blob: d6cba9d8b488a19a29b3522b239c1958333f4f9f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The LUCI Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed under the Apache License, Version 2.0
// that can be found in the LICENSE file.
syntax = "proto3";
option go_package = ";dm";
import "";
package dm;
// GraphQuery represents a single query into the state of DM's dependency graph.
// It's a required parameter for WalkGraphReq.
message GraphQuery {
// AttemptList allows you to list one or more specific attempts as the result
// of the query. If a quest contains the attempt number 0, or is empty, it
// means 'all attempts for this quest'.
dm.AttemptList attempt_list = 1;
message AttemptRange {
string quest = 1;
uint32 low = 2;
uint32 high = 3;
// attempt_range allows you to list a range of attempts in a single quest.
// low must be > 0, and high must be > low. The range is [low, high). High may
// be higher than the highest attempt, and low may be lower than the lowest
// attempt (but not 0).
repeated AttemptRange attempt_range = 2;
// A Search allows you to query objects whose properties match all of the
// provided filters. Filters take the form of a dot-delimited path. For
// example, say that we had the following objects:
// Quest(id=deadbeef):
// created = <timestamp> #sort
// descriptor.distributor_config_name = "foo"
// descriptor.json_payload = {
// "key": "value",
// "multi": ["some", 10, "values", true],
// "sub": [{"msg": 11}, {"msg": 12}],
// }
// Attempt(id=deadbeef|1):
// created = <timestamp> #sort
// attempt_type = Finished
// finished.expiration = <timestamp>
// finished.json_result = {
// "rslt": "yes",
// "ok": true,
// }
// Then you could query (in pseudo-proto):
// domain: Attempt
// approx_filters: {
// "attempt_type": ["Finished"],
// "$quest.descriptor.json_payload.multi": [true, 10],
// "$quest.descriptor.json_payload.sub.msg": [11, 10],
// "finished.json_result.ok": [true],
// }
// Or:
// domain: Attempt
// exact_filters: {
// "$quest.descriptor.json_payload.multi[1]": [10],
// "$quest.descriptor.json_payload.sub[0].msg": [11],
// }
// Literal '.' and '[' characters may be escaped with a backslash.
message Search {
enum Domain {
QUEST = 0;
// Domain indicates which class of objects your query applies to. The fields
// available to query are defined by the `data` field in the corresponding
// GraphData message.
// Additionally `Attempt` has a special field $quest whose subfields are
// queriable in the exact same way that a search in a Quest domain works.
Domain domain = 1;
// 2 is reserved for sort_by. For now everything will sort by "created", but
// it may be possible to expand quest and/or result payloads in the future
// so that they can elect alternate sort-orders for themselves.
reserved "sort_by";
reserved 2;
// Start and End are optional restrictions on the first sort property. For
// now, these are just restrictions on the 'created' timestamp for either
// the Quest or Attempt, depending on the SearchDomain.
dm.PropertyValue start = 3;
dm.PropertyValue end = 4;
// ApproxFilters allows you to filter on 'approximate' fields. Approximate
// fields are the json path to the value, without any array subscripts. For
// example, if your document looked like:
// {
// "some": ["list", {"of": ["data", "and", "stuff"]}],
// }
// Then the following approximate filters would match:
// "some" = ["list"]
// "some.of" = ["data"]
// "some.of" = ["and"]
// "some.of" = ["stuff"]
// "some.of" = ["stuff", "and"]
// "some.of" = ["stuff", "and", "data"]
// This is useful for filtering documents where the order of parameters
// in a list or sublist isn't known, or doesn't matter.
map<string, dm.MultiPropertyValue> approx_filters = 5;
// ExactFilters allows you to filter on 'exact' fields. Exact fields are the
// json path to the value, including array subscripts. For example if your
// document looked like:
// {
// "some": ["list", {"of": ["data", "and", "stuff"]}],
// }
// Then the following exact filters would match:
// "some[0]" = "list"
// "some[1].of[0]" = "data"
// "some[1].of[1]" = "and"
// "some[1].of[2]" = "stuff"
// This is useful for filtering documents where the order of parameters
// in a list or sublist matters.
map<string, dm.PropertyValue> exact_filters = 6;
repeated Search search = 3;