blob: c4ffe33d6e1476c9ac48f97d19b3c77e9fa7ec61 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The LUCI Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
syntax = "proto3";
package scheduler;
import "google/protobuf/empty.proto";
import "";
// Scheduler exposes public API of the Scheduler service.
service Scheduler {
// GetJobs fetches all jobs satisfying JobsRequest and visibility ACLs.
// If JobsRequest.project is specified but the project doesn't exist, empty
// list of Jobs is returned.
rpc GetJobs(JobsRequest) returns (JobsReply);
// GetInvocations fetches invocations of a given job, most recent first.
rpc GetInvocations(InvocationsRequest) returns (InvocationsReply);
// GetInvocation fetches a single invocation.
rpc GetInvocation(InvocationRef) returns (Invocation);
// PauseJob will prevent automatic triggering of a job. Manual triggering such
// as through this API is still allowed. Any pending or running invocations
// are still executed. PauseJob does nothing if job is already paused.
// Requires OWNER Job permission.
rpc PauseJob(JobRef) returns (google.protobuf.Empty);
// ResumeJob resumes paused job. ResumeJob does nothing if job is not paused.
// Requires OWNER Job permission.
rpc ResumeJob(JobRef) returns (google.protobuf.Empty);
// AbortJob resets the job to scheduled state, aborting a currently pending or
// running invocation if any.
// Note, that this is similar to AbortInvocation except that AbortInvocation
// requires invocation ID and doesn't ensure that the invocation aborted is
// actually latest triggered for the job.
// Requires OWNER Job permission.
rpc AbortJob(JobRef) returns (google.protobuf.Empty);
// AbortInvocation aborts a given job invocation.
// If an invocation is final, AbortInvocation does nothing.
// If you want to abort a specific hung invocation, use this request instead
// of AbortJob.
// Requires OWNER Job permission.
rpc AbortInvocation(InvocationRef) returns (google.protobuf.Empty);
// EmitTriggers puts one or more triggers into pending trigger queues of the
// specified jobs.
// This eventually causes jobs to start executing. The scheduler may merge
// multiple triggers into one job execution, based on how the job is
// configured.
// If at least one job doesn't exist or the caller has no permission to
// trigger it, the entire request is aborted. Otherwise, the request is NOT
// transactional: if it fails midway (e.g by returning internal server error),
// some triggers may have been submitted and some may not. It is safe to retry
// the call, supplying the same trigger IDs. Triggers with the same IDs will
// be deduplicated. See Trigger message for more details.
// Requires TRIGGERER Job permission.
rpc EmitTriggers(EmitTriggersRequest) returns (google.protobuf.Empty);
message JobsRequest {
// If not specified or "", all projects' jobs are returned.
string project = 1;
string cursor = 2;
// page_size is currently not implemented and is ignored.
int32 page_size = 3;
message JobsReply {
repeated Job jobs = 1;
string next_cursor = 2;
message InvocationsRequest {
JobRef job_ref = 1;
string cursor = 2;
// page_size defaults to 50 which is maximum.
int32 page_size = 3;
message InvocationsReply {
repeated Invocation invocations = 1;
string next_cursor = 2;
message EmitTriggersRequest {
message Batch {
Trigger trigger = 1;
repeated JobRef jobs = 2;
// A trigger and jobs it should be delivered to.
// Order is important. Triggers that are listed earlier are considered older.
repeated Batch batches = 1;
// An optional timestamp to use as trigger creation time, as unix timestamp in
// microseconds. Assigned by the server by default. If given, must be within
// +-15 min of the current time.
// Under some conditions triggers are ordered by timestamp of when they are
// created. By allowing the client to specify this timestamp, we make
// EmitTrigger RPC idempotent: if EmitTrigger call fails midway, the caller
// can retry it providing exact same timestamp to get the correct final order
// of the triggers.
int64 timestamp = 2;
// JobRef uniquely identifies a job.
message JobRef {
string project = 1;
string job = 2;
// InvocationRef uniquely identifies an invocation of a job.
message InvocationRef {
JobRef job_ref = 1;
// invocation_id is a unique integer among all invocations for a given job.
// However, there could be invocations with the same invocation_id but
// belonging to different jobs.
int64 invocation_id = 2;
// Job descibes currently configured job.
message Job {
JobRef job_ref = 1;
string schedule = 2;
JobState state = 3;
bool paused = 4;
// JobState describes current Job state as one of these strings:
message JobState {
string ui_status = 1;
// Invocation describes properties of one job execution.
message Invocation {
InvocationRef invocation_ref = 1;
// start_ts is unix timestamp in microseconds.
int64 started_ts = 2;
// finished_ts is unix timestamp in microseconds. Set only if final is true.
int64 finished_ts = 3;
// triggered_by is an identity ("kind:value") which is specified only if
// invocation was triggered by not the scheduler service itself.
string triggered_by = 4;
// Latest status of a job.
string status = 5;
// If true, this invocation properties are final and won't be changed.
bool final = 6;
// config_revision pins project/job config version according to which this
// invocation was created.
string config_revision = 7;
// view_url points to human readable page for a given invocation if available.
string view_url = 8;