blob: 7cb5a2b54abbaf0ce957913302c8fe7c62f14425 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// adapted from
package datastore
import (
. ""
. ""
var (
mp = MkProperty
mpNI = MkPropertyNI
const testAppID = "testApp"
type (
myBlob []byte
myByte byte
myString string
func makeMyByteSlice(n int) []myByte {
b := make([]myByte, n)
for i := range b {
b[i] = myByte(i)
return b
func makeInt8Slice(n int) []int8 {
b := make([]int8, n)
for i := range b {
b[i] = int8(i)
return b
func makeUint8Slice(n int) []uint8 {
b := make([]uint8, n)
for i := range b {
b[i] = uint8(i)
return b
var (
testKey0 = mkKey("aid", "", "kind", "name0")
testKey1a = mkKey("aid", "", "kind", "name1")
testKey1b = mkKey("aid", "", "kind", "name1")
testKey2a = mkKey("aid", "", "kind", "name0", "kind", "name2")
testKey2b = mkKey("aid", "", "kind", "name0", "kind", "name2")
testGeoPt0 = GeoPoint{Lat: 1.2, Lng: 3.4}
testGeoPt1 = GeoPoint{Lat: 5, Lng: 10}
testBadGeoPt = GeoPoint{Lat: 1000, Lng: 34}
type B0 struct {
B []byte `gae:",noindex"`
type B1 struct {
B []int8
type B2 struct {
B myBlob
type B3 struct {
B []myByte
type B4 struct {
B [][]byte `gae:",noindex"`
type B5 struct {
B []byte
type C0 struct {
I int
C chan int
type C1 struct {
I int
C *chan int
type C2 struct {
I int
C []chan int
type C3 struct {
C string
type E struct{}
type G0 struct {
G GeoPoint
type G1 struct {
G []GeoPoint
type K0 struct {
K *Key
type K1 struct {
K []*Key
type N0 struct {
ID int64 `gae:"$id"`
_kind string `gae:"$kind,whatnow"`
Nonymous X0
Ignore string `gae:"-"`
Other string
type N1 struct {
Nonymous []X0
Ignore string `gae:"-"`
Other string
type N2 struct {
N1 `gae:"red"`
Green N1 `gae:"green"`
Blue N1
White N1 `gae:"-"`
type O0 struct {
I int64
type O1 struct {
I int32
type U0 struct {
U uint
type U1 struct {
U string
type T struct {
T time.Time
type X0 struct {
S string
I int
i int
type X1 struct {
S myString
I int32
J int64
type X2 struct {
Z string
i int
type X3 struct {
S bool
I int
type Y0 struct {
B bool
F []float64
G []float64
type Y1 struct {
B bool
F float64
type Y2 struct {
B bool
F []int64
type Y3 struct {
B bool
F int64
type Tagged struct {
A int `gae:"a,noindex"`
B []int `gae:"b1"`
C int `gae:",noindex"`
D int `gae:""`
E int
I int `gae:"-"`
J int `gae:",noindex" json:"j"`
Y0 `gae:"-"`
Z chan int `gae:"-,"`
type InvalidTagged1 struct {
I int `gae:"\t"`
type InvalidTagged2 struct {
I int
J int `gae:"I"`
type InvalidTagged3 struct {
I int `gae:"a\t"`
type InvalidTagged4 struct {
I int `gae:"a."`
type InvalidTaggedSub struct {
I int
type InvalidTagged5 struct {
I int `gae:"V.I"`
V []InvalidTaggedSub
type Inner1 struct {
W int32
X string
type Inner2 struct {
Y float64
type Inner3 struct {
Z bool
type Outer struct {
A int16
I []Inner1
J Inner2
type OuterEquivalent struct {
A int16
IDotW []int32 `gae:"I.W"`
IDotX []string `gae:"I.X"`
JDotY float64 `gae:"J.Y"`
Z bool
type Dotted struct {
A DottedA `gae:"A0.A1.A2"`
type DottedA struct {
B DottedB `gae:"B3"`
type DottedB struct {
C int `gae:"C4.C5"`
type SliceOfSlices struct {
I int
S []struct {
J int
F []float64
type Recursive struct {
I int
R []Recursive
type MutuallyRecursive0 struct {
I int
R []MutuallyRecursive1
type MutuallyRecursive1 struct {
I int
R []MutuallyRecursive0
type ExoticTypes struct {
BS blobstore.Key
type Underspecified struct {
Iface PropertyConverter
type MismatchTypes struct {
S string
B bool
F float32
K *Key
T time.Time
G GeoPoint
IS []int
type BadMeta struct {
ID int64 `gae:"$id"`
id string `gae:"$id"`
type Doubler struct {
S string
I int64
B bool
func (d *Doubler) Load(props PropertyMap) error {
return GetPLS(d).Load(props)
func (d *Doubler) Save(withMeta bool) (PropertyMap, error) {
pls := GetPLS(d)
propMap, err := pls.Save(withMeta)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Edit that map and send it on.
for _, props := range propMap {
for i := range props {
switch v := props[i].Value().(type) {
case string:
// + means string concatenation.
So(props[i].SetValue(v+v, props[i].IndexSetting()), ShouldBeNil)
case int64:
// + means integer addition.
