blob: e599c28d2574683c85743a4acad70388b96b2fa5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The LUCI Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed under the Apache License, Version 2.0
// that can be found in the LICENSE file.
syntax = "proto3";
option go_package = ";dm";
import "google/protobuf/duration.proto";
import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto";
import "";
package dm;
message AbnormalFinish {
enum Status {
// This status is invalid and should not be used intentionally.
// It is a placeholder to identify 0-initialized AbnormalFinish structures.
// This entity has a failed result.
// Executions: the distributor reported that the task executed and failed, OR
// the distributor reports success while the Execution is in the RUNNING
// state.
// Attempts: the last Execution had a FAILED Status.
// Retryable.
// This entity failed in a bad way.
// Executions: The distributor told us that the job died violently while in
// Attempts: the last Execution had a CRASHED Status.
// Retryable.
// Waited too long for the job to start.
// Executions: the distributor couldn't start the job in time, OR DM failed
// to get a status update from the distributor in time (e.g. the state was
// SCHEDULING for too long).
// Attempts: the last Execution had an EXPIRED Status.
// Retryable.
// The job started, but took too long.
// Executions: the distributor started the job, but it couldn't complete in
// time, OR DM failed to get a status update from the distributor in time
// (e.g. the state was RUNNING for too long).
// Attempts: the last Execution had an TIMED_OUT Status.
// Retryable.
// The job was cancelled by an external entity (human, automated system).
// Executions: the distributor informing DM that the job was preemptively
// cancelled.
// Attempts: the last Execution had a CANCELLED Status, or this Attempt
// was cancelled via DM.
// The job was prevented from running by the distributor (quota, permissions,
// etc.)
// Executions: the distributor refused to run this job.
// Attempts: the last Execution had a REJECTED Status.
// The job is unrecognized.
// Executions: the distributor doesn't know about this job, or has forgotten
// about it.
// Attempts: the last Execution had a MISSING Status.
// The distributor ran the job, but returned garbage.
// Executions: the distributor returned a nominally successful result, but
// the Data portion of the result wasn't able to be normalized.
// Attempts: the last Execution had a RESULT_MALFORMED Status.
Status status = 1;
string reason = 2;
message Quest {
message ID {
string id = 1;
ID id = 1;
// DNE is set to true if this Quest does not exist. None of the following
// fields are valid if this is set to true.
bool DNE = 2;
message Desc {
// TODO(iannucci): have a 'simple_idempotent' quest mode which:
// * isn't allowed/expected to call any API methods (ActivateExecution,
// EnsureGraphData, or WalkGraph)
// * only provides data back through the distributor-specific 'state'
// field.
// Examples of use for this would be:
// * simple test binaries that run/output to an ISOLATED_OUTDIR
// * testing / ad-hoc bash scripts
// This names a specific distributor configuration (or alias) in the
// service's distributors.cfg file. This will be used to look up the
// distributor's implementation and connection information when Attempts for
// this Quest are Executed.
string distributor_config_name = 1;
// A JSON object which corresponds to the input parameters for the job.
// These will be passed in a distributor-specific way to the job. This is
// a freeform JSON object, and must parse as such, but otherwise doesn't
// necessarily have a server-enforced schema.
// The distributor implementation in DM will not use the contents of these
// to make any scheduling decisions.
// The distributor MAY choose to validate some schema for these parameters.
string parameters = 2;
// A JSON object which corresponds to the distributor-specific parameters
// for the job.
// The distributor defines and validates the schema for these, and will use
// the values herein to make decisions about how the job is run. It is up to
// the distributor whether these values are passed on to the job, and if so
// in what form.
string distributor_parameters = 3;
message Meta {
// This names the user/service account for all Attempts on this quest. You
// must have permission to use this account when creating the Quest and/or
// Attempts.
string as_account = 1;
// Retry specifies the number of times in a row that DM should re-Execute
// an Attempt due to the provided abnormal result.
