blob: b358051a761b37d2c9331c222c6f6f79721639b0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package memory
import (
ds ""
. ""
. ""
type qExpect struct {
q *ds.Query
inTxn bool
get []ds.PropertyMap
keys []*ds.Key
count int
type qExStage struct {
addIdxs []*ds.IndexDefinition
putEnts []ds.PropertyMap
delEnts []*ds.Key
expect []qExpect
extraFns []func(context.Context)
type qExTest struct {
name string
test []qExStage
var stage1Data = []ds.PropertyMap{
pmap("$key", key("Kind", 1), Next,
"Val", 1, 2, 3, Next,
"Extra", "hello",
pmap("$key", key("Kind", 2), Next,
"Val", 6, 8, 7, Next,
"When", 27, Next,
"Extra", "zebra",
pmap("$key", key("Kind", 3), Next,
"Val", 1, 2, 2, 100, Next,
"When", 996688461000000, Next,
"Extra", "waffle",
pmap("$key", key("Kind", 6), Next,
"Val", 5, 3, 2, Next,
"When", time.Date(2000, time.January, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, time.UTC), Next,
"Extra", "waffle",
pmap("$key", key("Kind", 3, "Child", "seven"), Next,
"Interesting", 28, Next,
"Extra", "hello",
pmap("$key", key("Unique", 1), Next,
"Derp", 39,
var stage2Data = []ds.PropertyMap{
pmap("$key", key("Kind", 3, "Kind", 1), Next,
"Val", 2, 4, 28, Next,
"Extra", "hello", "waffle",
pmap("$key", key("Kind", 3, "Kind", 2), Next,
"Val", 3, 4, Next,
"Extra", "hello", "waffle",
pmap("$key", key("Kind", 3, "Kind", 3), Next,
"Val", 3, 4, 2, 1, Next,
"Extra", "nuts",
var queryExecutionTests = []qExTest{
{"basic", []qExStage{
addIdxs: []*ds.IndexDefinition{
indx("Unrelated", "-thing", "bob", "-__key__"),
indx("Wat", "deep", "opt", "other"),
indx("Wat", "meep", "opt", "other"),
expect: []qExpect{
// tests the case where the query has indexes to fulfill it, but there
// are no actual entities in the datastore.
{q: nq("Wat").Eq("meep", 1).Eq("deep", 2).Order("opt", "other"),
get: []ds.PropertyMap{}},
putEnts: stage1Data,
expect: []qExpect{
{q: nq("Kind"), get: []ds.PropertyMap{}},
{q: nq("Child").Ancestor(key("Kind", 3)), keys: []*ds.Key{
key("Kind", 3, "Child", "seven"),
{q: nq("Child").Ancestor(key("Kind", 3)).EventualConsistency(true), keys: []*ds.Key{}},
{q: nq("Child").Ancestor(key("Kind", 3)).EventualConsistency(true), keys: []*ds.Key{
key("Kind", 3, "Child", "seven"),
}, inTxn: true},
{q: nq("Child").Ancestor(key("Kind", 3)), keys: []*ds.Key{
key("Kind", 3, "Child", "seven"),
}, inTxn: true},
putEnts: stage2Data,
delEnts: []*ds.Key{key("Unique", 1)},
addIdxs: []*ds.IndexDefinition{
indx("Kind!", "-Extra", "-Val"),
indx("Kind!", "-Extra", "-Val", "-__key__"),
indx("Kind!", "Bogus", "Extra", "-Val"),
expect: []qExpect{
{q: nq("Kind"), get: stage1Data[:4]},
{q: nq("Kind").Offset(2).Limit(1), get: []ds.PropertyMap{
{q: nq("Missing"), get: []ds.PropertyMap{}},
{q: nq("Missing").Eq("Bogus", 3), get: []ds.PropertyMap{}},
{q: nq("Kind").Eq("Extra", "waffle"), get: []ds.PropertyMap{
stage1Data[2], stage1Data[3],
// get ziggy with it
{q: nq("Kind").Eq("Extra", "waffle").Eq("Val", 100), get: []ds.PropertyMap{
{q: nq("Child").Eq("Interesting", 28).Eq("Extra", "hello"), get: []ds.PropertyMap{
{q: nq("Kind").Eq("Val", 2, 3), get: []ds.PropertyMap{
// note the kind :)
{q: (nq("Kind").Ancestor(key("Kind", 3)).
Start(curs("__key__", key("Kind", 3))).
End(curs("__key__", key("Kind", 3, "Zeta", "woot")))),
keys: []*ds.Key{
key("Kind", 3),
key("Kind", 3, "Kind", 1),
key("Kind", 3, "Kind", 2),
key("Kind", 3, "Kind", 3),
{q: (nq("").Ancestor(key("Kind", 3)).
