := &c.byIndex[i]
f := t.Field(i)
name := f.Tag.Get("gae")
opts := ""
if i := strings.Index(name, ","); i != -1 {
name, opts = name[:i], name[i+1:]
st.canSet = f.PkgPath == "" // blank == exported
switch {
case name == "":
if !f.Anonymous {
name = f.Name
case name[0] == '$':
name = name[1:]
if _, ok := c.byMeta[name]; ok {
c.problem = me("meta field %q set multiple times", "$"+name)
c.byMeta[name] = i
mv, err := convertMeta(opts, f.Type)
if err != nil {
c.problem = me("meta field %q has bad type: %s", "$"+name, err)
st.metaVal = mv
case name == "-": = "-"
if !validPropertyName(name) {
c.problem = me("struct tag has invalid property name: %q", name)
if !st.canSet { = "-"
substructType := reflect.Type(nil)
ft := f.Type
if reflect.PtrTo(ft).Implements(typeOfPropertyConverter) {
st.convert = true
} else {
switch f.Type.Kind() {
case reflect.Struct:
if ft != typeOfTime && ft != typeOfGeoPoint {
substructType = ft
case reflect.Slice:
if reflect.PtrTo(ft.Elem()).Implements(typeOfPropertyConverter) {
st.convert = true
} else if ft.Elem().Kind() == reflect.Struct {
substructType = ft.Elem()
st.isSlice = ft.Elem().Kind() != reflect.Uint8
c.hasSlice = c.hasSlice || st.isSlice
case reflect.Interface:
c.problem = me("field %q has non-concrete interface type %s",
f.Name, f.Type)
if substructType != nil {
sub := getStructCodecLocked(substructType)
if sub.problem != nil {
if sub.problem == errRecursiveStruct {
c.problem = me("field %q is recursively defined", f.Name)
} else {
c.problem = me("field %q has problem: %s", f.Name, sub.problem)
st.substructCodec = sub
if st.isSlice && sub.hasSlice {
c.problem = me(
"flattening nested structs leads to a slice of slices: field %q",
c.hasSlice = c.hasSlice || sub.hasSlice
if name != "" {
name += "."
for relName := range sub.byName {
absName := name + relName
if _, ok := c.byName[absName]; ok {
c.problem = me("struct tag has repeated property name: %q", absName)
c.byName[absName] = i
} else {
if !st.convert { // check the underlying static type of the field
t := ft
if st.isSlice {
t = t.Elem()
v := UpconvertUnderlyingType(reflect.New(t).Elem().Interface())
if _, err := PropertyTypeOf(v, false); err != nil {
c.problem = me("field %q has invalid type: %s", name, ft)
if _, ok := c.byName[name]; ok {
c.problem = me("struct tag has repeated property name: %q", name)
c.byName[name] = i
} = name
if opts == "noindex" {
st.idxSetting = NoIndex
if c.problem == errRecursiveStruct {
c.problem = nil
func convertMeta(val string, t reflect.Type) (interface{}, error) {
switch t {
case typeOfString:
return val, nil
case typeOfKey:
if val != "" {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("key field is not allowed to have a default: %q", val)
return nil, nil
case typeOfInt64:
if val == "" {
return int64(0), nil
return strconv.ParseInt(val, 10, 64)
case typeOfToggle:
switch val {
case "on", "On", "true":
return true, nil
case "off", "Off", "false":
return false, nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Toggle field has bad/missing default, got %q", val)
return nil, fmt.Errorf("helper: meta field with bad type/value %s/%q", t, val)