// NOTE: The proto tag numbers for these MUST be aligned with the
// enumeration values of AbnormalFinish.Status!
message Retry {
// The number of times in a row to retry Executions which have an
uint32 failed = 1;
// The number of times in a row to retry Executions which have an
uint32 crashed = 2;
// The number of times in a row to retry Executions which have an
uint32 expired = 3;
// The number of times in a row to retry Executions which have an
uint32 timed_out = 4;
// This affects how DM will retry the job payload in various exceptional
// circumstances.
Retry retry = 2;
// Timing describes the amount of time that Executions for this Quest
// should have, on the following timeline:
// Event: execution sent to distributor
// ^ "start" v
// Event: execution sends ActivateExecution
// ^ "run" v
// Event: execution sends halting RPC (either ActivateExecution or
// EnsureGraphData)
// ^ "stop" v
// Event: distributor gives execution result back to DM
// If the given timeout hits before the next event in the timeline, DM
// will mark the Execution as TIMED_OUT, and the appropriate retry policy
// will be applied.
// If a given timeout is unlimited, leave the duration unset or 0.
message Timeouts {
google.protobuf.Duration start = 1;
google.protobuf.Duration run = 2;
google.protobuf.Duration stop = 3;
Timeouts timeouts = 3;
// This is metadata which doesn't affect the functionality of the payload,
// but does affect how DM interacts with the distributor when scheduling
// Executions.
Meta meta = 4;
message TemplateSpec {
string project = 1;
string ref = 2;
string version = 3;
string name = 4;
message Data {
google.protobuf.Timestamp created = 1;
dm.Quest.Desc desc = 2;
repeated dm.Quest.TemplateSpec built_by = 3;
Data data = 3;
// key is the `id` field of the Attempt.ID
map<uint32, Attempt> attempts = 4;
// Partial is true iff the request asked for QuestData, but wasn't able to
// completely fill it.
bool partial = 16;
// JsonResult represents a free-form JSON object. It has a maximum size of
// 256KB normalized (no extra whitespace). DM will normalize incoming
// JSONObjects before recalculating their size.
message JsonResult {
// Guaranteed to be a JSON object `{...}` or the empty string (if this is part
// of a Partial result from e.g. a WalkGraph RPC).
string object = 1;
// The length of data. If this message is non-nil, this will have a value even
// if object is empty (e.g. for a partial result). This is useful for query
// results where you either opt to not load the data (include.*.data ==
// false), or the response exceeds the size limit (so you can see how big the
// data would have been if the limit wasn't exceeded).
uint32 size = 2;
// The timestamp of when this JsonResult's contents expire. If omitted, it
// should be assumed that the contents never expire.
google.protobuf.Timestamp expiration = 3;
// Result holds either data OR abnormal finish information.
message Result {
JsonResult data = 1;
AbnormalFinish abnormal_finish = 2;
message Attempt {
message ID {
string quest = 1;
uint32 id = 2;
ID id = 1;
// DNE is set to true if this Attempt does not exist. None of the following
// fields are valid if this is set to true.
bool DNE = 2;
enum State {
// The Attempt is waiting to be Executed.
// The Attempt is currently waiting for its current Execution to finish.
// The Attempt is waiting for dependent Attempts to be resolved.
// The Attempt is in its final state.
// The Attempt is in an abnormal final state.
message Data {
google.protobuf.Timestamp created = 1;
google.protobuf.Timestamp modified = 2;
uint32 num_executions = 3;
// This attempt is ready to be Executed, but hasn't been sent to the
// distributor yet.
message Scheduling {}
// This attempt has a live Execution (with the specified ID). Check the
// Execution state for more information.
message Executing {
uint32 cur_execution_id = 1;
// This attempt's last Execution stopped by adding dependencies.
message Waiting {
uint32 num_waiting = 1;
// This attempt is complete.
message Finished {
// The result of the Attempt. To obtain the distributor specific result
// for the last execution, make sure to include at least one Execution in
// your query.
// Only if ` == true`, will the response include
// data.object.