Start(curs("__key__", key("Kind", 3))).
End(curs("__key__", key("Kind", 3, "Zeta", "woot")))),
keys: []*ds.Key{
key("Kind", 3),
key("Kind", 3, "Child", "seven"),
key("Kind", 3, "Kind", 1),
key("Kind", 3, "Kind", 2),
key("Kind", 3, "Kind", 3),
{q: (nq("Kind").Ancestor(key("Kind", 3)).
Start(curs("__key__", key("Kind", 3))).
End(curs("__key__", key("Kind", 3, "Zeta", "woot")))),
keys: []*ds.Key{
key("Kind", 3),
key("Kind", 3, "Kind", 1),
key("Kind", 3, "Kind", 2),
key("Kind", 3, "Kind", 3),
inTxn: true},
{q: nq("Kind").Ancestor(key("Kind", 3)).Eq("Val", 3, 4),
keys: []*ds.Key{
key("Kind", 3, "Kind", 2),
key("Kind", 3, "Kind", 3),
get: []ds.PropertyMap{
{q: nq("Kind").Gt("Val", 2).Lte("Val", 5), get: []ds.PropertyMap{
stage1Data[0], stage1Data[3],
{q: nq("Kind").Gt("Val", 2).Lte("Val", 5).Order("-Val"), get: []ds.PropertyMap{
stage1Data[3], stage1Data[0],
{q: nq("").Gt("__key__", key("Kind", 2)),
// count counts from the index with KeysOnly and so counts the deleted
// entity Unique/1.
count: 8,
get: []ds.PropertyMap{
// TODO(riannucci): determine if the real datastore shows metadata
// during kindless queries. The documentation seems to imply so, but
// I'd like to be sure.
pmap("$key", key("Kind", 2, "__entity_group__", 1), Next,
"__version__", 1),
// this is 5 because the value is retrieved from HEAD and not from
// the index snapshot!
pmap("$key", key("Kind", 3, "__entity_group__", 1), Next,
"__version__", 5),
pmap("$key", key("Kind", 6, "__entity_group__", 1), Next,
"__version__", 1),
pmap("$key", key("Unique", 1, "__entity_group__", 1), Next,
"__version__", 2),
{q: (nq("Kind").
Gt("Val", 2).Eq("Extra", "waffle").
Ancestor(key("Kind", 3))),
get: []ds.PropertyMap{
{q: (nq("Kind").
Gt("Val", 2).Eq("Extra", "waffle").
Ancestor(key("Kind", 3))),
get: []ds.PropertyMap{
}, inTxn: true},
{q: (nq("Kind").
Gt("Val", 2).Eq("Extra", "waffle").
Order("-Val", "-__key__").
Ancestor(key("Kind", 3))),
get: []ds.PropertyMap{
{q: (nq("Kind").
Gt("Val", 2).Eq("Extra", "waffle").
Ancestor(key("Kind", 3)).Project("Val")),
get: []ds.PropertyMap{
pmap("$key", key("Kind", 3), Next,
"Val", 100),
pmap("$key", key("Kind", 3, "Kind", 1), Next,
"Val", 28),
pmap("$key", key("Kind", 3, "Kind", 1), Next,
"Val", 4),
pmap("$key", key("Kind", 3, "Kind", 2), Next,
"Val", 4),
pmap("$key", key("Kind", 3, "Kind", 2), Next,
"Val", 3),
{q: (nq("Kind").
Gt("Val", 2).Eq("Extra", "waffle").
Ancestor(key("Kind", 3)).Project("Val").Distinct(true)),
get: []ds.PropertyMap{
pmap("$key", key("Kind", 3), Next,
"Val", 100),
pmap("$key", key("Kind", 3, "Kind", 1), Next,
"Val", 28),
pmap("$key", key("Kind", 3, "Kind", 1), Next,
"Val", 4),
pmap("$key", key("Kind", 3, "Kind", 2), Next,
"Val", 3),
// Projecting a complex type (time), gets the index type (int64)
// instead. Additionally, mixed-types within the same index type are
// smooshed together in the result.
{q: nq("Kind").Project("When"), get: []ds.PropertyMap{
pmap("$key", key("Kind", 2), Next,
"When", 27),
pmap("$key", key("Kind", 6), Next,
"When", 946688461000000),
pmap("$key", key("Kind", 3), Next,
"When", 996688461000000),
// Original (complex) types are retained when getting the full value.