So(props[i].SetValue(v+v, props[i].IndexSetting()), ShouldBeNil)
return propMap, nil
func (d *Doubler) GetAllMeta() PropertyMap { return nil }
func (d *Doubler) GetMeta(string) (interface{}, error) { return nil, ErrMetaFieldUnset }
func (d *Doubler) GetMetaDefault(_ string, dflt interface{}) interface{} { return dflt }
func (d *Doubler) SetMeta(string, interface{}) error { return ErrMetaFieldUnset }
func (d *Doubler) Problem() error { return nil }
var _ PropertyLoadSaver = (*Doubler)(nil)
type Deriver struct {
S, Derived, Ignored string
func (d *Deriver) Load(props PropertyMap) error {
for name, p := range props {
if name != "S" {
d.S = p[0].Value().(string)
d.Derived = "derived+" + d.S
return nil
func (d *Deriver) Save(withMeta bool) (PropertyMap, error) {
return map[string][]Property{
"S": {mp(d.S)},
}, nil
func (d *Deriver) GetAllMeta() PropertyMap { return nil }
func (d *Deriver) GetMeta(string) (interface{}, error) { return nil, ErrMetaFieldUnset }
func (d *Deriver) GetMetaDefault(_ string, dflt interface{}) interface{} { return dflt }
func (d *Deriver) SetMeta(string, interface{}) error { return ErrMetaFieldUnset }
func (d *Deriver) Problem() error { return nil }
var _ PropertyLoadSaver = (*Deriver)(nil)
type BK struct {
Key blobstore.Key
type Convertable []int64
var _ PropertyConverter = (*Convertable)(nil)
func (c *Convertable) ToProperty() (ret Property, err error) {
buf := make([]string, len(*c))
for i, v := range *c {
buf[i] = strconv.FormatInt(v, 10)
err = ret.SetValue(strings.Join(buf, ","), NoIndex)
func (c *Convertable) FromProperty(pv Property) error {
if sval, ok := pv.Value().(string); ok {
for _, t := range strings.Split(sval, ",") {
ival, err := strconv.ParseInt(t, 10, 64)
if err != nil {
return err
*c = append(*c, ival)
return nil
return fmt.Errorf("nope")
type Impossible struct {
Nested []ImpossibleInner
type ImpossibleInner struct {
Ints Convertable `gae:"wot"`
type Convertable2 struct {
Data string
Exploded []string
func (c *Convertable2) ToProperty() (ret Property, err error) {
err = ret.SetValue(c.Data, ShouldIndex)
func (c *Convertable2) FromProperty(pv Property) error {
if sval, ok := pv.Value().(string); ok {
c.Data = sval
c.Exploded = []string{"turn", "down", "for", "what"}
return nil
return fmt.Errorf("nope")
type Impossible2 struct {
Nested []ImpossibleInner2
type ImpossibleInner2 struct {
Thingy Convertable2 `gae:"nerb"`
type JSONKVProp map[string]interface{}
var _ PropertyConverter = (*JSONKVProp)(nil)
func (j *JSONKVProp) ToProperty() (ret Property, err error) {
data, err := json.Marshal(map[string]interface{}(*j))
if err != nil {
err = ret.SetValue(data, NoIndex)
func (j *JSONKVProp) FromProperty(pv Property) error {
if bval, ok := pv.Value().([]byte); ok {
dec := json.NewDecoder(bytes.NewBuffer(bval))
return dec.Decode((*map[string]interface{})(j))
return fmt.Errorf("nope")
type Impossible3 struct {
KMap JSONKVProp `gae:"kewelmap"`
type Complex complex128
var _ PropertyConverter = (*Complex)(nil)
func (c *Complex) ToProperty() (ret Property, err error) {
// cheat hardkore and usurp GeoPoint so datastore will index these suckers
// (note that this won't REALLY work, since GeoPoints are limited to a very
// limited range of values, but it's nice to pretend ;)). You'd probably
// really end up with a packed binary representation.