JsonResult data = 1;
oneof attempt_type {
Scheduling scheduling = 5;
Executing executing = 6;
Waiting waiting = 7;
Finished finished = 8;
AbnormalFinish abnormal_finish = 9;
Data data = 3;
// key is the `id` field of the Execution.ID
map<uint32, Execution> executions = 4;
dm.AttemptList fwd_deps = 5;
dm.AttemptList back_deps = 6;
message Partial {
// Data is true iff the AttemptData should have been filled, but wasn't
bool data = 1;
// Executions is true iff the Executions were requested, but not all of
// them could be loaded.
bool executions = 2;
// FwdDeps is true iff FwdDeps were requested, but not all of them could be
// loaded.
bool fwd_deps = 3;
// BackDeps is true iff BackDeps were requested, but not all of them could be
// loaded.
bool back_deps = 4;
enum Result {
// LOADED implies that the result was, in fact, loaded.
// NOT_LOADED is set if the result failed to load because there was
// a transient error or the request ran out of time.
// NOT_AUTHORIZED is set if the query was authenticated from an Execution
// whose Attempt doesn't depend on this one.
// DATA_SIZE_LIMIT is set if the max_data_size limit was reached.
// result is set if AttemptResults were requested, and the attempt_type is
// Finished, but for some reason the result but wasn't loaded.
Result result = 5;
// Partial values are true iff the request asked for AttemptData, Executions
// or Deps, but wasn't able to completely fill them. If Partial is omitted,
// it means that no partial data exists in this Attempt.
Partial partial = 16;
message Execution {
// Execution_Auth is a tuple of the requesting ExecutionID and the activated
// Execution Token (see the ActivateExecution rpc).
message Auth {
dm.Execution.ID id = 1;
bytes token = 2;
message ID {
string quest = 1;
uint32 attempt = 2;
uint32 id = 3;
ID id = 1;
enum State {
// The execution has been accepted by the distributor, but is not running
// yet.
// The execution is running (has activated with DM).
// The execution has been told to stop by DM, but we haven't heard from
// the distributor yet.
// The execution is in its final state.
// The execution is in an abnormal final state
message Data {
google.protobuf.Timestamp created = 1;
google.protobuf.Timestamp modified = 2;
message DistributorInfo {
string config_name = 1;
string config_version = 2;
string token = 3;
string url = 4;
DistributorInfo distributor_info = 3;
message Scheduling {}
message Running {}
message Stopping {}
message Finished {
JsonResult data = 1;
oneof execution_type {
Scheduling scheduling = 4;
Running running = 5;
Stopping stopping = 6;
Finished finished = 7;
AbnormalFinish abnormal_finish = 8;
Data data = 2;
// Partial is true iff the request asked for Executions, but wasn't able to
// completely fill them.
bool partial = 16;
// GraphData defines all of the DM graph data that may be returned from DM.
// Currently only WalkGraph returns GraphData, but in the future other APIs will
// explore the graph in other ways, and they'll return this same data structure.
// The design of this message is intended to allow clients to easily accumulate
// various GraphData from different sources in order to maintain an in-memory
// cache of data that exists in DM, where that data is discovered across
// multiple RPCs.
message GraphData {
// Quests is the main entry point for all the graph data.
// key is the `id` field of the QuestID
map<string, Quest> quests = 1;
// HadErrors is set to true if the data represented here is a partial view
// of the requested data due to internal errors. The request may be repeated
// or the client may chose to make smaller queries into the portions of the
// graph that are missing.
// If HadErrors is set HadMore will also be set.
bool had_errors = 2;
// HadMore is set to true if the request stopped short of the full query
// result set due to things like:
// * max response size limit
// * max time limit (e.g. WalkGraphReq.MaxTime) being hit
// * non-terminal errors encountered during the request (HadErrors will also
// be true in this case).
// Note that this is different than the Partial booleans: This refers
// specifically to situations when Queries do not run to completion.
bool had_more = 3;