{q: nq("Kind").Order("When"), get: []ds.PropertyMap{
extraFns: []func(context.Context){
func(c context.Context) {
data := ds.Get(c)
curs := ds.Cursor(nil)
q := nq("").Gt("__key__", key("Kind", 2))
err := data.Run(q, func(pm ds.PropertyMap, gc ds.CursorCB) bool {
So(pm, ShouldResemble, pmap(
"$key", key("Kind", 2, "__entity_group__", 1), Next,
"__version__", 1))
err := error(nil)
curs, err = gc()
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
return false
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
err = data.Run(q.Start(curs), func(pm ds.PropertyMap, gc ds.CursorCB) bool {
So(pm, ShouldResemble, stage1Data[2])
return false
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
func(c context.Context) {
data := ds.Get(c)
q := nq("Something").Eq("Does", 2).Order("Not", "-Work")
So(data.Run(q, func(ds.Key, ds.CursorCB) bool {
return true
}), ShouldErrLike, strings.Join([]string{
"Consider adding:",
"- kind: Something",
" properties:",
" - name: Does",
" - name: Not",
" - name: Work",
" direction: desc",
}, "\n"))
func(c context.Context) {
data := ds.Get(c)
q := nq("Something").Ancestor(key("Kind", 3)).Order("Val")
So(data.Run(q, func(ds.Key, ds.CursorCB) bool {
return true
}), ShouldErrLike, strings.Join([]string{
"Consider adding:",
"- kind: Something",
" ancestor: yes",
" properties:",
" - name: Val",
}, "\n"))
expect: []qExpect{
// eventual consistency; Unique/1 is deleted at HEAD. Keysonly finds it,
// but 'normal' doesn't.
{q: nq("Unique").Gt("__key__", key("AKind", 5)).Lte("__key__", key("Zeta", "prime")),
keys: []*ds.Key{key("Unique", 1)},
get: []ds.PropertyMap{}},
{q: nq("Kind").Eq("Val", 1, 3), get: []ds.PropertyMap{
stage1Data[0], stage2Data[2],
func TestQueryExecution(t *testing.T) {
Convey("Test query execution", t, func() {
c, err := info.Get(Use(context.Background())).Namespace("ns")
if err != nil {
So(info.Get(c).FullyQualifiedAppID(), ShouldEqual, "dev~app")
So(info.Get(c).GetNamespace(), ShouldEqual, "ns")
data := ds.Get(c)
testing := data.Testable()
for _, tc := range queryExecutionTests {
Convey(, func() {
for i, stage := range tc.test {
// outside of Convey, since these must always happen
if err := data.PutMulti(stage.putEnts); err != nil {
// prevent Convey from thinking this assertion should show up in
// every test loop.
if err := data.DeleteMulti(stage.delEnts); err != nil {
Convey(fmt.Sprintf("stage %d", i), func() {
for j, expect := range stage.expect {
runner := func(f func(ic context.Context) error, _ *ds.TransactionOptions) error {
return f(c)
if expect.inTxn {
runner = data.RunInTransaction
if expect.count == 0 {
if len(expect.keys) > 0 {
expect.count = len(expect.keys)
} else {
expect.count = len(expect.get)
if expect.keys != nil {
Convey(fmt.Sprintf("expect %d (keys)", j), func() {
err := runner(func(c context.Context) error {
data := ds.Get(c)
count, err := data.Count(expect.q)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(count, ShouldEqual, expect.count)
rslt := []*ds.Key(nil)
So(data.GetAll(expect.q, &rslt), ShouldBeNil)
So(len(rslt), ShouldEqual, len(expect.keys))
for i, r := range rslt {
So(r, ShouldResemble, expect.keys[i])
return nil
}, &ds.TransactionOptions{XG: true})
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
if expect.get != nil {
Convey(fmt.Sprintf("expect %d (data)", j), func() {
err := runner(func(c context.Context) error {
data := ds.Get(c)
count, err := data.Count(expect.q)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(count, ShouldEqual, expect.count)
rslt := []ds.PropertyMap(nil)
So(data.GetAll(expect.q, &rslt), ShouldBeNil)
So(len(rslt), ShouldEqual, len(expect.get))
for i, r := range rslt {
So(r, ShouldResemble, expect.get[i])
return nil
}, &ds.TransactionOptions{XG: true})
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
for j, fn := range stage.extraFns {
Convey(fmt.Sprintf("extraFn %d", j), func() {
Convey("Test AutoIndex", t, func() {
c, err := info.Get(Use(context.Background())).Namespace("ns")
if err != nil {
data := ds.Get(c)
testing := data.Testable()
So(data.Put(pmap("$key", key("Kind", 1), Next,
"Val", 1, 2, 3, Next,
"Extra", "hello",
)), ShouldBeNil)
So(data.Put(pmap("$key", key("Kind", 2), Next,
"Val", 2, 3, 9, Next,
"Extra", "ace", "hello", "there",
)), ShouldBeNil)
q := nq("Kind").Gt("Val", 2).Order("Val", "Extra")
count, err := data.Count(q)
So(err, ShouldErrLike, "Insufficient indexes")
count, err = data.Count(q)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
So(count, ShouldEqual, 2)