err = ret.SetValue(GeoPoint{Lat: real(*c), Lng: imag(*c)}, ShouldIndex)
func (c *Complex) FromProperty(p Property) error {
if gval, ok := p.Value().(GeoPoint); ok {
*c = Complex(complex(gval.Lat, gval.Lng))
return nil
return fmt.Errorf("nope")
type Impossible4 struct {
Values []Complex
type DerivedKey struct {
K *Key
type IfaceKey struct {
K *Key
type IDParser struct {
_kind string `gae:"$kind,CoolKind"`
// real $id is myParentName|myID
parent string `gae:"-"`
id int64 `gae:"-"`
var _ MetaGetterSetter = (*IDParser)(nil)
func (i *IDParser) getFullID() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s|%d", i.parent,
func (i *IDParser) GetAllMeta() PropertyMap {
pm := PropertyMap{}
pm.SetMeta("id", i.getFullID())
return pm
func (i *IDParser) GetMeta(key string) (interface{}, error) {
if key == "id" {
return i.getFullID(), nil
return nil, ErrMetaFieldUnset
func (i *IDParser) GetMetaDefault(key string, dflt interface{}) interface{} {
return GetMetaDefaultImpl(i.GetMeta, key, dflt)
func (i *IDParser) SetMeta(key string, value interface{}) (err error) {
if key == "id" {
// let the panics flooowwww
vS := strings.SplitN(value.(string), "|", 2)
i.parent = vS[0], err = strconv.ParseInt(vS[1], 10, 64)
return ErrMetaFieldUnset
type KindOverride struct {
ID int64 `gae:"$id"`
customKind string `gae:"-"`
var _ MetaGetterSetter = (*KindOverride)(nil)
func (i *KindOverride) GetAllMeta() PropertyMap {
pm := PropertyMap{}
if i.customKind != "" {
pm.SetMeta("kind", i.customKind)
return pm
func (i *KindOverride) GetMeta(key string) (interface{}, error) {
if key == "kind" && i.customKind != "" {
return i.customKind, nil
return nil, ErrMetaFieldUnset
func (i *KindOverride) GetMetaDefault(key string, dflt interface{}) interface{} {
return GetMetaDefaultImpl(i.GetMeta, key, dflt)
func (i *KindOverride) SetMeta(key string, value interface{}) error {
if key == "kind" {
kind := value.(string)
if kind != "KindOverride" {
i.customKind = kind
} else {
i.customKind = ""
return nil
return ErrMetaFieldUnset
type testCase struct {
desc string
src interface{}
want interface{}
plsErr string
saveErr string
plsLoadErr string
loadErr string
var testCases = []testCase{
desc: "chan save fails",
src: &C0{I: -1},
plsErr: `field "C" has invalid type: chan int`,
desc: "*chan save fails",
src: &C1{I: -1},
plsErr: `field "C" has invalid type: *chan int`,
desc: "[]chan save fails",
src: &C2{I: -1, C: make([]chan int, 8)},
plsErr: `field "C" has invalid type: []chan int`,
desc: "chan load fails",
src: &C3{C: "not a chan"},
want: &C0{},
plsLoadErr: `field "C" has invalid type: chan int`,
desc: "*chan load fails",
src: &C3{C: "not a *chan"},
want: &C1{},
plsLoadErr: `field "C" has invalid type: *chan int`,
desc: "[]chan load fails",
src: &C3{C: "not a []chan"},
want: &C2{},
plsLoadErr: `field "C" has invalid type: []chan int`,
desc: "empty struct",
src: &E{},
want: &E{},
desc: "geopoint",
src: &G0{G: testGeoPt0},
want: &G0{G: testGeoPt0},
desc: "geopoint invalid",
src: &G0{G: testBadGeoPt},
saveErr: "invalid GeoPoint value",
desc: "geopoint as props",
src: &G0{G: testGeoPt0},
want: PropertyMap{
"G": {mp(testGeoPt0)},
desc: "geopoint slice",
src: &G1{G: []GeoPoint{testGeoPt0, testGeoPt1}},
want: &G1{G: []GeoPoint{testGeoPt0, testGeoPt1}},
desc: "key",
src: &K0{K: testKey1a},
want: &K0{K: testKey1b},
desc: "key with parent",
src: &K0{K: testKey2a},
want: &K0{K: testKey2b},
desc: "nil key",
src: &K0{},
want: &K0{},
desc: "all nil keys in slice",
src: &K1{[]*Key{nil, nil}},
want: &K1{[]*Key{nil, nil}},
desc: "some nil keys in slice",
src: &K1{[]*Key{testKey1a, nil, testKey2a}},
want: &K1{[]*Key{testKey1b, nil, testKey2b}},
desc: "overflow",
src: &O0{I: 1 << 48},
want: &O1{},
loadErr: "overflow",
desc: "time",
src: &T{T: time.Unix(1e9, 0).UTC()},
want: &T{T: time.Unix(1e9, 0).UTC()},
desc: "time as props",
src: &T{T: time.Unix(1e9, 0).UTC()},
want: PropertyMap{
"T": {mp(time.Unix(1e9, 0).UTC())},
desc: "uint save",
src: &U0{U: 1},
plsErr: `field "U" has invalid type: uint`,
desc: "uint load",
src: &U1{U: "not a uint"},
want: &U0{},
plsLoadErr: `field "U" has invalid type: uint`,
desc: "zero",
src: &X0{},
want: &X0{},
desc: "basic",
src: &X0{S: "one", I: 2, i: 3},
want: &X0{S: "one", I: 2},
desc: "save string/int load myString/int32",
src: &X0{S: "one", I: 2, i: 3},
want: &X1{S: "one", I: 2},
desc: "missing fields",
src: &X0{S: "one", I: 2, i: 3},
want: &X2{},
loadErr: "no such struct field",
