blob: 86613728527adaa902537557c0f750c4fb462033 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package datastore
import (
// GetPLS resolves obj into a PropertyLoadSaver.
// obj must be a non-nil pointer to a struct of some sort.
// By default, exported fields will be serialized to/from the datastore. If the
// field is not exported, it will be skipped by the serialization routines.
// If a field is of a non-supported type (see Property for the list of supported
// property types), the resulting PropertyLoadSaver will have a non-nil
// Problem(). Other problems include duplicate field names (due to tagging),
// recursively defined structs, nested structures with multiple slices (e.g.
// slices of slices, either directly `[][]type` or indirectly `[]Embedded` where
// Embedded contains a slice.)
// GetPLS supports the following struct tag syntax:
// `gae:"fieldName[,noindex]"` -- an alternate fieldname for an exportable
// field. When the struct is serialized or deserialized, fieldName will be
// associated with the struct field instead of the field's Go name. This is
// useful when writing Go code which interfaces with appengine code written
// in other languages (like python) which use lowercase as their default
// datastore field names.
// A fieldName of "-" means that gae will ignore the field for all
// serialization/deserialization.
// if noindex is specified, then this field will not be indexed in the
// datastore, even if it was an otherwise indexable type. If fieldName is
// blank, and noindex is specifed, then fieldName will default to the
// field's actual name. Note that by default, all fields (with indexable
// types) are indexed.
// `gae:"$metaKey[,<value>]` -- indicates a field is metadata. Metadata
// can be used to control filter behavior, or to store key data when using
// the Interface.KeyForObj* methods. The supported field types are:
// - Key
// - int64
// - string
// - Toggle (GetMeta and SetMeta treat the field as if it were bool)
// Additionally, int64, string and Toggle allow setting a default value
// in the struct field tag (the "<value>" portion).
// Only exported fields allow SetMeta, but all fields of appropriate type
// allow tagged defaults. See Examples.
// Example "special" structure. This is supposed to be some sort of datastore
// singleton object.
// struct secretFoo {
// // _id and _kind are not exported, so setting their values will not be
// // reflected by GetMeta.
// _id int64 `gae:"$id,1"`
// _kind string `gae:"$kind,InternalFooSingleton"`
// // Value is exported, so can be read and written by the PropertyLoadSaver,
// // but secretFoo is shared with a python appengine module which has
// // stored this field as 'value' instead of 'Value'.
// Value int64 `gae:"value"`
// }
// Example "normal" structure that you might use in a go-only appengine app.
// struct User {
// ID string `gae:"$id"`
// // "kind" is automatically implied by the struct name: "User"
// // "parent" is nil... Users are root entities
// // 'Name' will serialized to the datastore in the field 'Name'
// Name string
// }
// struct Comment {
// ID int64 `gae:"$id"`
// // "kind" is automatically implied by the struct name: "Comment"
// // Parent will be enforced by the application to be a User key.
// Parent Key `gae:"$parent"`
// // 'Lines' will serialized to the datastore in the field 'Lines'
// Lines []string
// }
func GetPLS(obj interface{}) PropertyLoadSaver {
v := reflect.ValueOf(obj)
if v.Kind() != reflect.Ptr || v.Elem().Kind() != reflect.Struct {
return &structPLS{c: &structCodec{problem: ErrInvalidEntityType}}
if v.IsNil() {
return &structPLS{c: &structCodec{problem: ErrInvalidEntityType}}
v = v.Elem()
c := getCodec(v.Type())
return &structPLS{v, c}
func getCodec(structType reflect.Type) *structCodec {
c, ok := structCodecs[structType]
if ok {
return c
defer structCodecsMutex.Unlock()
return getStructCodecLocked(structType)