blob: eb2e670a600414ef3a6d7c46e626167261ad4a9c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The LUCI Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package flagpb
import (
. ""
. ""
func TestUnmarshal(t *testing.T) {
Convey("Unmarshal", t, func() {
descFileBytes, err := ioutil.ReadFile("unmarshal_test.desc")
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
var desc descriptor.FileDescriptorSet
err = proto.Unmarshal(descFileBytes, &desc)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
resolver := NewResolver(&desc)
resolveMsg := func(name string) *descriptor.DescriptorProto {
_, obj, _ := descutil.Resolve(&desc, "flagpb."+name)
So(obj, ShouldNotBeNil)
return obj.(*descriptor.DescriptorProto)
unmarshalOK := func(typeName string, args ...string) map[string]interface{} {
msg, err := UnmarshalUntyped(args, resolveMsg(typeName), resolver)
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
return msg
unmarshalErr := func(typeName string, args ...string) error {
msg, err := UnmarshalUntyped(args, resolveMsg(typeName), resolver)
So(msg, ShouldBeNil)
return err
Convey("empty", func() {
So(unmarshalOK("M1"), ShouldResemble, msg())
Convey("non-flag", func() {
So(unmarshalErr("M1", "abc"), ShouldErrLike, `abc: a flag was expected`)
Convey("string", func() {
Convey("next arg", func() {
So(unmarshalOK("M1", "-s", "x"), ShouldResemble, msg("s", "x"))
Convey("equals sign", func() {
So(unmarshalOK("M1", "-s=x"), ShouldResemble, msg("s", "x"))
Convey("int32", func() {
Convey("next arg", func() {
So(unmarshalOK("M1", "-i", "1"), ShouldResemble, msg("i", int32(1)))
Convey("equals sign", func() {
So(unmarshalOK("M1", "-i=1"), ShouldResemble, msg(
"i", int32(1),
Convey("error", func() {
So(unmarshalErr("M1", "-i", "abc"), ShouldErrLike, "invalid syntax")
So(unmarshalErr("M1", "-i=abc"), ShouldErrLike, "invalid syntax")
Convey("enum", func() {
Convey("by name", func() {
So(unmarshalOK("M2", "-e", "V0"), ShouldResemble, msg("e", int32(0)))
Convey("error", func() {
So(unmarshalErr("M2", "-e", "abc"), ShouldErrLike, `invalid value "abc" for enum E`)
Convey("by value", func() {
So(unmarshalOK("M2", "-e", "0"), ShouldResemble, msg("e", int32(0)))
Convey("bool", func() {
Convey("without value", func() {
So(unmarshalOK("M1", "-b"), ShouldResemble, msg("b", true))
So(unmarshalOK("M1", "-b", "-s", "x"), ShouldResemble, msg(
"b", true,
"s", "x",
Convey("without value, repeated", func() {
So(unmarshalOK("M1", "-rb=false", "-rb"), ShouldResemble, msg("rb", repeated(false, true)))
Convey("with value", func() {
So(unmarshalOK("M1", "-b=true"), ShouldResemble, msg("b", true))
So(unmarshalOK("M1", "-b=false"), ShouldResemble, msg("b", false))
Convey("bytes", func() {
Convey("next arg", func() {
So(unmarshalOK("M1", "-bb", "6869"), ShouldResemble, msg("bb", []byte("hi")))
Convey("equals sign", func() {
So(unmarshalOK("M1", "-bb=6869"), ShouldResemble, msg("bb", []byte("hi")))
Convey("error", func() {
So(unmarshalErr("M1", "-bb", "xx"), ShouldErrLike, "invalid byte: U+0078 'x'")
Convey("many dashes", func() {
Convey("2", func() {
So(unmarshalOK("M1", "--s", "x"), ShouldResemble, msg("s", "x"))
Convey("3", func() {
So(unmarshalErr("M1", "---s", "x"), ShouldErrLike, "---s: bad flag syntax")
Convey("field not found", func() {
So(unmarshalErr("M2", "-abc", "abc"), ShouldErrLike, `-abc: field abc not found in message M2`)
Convey("value not specified", func() {
So(unmarshalErr("M1", "-s"), ShouldErrLike, `value was expected`)
Convey("message", func() {
Convey("level 1", func() {
So(unmarshalOK("M2", "-m1.s", "x"), ShouldResemble, msg(
"m1", msg("s", "x"),
So(unmarshalOK("M2", "-m1.s", "x", "-m1.b"), ShouldResemble, msg(
"m1", msg(
"s", "x",
"b", true,
Convey("level 2", func() {
So(unmarshalOK("M3", "-m2.m1.s", "x"), ShouldResemble, msg(
"m2", msg(
"m1", msg("s", "x"),
Convey("not found", func() {
So(unmarshalErr("M2", "-abc.s", "x"), ShouldErrLike, `field "abc" not found in message M2`)
Convey("non-msg subfield", func() {
So(unmarshalErr("M1", "-s.dummy", "x"), ShouldErrLike, "field s is not a message")
Convey("message value", func() {
const err = "M2.m1 is a message field. Specify its field values, not the message itself"
So(unmarshalErr("M2", "-m1", "x"), ShouldErrLike, err)
So(unmarshalErr("M2", "-m1=x"), ShouldErrLike, err)
Convey("string and int32", func() {
So(unmarshalOK("M1", "-s", "x", "-i", "1"), ShouldResemble, msg(
"s", "x",
"i", int32(1),
Convey("repeated", func() {
Convey("int32", func() {
So(unmarshalOK("M1", "-ri", "1", "-ri", "2"), ShouldResemble, msg(
"ri", repeated(int32(1), int32(2)),
Convey("submessage string", func() {
Convey("works", func() {
So(unmarshalOK("M3", "-m1.s", "x", "-m1", "-m1.s", "y"), ShouldResemble, msg(
"m1", repeated(
msg("s", "x"),
msg("s", "y"),
Convey("reports meaningful error", func() {
err := unmarshalErr("M3", "-m1.s", "x", "-m1.s", "y")
So(err, ShouldErrLike, `-m1.s: value is already set`)
So(err, ShouldErrLike, `insert -m1`)
Convey("map", func() {
Convey("map<string, string>", func() {
So(unmarshalOK("MapContainer", "-ss.x", "a", "-ss.y", "b"), ShouldResemble, msg(
"ss", msg("x", "a", "y", "b"),
Convey("map<int32, int32>", func() {
So(unmarshalOK("MapContainer", "-ii.1", "10", "-ii.2", "20"), ShouldResemble, msg(
"ii", msg("1", int32(10), "2", int32(20)),
Convey("map<string, M1>", func() {
So(unmarshalOK("MapContainer", "-sm1.x.s", "a", "-sm1.y.s", "b"), ShouldResemble, msg(
"sm1", msg(
"x", msg("s", "a"),
"y", msg("s", "b"),