desc: "save string load bool",
src: &X0{S: "one", I: 2, i: 3},
want: &X3{I: 2},
loadErr: "type mismatch",
desc: "basic slice",
src: &Y0{B: true, F: []float64{7, 8, 9}},
want: &Y0{B: true, F: []float64{7, 8, 9}},
desc: "save []float64 load float64",
src: &Y0{B: true, F: []float64{7, 8, 9}},
want: &Y1{B: true},
loadErr: "requires a slice",
desc: "save single []int64 load int64",
src: &Y2{B: true, F: []int64{7}},
want: &Y3{B: true, F: 7},
desc: "save int64 load single []int64",
src: &Y3{B: true, F: 7},
want: &Y2{B: true, F: []int64{7}},
desc: "use convertable slice",
src: &Impossible{[]ImpossibleInner{{Convertable{1, 5, 9}}, {Convertable{2, 4, 6}}}},
want: &Impossible{[]ImpossibleInner{{Convertable{1, 5, 9}}, {Convertable{2, 4, 6}}}},
desc: "use convertable slice (to map)",
src: &Impossible{[]ImpossibleInner{{Convertable{1, 5, 9}}, {Convertable{2, 4, 6}}}},
want: PropertyMap{
"Nested.wot": {mpNI("1,5,9"), mpNI("2,4,6")},
desc: "convertable slice (bad load)",
src: PropertyMap{"Nested.wot": {mpNI([]byte("ohai"))}},
want: &Impossible{[]ImpossibleInner{{}}},
loadErr: "nope",
desc: "use convertable struct",
src: &Impossible2{
{Convertable2{"nerb", nil}},
want: &Impossible2{
{Convertable2{"nerb", []string{"turn", "down", "for", "what"}}},
desc: "convertable json KVMap",
src: &Impossible3{
"epic": "success",
"no_way!": []interface{}{true, "story"},
"what": []interface{}{"is", "really", 100},
want: &Impossible3{
"epic": "success",
"no_way!": []interface{}{true, "story"},
"what": []interface{}{"is", "really", json.Number("100")},
desc: "convertable json KVMap (to map)",
src: &Impossible3{
"epic": "success",
"no_way!": []interface{}{true, "story"},
"what": []interface{}{"is", "really", 100},
want: PropertyMap{
"kewelmap": {
desc: "convertable complex slice",
src: &Impossible4{
[]Complex{complex(1, 2), complex(3, 4)},
want: &Impossible4{
[]Complex{complex(1, 2), complex(3, 4)},
desc: "convertable complex slice (to map)",
src: &Impossible4{
[]Complex{complex(1, 2), complex(3, 4)},
want: PropertyMap{
"Values": {
mp(GeoPoint{Lat: 1, Lng: 2}), mp(GeoPoint{Lat: 3, Lng: 4})},
desc: "convertable complex slice (bad load)",
src: PropertyMap{"Values": {mp("hello")}},
want: &Impossible4{[]Complex(nil)},
loadErr: "nope",
desc: "allow concrete *Key implementors (save)",
src: &DerivedKey{testKey2a},
want: &IfaceKey{testKey2b},
desc: "allow concrete *Key implementors (load)",
src: &IfaceKey{testKey2b},
want: &DerivedKey{testKey2a},
desc: "save []float64 load []int64",
src: &Y0{B: true, F: []float64{7, 8, 9}},
want: &Y2{B: true},
loadErr: "type mismatch",
desc: "single slice is too long",
src: &Y0{F: make([]float64, maxIndexedProperties+1)},
want: &Y0{},
saveErr: "gae: too many indexed properties",
desc: "two slices are too long",
src: &Y0{F: make([]float64, maxIndexedProperties), G: make([]float64, maxIndexedProperties)},
want: &Y0{},
saveErr: "gae: too many indexed properties",
desc: "one slice and one scalar are too long",
src: &Y0{F: make([]float64, maxIndexedProperties), B: true},
want: &Y0{},
saveErr: "gae: too many indexed properties",
desc: "long blob",
src: &B0{B: makeUint8Slice(maxIndexedProperties + 1)},
want: &B0{B: makeUint8Slice(maxIndexedProperties + 1)},
desc: "long []int8 is too long",
src: &B1{B: makeInt8Slice(maxIndexedProperties + 1)},
want: &B1{},
saveErr: "gae: too many indexed properties",
desc: "short []int8",
src: &B1{B: makeInt8Slice(3)},
want: &B1{B: makeInt8Slice(3)},
desc: "long myBlob",
src: &B2{B: makeUint8Slice(maxIndexedProperties + 1)},
want: &B2{B: makeUint8Slice(maxIndexedProperties + 1)},
desc: "short myBlob",
src: &B2{B: makeUint8Slice(3)},
want: &B2{B: makeUint8Slice(3)},
desc: "long []myByte",
src: &B3{B: makeMyByteSlice(maxIndexedProperties + 1)},
want: &B3{B: makeMyByteSlice(maxIndexedProperties + 1)},
desc: "short []myByte",
src: &B3{B: makeMyByteSlice(3)},
want: &B3{B: makeMyByteSlice(3)},
desc: "slice of blobs",
src: &B4{B: [][]byte{
want: &B4{B: [][]byte{
desc: "short []byte",
src: &B5{B: makeUint8Slice(3)},
want: &B5{B: makeUint8Slice(3)},
desc: "short ByteString as props",
src: &B5{B: makeUint8Slice(3)},
want: PropertyMap{
"B": {mp(makeUint8Slice(3))},
desc: "save tagged load props",
src: &Tagged{A: 1, B: []int{21, 22, 23}, C: 3, D: 4, E: 5, I: 6, J: 7},
want: PropertyMap{
// A and B are renamed to a and b; A and C are noindex, I is ignored.
// Indexed properties are loaded before raw properties. Thus, the
// result is: b, b, b, D, E, a, c.
