blob: cb2cf268f144698ac7e2ec9d3f671671a8f28186 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The LUCI Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed under the Apache License, Version 2.0
// that can be found in the LICENSE file.
syntax = "proto3";
option go_package = ";dm";
import "";
import "";
import "";
package dm;
message TemplateInstantiation {
// project is the luci-config project which defines the template.
string project = 1;
// ref is the git ref of the project that defined this template. If omitted,
// this will use the template definition from the project-wide configuration
// and not the configuration located on a particular ref (like
// 'refs/heads/master').
string ref = 2;
// reserve 3 for luci-config version
reserved 3;
// specifier specifies the actual template name, as well as any substitution
// parameters which that template might require.
templateproto.Specifier specifier = 4;
// EnsureGraphDataReq allows you to assert the existence of Attempts in DM's
// graph, and allows you to declare dependencies from one Attempt to another.
// You can declare Attempts by any combination of:
// * Providing a quest description plus a list of Attempt numbers for that
// quest.
// * Providing a template instantiation (for a project-declared quest
// template) plus a list of Attempt numbers for that quest.
// * Providing a raw set of quest_id -> attempt numbers for quests that you
// already know that DM has a definition for.
// In response, DM will tell you what the IDs of all supplied Quests/Attempts
// are.
// To create a dependencies, call this method while running as part of an
// execution by filling the for_execution field. All attempts named as described
// above will become dependencies for the indicated execution. It is only
// possible for a currently-running execution to create dependencies for its own
// Attempt. In particular, it is not possible to create dependencies as
// a non-execution user (e.g. a human), nor is it possible for an execution to
// create attempts on behalf of some other execution.
// If the attempts were being created as dependencies, and were already in the
// Finished state, this request can also opt to include the AttemptResults
// directly.
message EnsureGraphDataReq {
// Quest is a list of quest descriptors. DM will ensure that the
// corresponding Quests exist. If they don't, they'll be created.
repeated dm.Quest.Desc quest = 1;
// QuestAttempt allows the addition of attempts which are derived from
// the quest bodies provided above.
// Each entry here maps 1:1 with the equivalent quest.
repeated dm.AttemptList.Nums quest_attempt = 2;
// TemplateQuest allows the addition of quests which are derived from
// Templates, as defined on a per-project basis.
repeated TemplateInstantiation template_quest = 3;
// TemplateAttempt allows the addition of attempts which are derived from
// Templates. This must be equal in length to template_quest.
// Each entry here maps 1:1 with the equivalent quest in template_quest.
repeated dm.AttemptList.Nums template_attempt = 4;
// RawAttempts is a list that asserts that the following attempts should
// exist. The quest ids in this list must be already-known to DM, NOT
// included in the quest field above. This is useful when you know the ID of
// the Quest, but not the actual definition of the quest.
dm.AttemptList raw_attempts = 5;
// ForExecution is an authentication pair (Execution_ID, Token).
// If this is provided then it will serve as authorization for the creation of
// any `quests` included, and any `attempts` indicated will be set as
// dependencies for the execution.
// If this omitted, then the request requires some user/bot authentication,
// and any quests/attempts provided will be made standalone (e.g. nothing will
// depend on them).
dm.Execution.Auth for_execution = 6;
message Limit {
// to be compatible with WalkGraphReq.Limit, should we later expand this
// Limit message. However, right now we ONLY use max_data_size.
reserved 1, 2;
// MaxDataSize sets the maximum amount of 'Data' (in bytes) that can be
// returned, if include.attempt_result is set. If this limit is hit, then
// the appropriate 'partial' value will be set for that object, but the base
// object would still be included in the result.
// If this limit is 0, a default limit of 16MB will be used. If this limit
// exceeds 30MB, it will be reduced to 30MB.
uint32 max_data_size = 3;
Limit limit = 7;
message Include {
// to be compatible with WalkGraphReq.Include, should we later expand this
// Include message. However, right now we ONLY use attempt.
reserved 1, 3, 5, 6;
message Options {
// to be compatible with WalkGraphReq.Include.Options, should we later
// expand this Include.Options message. However, right now we ONLY use
// result.
reserved 1, 2, 4, 5;
// Instructs finished objects to include the Result field.
bool result = 3;
Options attempt = 4;
Include include = 8;
message EnsureGraphDataRsp {
// accepted is true when all new graph data was journaled successfully. This
// means that `quests`, `attempts`, `template_quest`, `template_attempt` were
// all well-formed and are scheduled to be added. They will 'eventually' be
// readable via other APIs (like WalkGraph), but when they are, they'll have
// the IDs reflected in this response.
// If `attempts` referrs to quests that don't exist and weren't provided in
// `quests`, those quests will be listed in `result` with the DNE flag set.
// If `template_quest` had errors (missing template, bad params, etc.), the
// errors will be located in `template_error`. If all of the templates parsed
// successfully, the quest ids for those rendered `template_quest` will be in
// `template_ids`.
bool accepted = 1;
// quest_ids will be populated with the Quest.IDs of any quests defined
// by quest in the initial request. Its length is guaranteed to match
// the length of quest, if there were no errors.
repeated dm.Quest.ID quest_ids = 2;
// template_ids will be populated with the Quest.IDs of any templates defined
// by template_quest in the initial request. Its length is guaranteed to match
// the length of template_quest, if there were no errors.
repeated dm.Quest.ID template_ids = 3;
// template_error is either empty if there were no template errors, or the
// length of template_quest. Non-empty strings are errors.
repeated string template_error = 4;
// result holds the graph data pertaining to the request, containing any
// graph state that already existed at the time of the call. Any new data
// that was added to the graph state (accepted==true) will appear with
// `DNE==true`.
// Quest data will always be returned for any Quests which exist.
// If accepted==false, you can inspect this to determine why:
// * Quests (without data) mentioned by the `attempts` field that do not
// exist will have `DNE==true`.
// This also can be used to make adding dependencies a stateless
// single-request action:
// * Attempts requested (assuming the corresponding Quest exists) will
// contain their current state. If Include.AttemptResult was true, the
// results will be populated (with the size limit mentioned in the request
// documentation).
dm.GraphData result = 5;
// (if `for_execution` was specified) ShouldHalt indicates that the request
// was accepted by DM, and the execution should halt (DM will re-execute the
// Attempt when it becomes unblocked). If this is true, then the execution's
// auth Token is also revoked and will no longer work for futher API calls.
// If `for_execution` was provided in the request and this is false, it means
// that the execution may continue executing.
bool should_halt = 6;