blob: 496a343a63d1900ad74f9aed0a2b71a2690ecc3c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package memory
import (
ds ""
var serializationDeterministic = false
type memContextObj interface {
canApplyTxn(m memContextObj) bool
applyTxn(c context.Context, m memContextObj)
mkTxn(*ds.TransactionOptions) memContextObj
type memContext []memContextObj
var _ memContextObj = (*memContext)(nil)
func newMemContext(aid string) *memContext {
return &memContext{
type memContextIdx int
const (
memContextTQIdx memContextIdx = iota
func (m *memContext) Get(itm memContextIdx) memContextObj {
return (*m)[itm]
func (m *memContext) Lock() {
for _, itm := range *m {
func (m *memContext) Unlock() {
for i := len(*m) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
func (m *memContext) endTxn() {
for _, itm := range *m {
func (m *memContext) mkTxn(o *ds.TransactionOptions) memContextObj {
ret := make(memContext, len(*m))
for i, itm := range *m {
ret[i] = itm.mkTxn(o)
return &ret
func (m *memContext) canApplyTxn(txnCtxObj memContextObj) bool {
txnCtx := *txnCtxObj.(*memContext)
for i := range *m {
if !(*m)[i].canApplyTxn(txnCtx[i]) {
return false
return true
func (m *memContext) applyTxn(c context.Context, txnCtxObj memContextObj) {
txnCtx := *txnCtxObj.(*memContext)
for i := range *m {
(*m)[i].applyTxn(c, txnCtx[i])
// Use calls UseWithAppID with the appid of "dev~app"
func Use(c context.Context) context.Context {
return UseWithAppID(c, "dev~app")
// UseWithAppID adds implementations for the following gae interfaces to the
// context:
// * gae.Datastore
// * gae.TaskQueue
// * gae.Memcache
// * gae.GlobalInfo
// The application id wil be set to 'aid', and will not be modifiable in this
// context.
// These can be retrieved with the gae.Get functions.
// The implementations are all backed by an in-memory implementation, and start
// with an empty state.
// Using this more than once per context.Context will cause a panic.
func UseWithAppID(c context.Context, aid string) context.Context {
if c.Value(memContextKey) != nil {
panic(errors.New("memory.Use: called twice on the same Context"))
memctx := newMemContext(aid)
c = context.WithValue(c, memContextKey, memctx)
c = context.WithValue(c, memContextNoTxnKey, memctx)
c = context.WithValue(c, giContextKey, &globalInfoData{appid: aid})
return useTQ(useRDS(useMC(useGI(c, aid))))
func cur(c context.Context) (p *memContext) {
p, _ = c.Value(memContextKey).(*memContext)
func curNoTxn(c context.Context) (p *memContext) {
p, _ = c.Value(memContextNoTxnKey).(*memContext)
type memContextKeyType int
var (
memContextKey memContextKeyType
memContextNoTxnKey memContextKeyType = 1
// weird stuff
// RunInTransaction is here because it's really a service-wide transaction, not
// just in the datastore. TaskQueue behaves differently in a transaction in
// a couple ways, for example.
// It really should have been appengine.Context.RunInTransaction(func(tc...)),
// but because it's not, this method is on dsImpl instead to mirror the official
// API.
// The fake implementation also differs from the real implementation because the
// fake TaskQueue is NOT backed by the fake Datastore. This is done to make the
// test-access API for TaskQueue better (instead of trying to reconstitute the
// state of the task queue from a bunch of datastore accesses).
func (d *dsImpl) RunInTransaction(f func(context.Context) error, o *ds.TransactionOptions) error {
if {
return errors.New("special entities are disabled. no transactions for you")
// Keep in separate function for defers.
loopBody := func(applyForReal bool) error {
curMC := cur(d.c)
txnMC := curMC.mkTxn(o)
defer func() {
defer txnMC.Unlock()
if err := f(context.WithValue(d.c, memContextKey, txnMC)); err != nil {
return err
defer txnMC.Unlock()
if applyForReal && curMC.canApplyTxn(txnMC) {
curMC.applyTxn(d.c, txnMC)
} else {
return ds.ErrConcurrentTransaction
return nil
// From GAE docs for TransactionOptions: "If omitted, it defaults to 3."
attempts := 3
if o != nil && o.Attempts != 0 {
attempts = o.Attempts
for attempt := 0; attempt < attempts; attempt++ {
if err := loopBody(attempt >=; err != ds.ErrConcurrentTransaction {
return err
return ds.ErrConcurrentTransaction