"b1": {
"D": {mp(4)},
"E": {mp(5)},
"a": {mpNI(1)},
"C": {mpNI(3)},
"J": {mpNI(7)},
desc: "save tagged load tagged",
src: &Tagged{A: 1, B: []int{21, 22, 23}, C: 3, D: 4, E: 5, I: 6, J: 7},
want: &Tagged{A: 1, B: []int{21, 22, 23}, C: 3, D: 4, E: 5, J: 7},
desc: "save props load tagged",
src: PropertyMap{
"A": {mpNI(11)},
"a": {mpNI(12)},
want: &Tagged{A: 12},
loadErr: `cannot load field "A"`,
desc: "invalid tagged1",
src: &InvalidTagged1{I: 1},
plsErr: `struct tag has invalid property name: "\t"`,
desc: "invalid tagged2",
src: &InvalidTagged2{I: 1, J: 2},
want: &InvalidTagged2{},
plsErr: `struct tag has repeated property name: "I"`,
desc: "invalid tagged3",
src: &InvalidTagged3{I: 1},
plsErr: `struct tag has invalid property name: "a\t"`,
desc: "invalid tagged4",
src: &InvalidTagged4{I: 1},
plsErr: `struct tag has invalid property name: "a."`,
desc: "invalid tagged5",
src: &InvalidTagged5{I: 19, V: []InvalidTaggedSub{{1}}},
plsErr: `struct tag has repeated property name: "V.I"`,
desc: "doubler",
src: &Doubler{S: "s", I: 1, B: true},
want: &Doubler{S: "ss", I: 2, B: true},
desc: "save struct load props",
src: &X0{S: "s", I: 1},
want: PropertyMap{
"S": {mp("s")},
"I": {mp(1)},
desc: "save props load struct",
src: PropertyMap{
"S": {mp("s")},
"I": {mp(1)},
want: &X0{S: "s", I: 1},
desc: "nil-value props",
src: PropertyMap{
"I": {mp(nil)},
"B": {mp(nil)},
"S": {mp(nil)},
"F": {mp(nil)},
"K": {mp(nil)},
"T": {mp(nil)},
"J": {
want: &struct {
I int64
B bool
S string
F float64
K *Key
T time.Time
J []int64
J: []int64{0, 7, 0},
desc: "save outer load props",
src: &Outer{
A: 1,
I: []Inner1{
{10, "ten"},
{20, "twenty"},
{30, "thirty"},
J: Inner2{
Y: 3.14,
Inner3: Inner3{
Z: true,
want: PropertyMap{
"A": {mp(1)},
"I.W": {
"I.X": {
"J.Y": {mp(3.14)},
"Z": {mp(true)},
desc: "save props load outer-equivalent",
src: PropertyMap{
"A": {mp(1)},
"I.W": {
"I.X": {
"J.Y": {mp(3.14)},
"Z": {mp(true)},
want: &OuterEquivalent{
A: 1,
IDotW: []int32{10, 20, 30},
IDotX: []string{"ten", "twenty", "thirty"},
JDotY: 3.14,
Z: true,
desc: "save outer-equivalent load outer",
src: &OuterEquivalent{
A: 1,
IDotW: []int32{10, 20, 30},
IDotX: []string{"ten", "twenty", "thirty"},
JDotY: 3.14,
Z: true,
want: &Outer{
A: 1,
I: []Inner1{
{10, "ten"},
{20, "twenty"},
{30, "thirty"},
J: Inner2{
Y: 3.14,
Inner3: Inner3{
Z: true,
desc: "dotted names save",
src: &Dotted{A: DottedA{B: DottedB{C: 88}}},
want: PropertyMap{
"A0.A1.A2.B3.C4.C5": {mp(88)},
desc: "dotted names load",
src: PropertyMap{
"A0.A1.A2.B3.C4.C5": {mp(99)},
want: &Dotted{A: DottedA{B: DottedB{C: 99}}},
desc: "save struct load deriver",
src: &X0{S: "s", I: 1},
want: &Deriver{S: "s", Derived: "derived+s"},
desc: "save deriver load struct",
src: &Deriver{S: "s", Derived: "derived+s", Ignored: "ignored"},
want: &X0{S: "s"},
// Regression: CL 25062824 broke handling of appengine.BlobKey fields.
