ui: add various sections to infra tab

So that users who prefer the infra tab don't necessarily need to
switch to the overview tab.
Also move components shared by overview tab and infra tab to infra
tab so there's no circular dependency. In the future, some of the
components should be made more generic and move to @/build/components


Bug: b/331971306
Change-Id: I7bc8873e6bb38f2d933060aba4c5634520ae2d2c
Reviewed-on: https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/c/infra/luci/luci-go/+/5449321
Reviewed-by: Mostafa Draz <mdraz@google.com>
Commit-Queue: Weiwei Lin <weiweilin@google.com>
22 files changed
tree: bc85254ad88cbf64437cc0de16ce567bb692867e
  1. analysis/
  2. appengine/
  3. auth/
  4. auth_service/
  5. bisection/
  6. build/
  7. buildbucket/
  8. casviewer/
  9. cipd/
  10. cipkg/
  11. client/
  12. common/
  13. config/
  14. config_service/
  15. cv/
  16. deploy/
  17. examples/
  18. gae/
  19. gce/
  20. grpc/
  21. hardcoded/
  22. led/
  23. logdog/
  24. luci_notify/
  25. lucicfg/
  26. lucictx/
  27. luciexe/
  28. mailer/
  29. milo/
  30. mmutex/
  31. provenance/
  32. resultdb/
  33. scheduler/
  34. scripts/
  35. server/
  36. standalone/
  37. starlark/
  38. swarming/
  39. teams/
  40. third_party/
  41. tokenserver/
  42. tools/
  43. tree_status/
  44. vpython/
  45. web/
  46. .gitallowed
  47. .gitattributes
  48. .gitignore
  49. .go-lintable
  51. codereview.settings
  54. go.mod
  55. go.sum
  57. OWNERS
  58. PRESUBMIT.py
  59. README.md
  60. tools.go

luci-go: LUCI services and tools in Go



LUCI Go code is meant to be worked on from an Chromium infra.git checkout, which enforces packages versions and Go toolchain version. First get fetch via depot_tools.git then run:

fetch infra
cd infra/go
eval `./env.py`
cd src/go.chromium.org/luci

It is now possible to directly install tools with go install:

go install go.chromium.org/luci/auth/client/cmd/...@latest
go install go.chromium.org/luci/buildbucket/cmd/...@latest
go install go.chromium.org/luci/cipd/client/cmd/...@latest
go install go.chromium.org/luci/client/cmd/...@latest
go install go.chromium.org/luci/cv/cmd/...@latest
go install go.chromium.org/luci/gce/cmd/...@latest
go install go.chromium.org/luci/grpc/cmd/...@latest
go install go.chromium.org/luci/logdog/client/cmd/...@latest
go install go.chromium.org/luci/luci_notify/cmd/...@latest
go install go.chromium.org/luci/lucicfg/cmd/...@latest
go install go.chromium.org/luci/luciexe/legacy/cmd/...@latest
go install go.chromium.org/luci/mailer/cmd/...@latest
go install go.chromium.org/luci/mmutex/cmd/...@latest
go install go.chromium.org/luci/resultdb/cmd/...@latest
go install go.chromium.org/luci/server/cmd/...@latest
go install go.chromium.org/luci/swarming/cmd/...@latest
go install go.chromium.org/luci/tokenserver/cmd/...@latest
go install go.chromium.org/luci/tools/cmd/...@latest


Contributing uses the same flow as Chromium contributions.