blob: 703c1057835d193adc2e263b4f25c84e56013d3c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package memory
import (
tq ""
/////////////////////////////// public functions ///////////////////////////////
func useTQ(c context.Context) context.Context {
return tq.SetRawFactory(c, func(ic context.Context, wantTxn bool) tq.RawInterface {
ns := curGID(ic).namespace
var tqd memContextObj
if !wantTxn {
tqd = curNoTxn(ic).Get(memContextTQIdx)
} else {
tqd = cur(ic).Get(memContextTQIdx)
if x, ok := tqd.(*taskQueueData); ok {
return &taskqueueImpl{x, ic, ns}
return &taskqueueTxnImpl{tqd.(*txnTaskQueueData), ic, ns}
//////////////////////////////// taskqueueImpl /////////////////////////////////
type taskqueueImpl struct {
ctx context.Context
ns string
var (
_ = tq.RawInterface((*taskqueueImpl)(nil))
_ = tq.Testable((*taskqueueImpl)(nil))
func (t *taskqueueImpl) addLocked(task *tq.Task, queueName string) (*tq.Task, error) {
toSched, err := t.prepTask(t.ctx, t.ns, task, queueName)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if _, ok := t.archived[queueName][toSched.Name]; ok {
// SDK converts TOMBSTONE -> already added too
return nil, tq.ErrTaskAlreadyAdded
} else if _, ok := t.named[queueName][toSched.Name]; ok {
return nil, tq.ErrTaskAlreadyAdded
} else {
t.named[queueName][toSched.Name] = toSched
return toSched.Duplicate(), nil
func (t *taskqueueImpl) deleteLocked(task *tq.Task, queueName string) error {
if _, ok := t.archived[queueName][task.Name]; ok {
return errors.New("TOMBSTONED_TASK")
if _, ok := t.named[queueName][task.Name]; !ok {
return errors.New("UNKNOWN_TASK")
t.archived[queueName][task.Name] = t.named[queueName][task.Name]
delete(t.named[queueName], task.Name)
return nil
func (t *taskqueueImpl) AddMulti(tasks []*tq.Task, queueName string, cb tq.RawTaskCB) error {
defer t.Unlock()
queueName, err := t.getQueueNameLocked(queueName)
if err != nil {
return err
for _, task := range tasks {
cb(t.addLocked(task, queueName))
return nil
func (t *taskqueueImpl) DeleteMulti(tasks []*tq.Task, queueName string, cb tq.RawCB) error {
defer t.Unlock()
queueName, err := t.getQueueNameLocked(queueName)
if err != nil {
return err
for _, task := range tasks {
cb(t.deleteLocked(task, queueName))
return nil
func (t *taskqueueImpl) Purge(queueName string) error {
defer t.Unlock()
return t.purgeLocked(queueName)
func (t *taskqueueImpl) Stats(queueNames []string, cb tq.RawStatsCB) error {
defer t.Unlock()
for _, qn := range queueNames {
qn, err := t.getQueueNameLocked(qn)
if err != nil {
cb(nil, err)
} else {
s := tq.Statistics{
Tasks: len(t.named[qn]),
for _, t := range t.named[qn] {
if s.OldestETA.IsZero() {
s.OldestETA = t.ETA
} else if t.ETA.Before(s.OldestETA) {
s.OldestETA = t.ETA
cb(&s, nil)
return nil
func (t *taskqueueImpl) Testable() tq.Testable {
return t
/////////////////////////////// taskqueueTxnImpl ///////////////////////////////
type taskqueueTxnImpl struct {
ctx context.Context
ns string
var _ interface {
} = (*taskqueueTxnImpl)(nil)
func (t *taskqueueTxnImpl) addLocked(task *tq.Task, queueName string) (*tq.Task, error) {
toSched, err := t.parent.prepTask(t.ctx, t.ns, task, queueName)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
numTasks := 0
for _, vs := range t.anony {
numTasks += len(vs)
if numTasks+1 > 5 {
// transactional tasks are actually implemented 'for real' as Actions which
// ride on the datastore. The current datastore implementation only allows
// a maximum of 5 Actions per transaction, and more than that result in a
return nil, errors.New("BAD_REQUEST")
t.anony[queueName] = append(t.anony[queueName], toSched)
// the fact that we have generated a unique name for this task queue item is
// an implementation detail.
// TODO(riannucci): now that I think about this... it may not actually be true.
// We should verify that the .Name for a task added in a transaction is
// meaningless. Maybe names generated in a transaction are somehow
// guaranteed to be meaningful?
toRet := toSched.Duplicate()
toRet.Name = ""
return toRet, nil
func (t *taskqueueTxnImpl) AddMulti(tasks []*tq.Task, queueName string, cb tq.RawTaskCB) error {
if atomic.LoadInt32(&t.closed) == 1 {
return errors.New("taskqueue: transaction context has expired")
defer t.Unlock()
queueName, err := t.parent.getQueueNameLocked(queueName)
if err != nil {
return err
for _, task := range tasks {
cb(t.addLocked(task, queueName))
return nil
func (t *taskqueueTxnImpl) DeleteMulti([]*tq.Task, string, tq.RawCB) error {
return errors.New("taskqueue: cannot DeleteMulti from a transaction")
func (t *taskqueueTxnImpl) Purge(string) error {
return errors.New("taskqueue: cannot Purge from a transaction")
func (t *taskqueueTxnImpl) Stats([]string, tq.RawStatsCB) error {
return errors.New("taskqueue: cannot Stats from a transaction")
func (t *taskqueueTxnImpl) Testable() tq.Testable {
return t
////////////////////////////// private functions ///////////////////////////////
var validTaskName = regexp.MustCompile("^[0-9a-zA-Z\\-\\_]{0,500}$")
const validTaskChars = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ-_"
func mkName(c context.Context, cur string, queue map[string]*tq.Task) string {
_, ok := queue[cur]
for !ok && cur == "" {
name := [500]byte{}
for i := 0; i < 500; i++ {
name[i] = validTaskChars[mathrand.Get(c).Intn(len(validTaskChars))]
cur = string(name[:])
_, ok = queue[cur]
return cur
func dupQueue(q tq.QueueData) tq.QueueData {
r := make(tq.QueueData, len(q))
for k, q := range q {
r[k] = make(map[string]*tq.Task, len(q))
for tn, t := range q {
r[k][tn] = t.Duplicate()
return r