desc: "appengine.BlobKey",
src: &BK{Key: "blah"},
want: &BK{Key: "blah"},
desc: "zero time.Time",
src: &T{T: time.Time{}},
want: &T{T: time.Time{}},
desc: "time.Time near Unix zero time",
src: &T{T: time.Unix(0, 4e3).UTC()},
want: &T{T: time.Unix(0, 4e3).UTC()},
desc: "time.Time, far in the future",
src: &T{T: time.Date(99999, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC)},
want: &T{T: time.Date(99999, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC)},
desc: "time.Time, very far in the past",
src: &T{T: time.Date(-300000, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC)},
want: &T{},
saveErr: "time value out of range",
desc: "time.Time, very far in the future",
src: &T{T: time.Date(294248, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC)},
want: &T{},
saveErr: "time value out of range",
desc: "structs",
src: &N0{
X0: X0{S: "one", I: 2, i: 3},
Nonymous: X0{S: "four", I: 5, i: 6},
Ignore: "ignore",
Other: "other",
want: &N0{
X0: X0{S: "one", I: 2},
Nonymous: X0{S: "four", I: 5},
Other: "other",
desc: "exotic types",
src: &ExoticTypes{
BS: "sup",
want: &ExoticTypes{
BS: "sup",
desc: "underspecified types",
src: &Underspecified{},
plsErr: "non-concrete interface",
desc: "mismatch (string)",
src: PropertyMap{
"K": {mp(199)},
"S": {mp([]byte("cats"))},
"F": {mp("nurbs")},
want: &MismatchTypes{},
loadErr: "type mismatch",
desc: "mismatch (float)",
src: PropertyMap{"F": {mp(blobstore.Key("wot"))}},
want: &MismatchTypes{},
loadErr: "type mismatch",
desc: "mismatch (float/overflow)",
src: PropertyMap{"F": {mp(math.MaxFloat64)}},
want: &MismatchTypes{},
loadErr: "overflows",
desc: "mismatch (key)",
src: PropertyMap{"K": {mp(false)}},
want: &MismatchTypes{},
loadErr: "type mismatch",
desc: "mismatch (bool)",
src: PropertyMap{"B": {mp(testKey0)}},
want: &MismatchTypes{},
loadErr: "type mismatch",
desc: "mismatch (time)",
src: PropertyMap{"T": {mp(GeoPoint{})}},
want: &MismatchTypes{},
loadErr: "type mismatch",
desc: "mismatch (geopoint)",
src: PropertyMap{"G": {mp(time.Now().UTC())}},
want: &MismatchTypes{},
loadErr: "type mismatch",
desc: "slice of structs",
src: &N1{
X0: X0{S: "one", I: 2, i: 3},
Nonymous: []X0{
{S: "four", I: 5, i: 6},
{S: "seven", I: 8, i: 9},
{S: "ten", I: 11, i: 12},
{S: "thirteen", I: 14, i: 15},
Ignore: "ignore",
Other: "other",
want: &N1{
X0: X0{S: "one", I: 2},
Nonymous: []X0{
{S: "four", I: 5},
{S: "seven", I: 8},
{S: "ten", I: 11},
{S: "thirteen", I: 14},
Other: "other",
desc: "structs with slices of structs",
src: &N2{
N1: N1{
X0: X0{S: "rouge"},
Nonymous: []X0{
{S: "rosso0"},
{S: "rosso1"},
Green: N1{
X0: X0{S: "vert"},
Nonymous: []X0{
{S: "verde0"},
{S: "verde1"},
{S: "verde2"},
Blue: N1{
X0: X0{S: "bleu"},
Nonymous: []X0{
{S: "blu0"},
{S: "blu1"},
{S: "blu2"},
{S: "blu3"},
want: &N2{
N1: N1{
X0: X0{S: "rouge"},
Nonymous: []X0{
{S: "rosso0"},
{S: "rosso1"},
Green: N1{
X0: X0{S: "vert"},
Nonymous: []X0{
{S: "verde0"},
{S: "verde1"},
{S: "verde2"},
Blue: N1{
X0: X0{S: "bleu"},
Nonymous: []X0{
{S: "blu0"},
{S: "blu1"},
{S: "blu2"},
{S: "blu3"},
desc: "save structs load props",
src: &N2{
N1: N1{
X0: X0{S: "rouge"},
Nonymous: []X0{
{S: "rosso0"},
{S: "rosso1"},
Green: N1{
X0: X0{S: "vert"},
Nonymous: []X0{
{S: "verde0"},
{S: "verde1"},
{S: "verde2"},
Blue: N1{
X0: X0{S: "bleu"},
Nonymous: []X0{
{S: "blu0"},
{S: "blu1"},
{S: "blu2"},
{S: "blu3"},
want: PropertyMap{
"red.S": {mp("rouge")},
"red.I": {mp(0)},
"red.Nonymous.S": {mp("rosso0"), mp("rosso1")},
"red.Nonymous.I": {mp(0), mp(0)},
"red.Other": {mp("")},
"green.S": {mp("vert")},
"green.I": {mp(0)},
"green.Nonymous.S": {mp("verde0"), mp("verde1"), mp("verde2")},
"green.Nonymous.I": {mp(0), mp(0), mp(0)},
"green.Other": {mp("")},
"Blue.S": {mp("bleu")},
"Blue.I": {mp(0)},
"Blue.Nonymous.S": {mp("blu0"), mp("blu1"), mp("blu2"), mp("blu3")},
"Blue.Nonymous.I": {mp(0), mp(0), mp(0), mp(0)},
"Blue.Other": {mp("")},
desc: "save props load structs with ragged fields",
src: PropertyMap{
"red.S": {mp("rot")},
"green.Nonymous.I": {mp(10), mp(11), mp(12), mp(13)},
"Blue.Nonymous.S": {mp("blau0"), mp("blau1"), mp("blau2")},
"Blue.Nonymous.I": {mp(20), mp(21)},
want: &N2{
N1: N1{
X0: X0{S: "rot"},
Green: N1{
Nonymous: []X0{
{I: 10},
{I: 11},
{I: 12},
{I: 13},
Blue: N1{
Nonymous: []X0{
{S: "blau0", I: 20},
{S: "blau1", I: 21},
{S: "blau2"},
desc: "save structs with noindex tags",
src: &struct {
A struct {
X string `gae:",noindex"`
Y string
} `gae:",noindex"`
B struct {
X string `gae:",noindex"`
Y string
want: PropertyMap{
"B.Y": {mp("")},
"A.X": {mpNI("")},
"A.Y": {mpNI("")},
"B.X": {mpNI("")},
desc: "embedded struct with name override",
src: &struct {
Inner1 `gae:"foo"`
want: PropertyMap{
"foo.W": {mp(0)},
"foo.X": {mp("")},
desc: "slice of slices",
src: &SliceOfSlices{},
plsErr: `flattening nested structs leads to a slice of slices: field "S"`,
desc: "recursive struct",
src: &Recursive{},
plsErr: `field "R" is recursively defined`,
desc: "mutually recursive struct",
src: &MutuallyRecursive0{},
plsErr: `field "R" has problem: field "R" is recursively defined`,
desc: "non-exported struct fields",
src: &struct {
i, J int64
}{i: 1, J: 2},
want: PropertyMap{
"J": {mp(2)},
desc: "json.RawMessage",
src: &struct {
J json.RawMessage
J: json.RawMessage("rawr"),
want: PropertyMap{
"J": {mp([]byte("rawr"))},
desc: "json.RawMessage to myBlob",
src: &struct {
B json.RawMessage
B: json.RawMessage("rawr"),
want: &B2{B: myBlob("rawr")},
// checkErr returns the empty string if either both want and err are zero,
// or if want is a non-empty substring of err's string representation.
