blob: f8d9717a537bdcf8e48bdae3070d43f1004fc31d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The LUCI Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed under the Apache License, Version 2.0
// that can be found in the LICENSE file.
syntax = "proto3";
option go_package = ";dm";
import "";
package dm;
// ActivateExecutionReq allows a currently-running Execution to activate itself.
// Doing this allows DM to know that the Execution has started, and also enables
// the Execution to access other APIs like WalkGraph, AddDeps, and
// FinishAttempt.
// ActivateExecution must be called with the ExecutionID and Activation token
// that DM provided when the Execution was started with the distributor.
// If the Execution has not been activated, the Execution will be marked as
// 'activating' and this will return an OK code. At this point, your client
// may use the ExecutionToken with any RPCs that have an ExecutionAuth field.
// This RPC may return:
// * OK - The Execution is now activated.
// * InvalidArgmument - The request was malformed. Retrying will not help.
// * PermissionDenied - The provided activation token was incorrect.
// Retrying will not help.
// * AlreadyExists - The activation token was correct, but some other entity
// already activated this Execution. The client should cease operations.
// Retrying will not help.
// All other errors should be retried with the exact same ActivateExecutionReq
// data.
message ActivateExecutionReq {
// Auth is the Execution_Auth containing the Activation Token, as provided
// to the distributor when the Execution was created.
dm.Execution.Auth auth = 1;
// ExecutionToken should be randomly generated by the machine running the
// execution, or by the distributor service such that if two racing Executions
// both attempt to Activate with the same ExecutionID and ActivationToken, the
// ExecutionToken will (probably) be different for them so that only one will
// win.
bytes execution_token = 2;