func checkErr(want string, err error) string {
if err != nil {
got := err.Error()
if want == "" || strings.Index(got, want) == -1 {
return got
} else if want != "" {
return fmt.Sprintf("want error %q", want)
return ""
func TestRoundTrip(t *testing.T) {
checkErr := func(actual interface{}, expected string) bool {
if expected == "" {
So(actual, ShouldErrLike, nil)
} else {
So(actual, ShouldErrLike, expected)
return expected != ""
Convey("Test round-trip", t, func() {
for _, tc := range testCases {
tc := tc
Convey(tc.desc, func() {
pls, ok := tc.src.(PropertyLoadSaver)
if !ok {
pls = GetPLS(tc.src)
if checkErr(pls.Problem(), tc.plsErr) {
So(pls, ShouldNotBeNil)
savedProps, err := pls.Save(false)
if checkErr(err, tc.saveErr) {
So(savedProps, ShouldNotBeNil)
var got interface{}
if _, ok := tc.want.(PropertyMap); ok {
pls = PropertyMap{}
got = pls
} else {
got = reflect.New(reflect.TypeOf(tc.want).Elem()).Interface()
if pls, ok = got.(PropertyLoadSaver); !ok {
pls = GetPLS(got)
if checkErr(pls.Problem(), tc.plsLoadErr) {
So(pls, ShouldNotBeNil)
err = pls.Load(savedProps)
if checkErr(err, tc.loadErr) {
if tc.want == nil {
if gotT, ok := got.(*T); ok {
// Round tripping a time.Time can result in a different time.Location: Local instead of UTC.
// We therefore test equality explicitly, instead of relying on reflect.DeepEqual.
So(gotT.T.Equal(tc.want.(*T).T), ShouldBeTrue)
} else {
So(got, ShouldResemble, tc.want)
func TestMeta(t *testing.T) {
Convey("Test meta fields", t, func() {
Convey("Can retrieve from struct", func() {
o := &N0{ID: 100}
pls := GetPLS(o)
val, err := pls.GetMeta("id")
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(val, ShouldEqual, 100)
val, err = pls.GetMeta("kind")
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(val, ShouldEqual, "whatnow")
So(pls.GetMetaDefault("kind", "zappo"), ShouldEqual, "whatnow")
So(pls.GetMetaDefault("id", "stringID"), ShouldEqual, "stringID")
So(pls.GetMetaDefault("id", 6), ShouldEqual, 100)
Convey("Getting something not there is an error", func() {
o := &N0{ID: 100}
pls := GetPLS(o)
_, err := pls.GetMeta("wat")
So(err, ShouldEqual, ErrMetaFieldUnset)
Convey("Default works for missing fields", func() {
o := &N0{ID: 100}
pls := GetPLS(o)
So(pls.GetMetaDefault("whozit", 10), ShouldEqual, 10)
Convey("getting/setting from a bad struct is an error", func() {
o := &Recursive{}
pls := GetPLS(o)
_, err := pls.GetMeta("wat")
So(err, ShouldNotBeNil)
err = pls.SetMeta("wat", 100)
So(err, ShouldNotBeNil)
Convey("Default works for bad structs", func() {
o := &Recursive{}
pls := GetPLS(o)
So(pls.GetMetaDefault("whozit", 10), ShouldEqual, 10)
Convey("can assign values to exported meta fields", func() {
o := &N0{ID: 100}
pls := GetPLS(o)
err := pls.SetMeta("id", int64(200))
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(o.ID, ShouldEqual, 200)
Convey("assigning to unsassiagnable fields is a simple error", func() {
o := &N0{ID: 100}
pls := GetPLS(o)
err := pls.SetMeta("kind", "hi")
So(err.Error(), ShouldContainSubstring, "unexported field")
err = pls.SetMeta("noob", "hi")
So(err, ShouldEqual, ErrMetaFieldUnset)
Convey("StructPLS Miscellaneous", t, func() {
Convey("multiple overlapping fields is an error", func() {
o := &BadMeta{}
pls := GetPLS(o)
err := pls.Load(nil)
So(err, ShouldErrLike, "multiple times")
e := pls.Problem()
_, err = pls.Save(true)
So(err, ShouldEqual, e)
err = pls.Load(nil)
So(err, ShouldEqual, e)
Convey("empty property names are invalid", func() {
So(validPropertyName(""), ShouldBeFalse)
Convey("attempting to get a PLS for a non *struct is an error", func() {
pls := GetPLS((*[]string)(nil))
So(pls.Problem(), ShouldEqual, ErrInvalidEntityType)
Convey("convertible meta default types", func() {
type OKDefaults struct {
When string `gae:"$when,tomorrow"`
Amount int64 `gae:"$amt,100"`
DoIt Toggle `gae:"$doit,on"`
okd := &OKDefaults{}
pls := GetPLS(okd)
So(pls.Problem(), ShouldBeNil)
v, err := pls.GetMeta("when")
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(v, ShouldEqual, "tomorrow")
v, err = pls.GetMeta("amt")
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(v, ShouldEqual, int64(100))
So(okd.DoIt, ShouldEqual, Auto)
v, err = pls.GetMeta("doit")
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(v, ShouldBeTrue)
err = pls.SetMeta("doit", false)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
v, err = pls.GetMeta("doit")
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(v, ShouldBeFalse)
So(okd.DoIt, ShouldEqual, Off)
err = pls.SetMeta("doit", true)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
v, err = pls.GetMeta("doit")
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(v, ShouldBeTrue)
So(okd.DoIt, ShouldEqual, On)
Convey("Toggle fields REQUIRE a default", func() {
type BadToggle struct {
Bad Toggle `gae:"$wut"`
pls := GetPLS(&BadToggle{})
So(pls.Problem().Error(), ShouldContainSubstring, "bad/missing default")
Convey("meta fields can be saved", func() {
type OKDefaults struct {
When string `gae:"$when,tomorrow"`
Amount int64 `gae:"$amt,100"`
pls := GetPLS(&OKDefaults{})
pm, err := pls.Save(true)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(pm, ShouldResemble, PropertyMap{
"$when": {mpNI("tomorrow")},
"$amt": {mpNI(100)},
"$kind": {mpNI("OKDefaults")},
v, err := pm.GetMeta("when")
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(v, ShouldEqual, "tomorrow")
v, err = pm.GetMeta("amt")
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(v, ShouldEqual, int64(100))
Convey("default are optional", func() {
type OverrideDefault struct {
Val int64 `gae:"$val"`
o := &OverrideDefault{}
pls := GetPLS(o)
v, err := pls.GetMeta("val")
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(v, ShouldEqual, int64(0))
Convey("overridable defaults", func() {
type OverrideDefault struct {
Val int64 `gae:"$val,100"`
o := &OverrideDefault{}
pls := GetPLS(o)
v, err := pls.GetMeta("val")
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(v, ShouldEqual, int64(100))
o.Val = 10
v, err = pls.GetMeta("val")
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(v, ShouldEqual, int64(10))
Convey("Bad default meta type", func() {
type BadDefault struct {
Val time.Time `gae:"$meta,tomorrow"`
pls := GetPLS(&BadDefault{})
So(pls.Problem().Error(), ShouldContainSubstring, "bad type")
Convey("MetaGetterSetter implementation (IDParser)", func() {
idp := &IDParser{parent: "moo", id: 100}
pls := GetPLS(idp)
So(pls.GetMetaDefault("id", ""), ShouldEqual, "moo|100")
So(pls.GetMetaDefault("kind", ""), ShouldEqual, "CoolKind")
So(pls.SetMeta("kind", "Something"), ShouldErrLike, "unexported field")
So(pls.SetMeta("id", "happy|27"), ShouldBeNil)
So(idp.parent, ShouldEqual, "happy")
So(, ShouldEqual, 27)
So(pls.GetAllMeta(), ShouldResemble, PropertyMap{
"$id": {MkPropertyNI("happy|27")},
"$kind": {MkPropertyNI("CoolKind")},
Convey("MetaGetterSetter implementation (KindOverride)", func() {
ko := &KindOverride{ID: 20}
pls := GetPLS(ko)
So(pls.GetMetaDefault("kind", ""), ShouldEqual, "KindOverride")
ko.customKind = "something"
So(pls.GetMetaDefault("kind", ""), ShouldEqual, "something")
So(pls.SetMeta("kind", "Nerp"), ShouldBeNil)
So(ko.customKind, ShouldEqual, "Nerp")
So(pls.SetMeta("kind", "KindOverride"), ShouldBeNil)
So(ko.customKind, ShouldEqual, "")
So(pls.GetAllMeta(), ShouldResemble, PropertyMap{
"$id": {MkPropertyNI(20)},
"$kind": {MkPropertyNI("KindOverride")},
ko.customKind = "wut"
So(pls.GetAllMeta(), ShouldResemble, PropertyMap{
"$id": {MkPropertyNI(20)},
"$kind": {MkPropertyNI("wut")},