blob: 722b2ebfe2fbf58bfaf93f1f2197db5732597442 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The LUCI Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed under the Apache License, Version 2.0
// that can be found in the LICENSE file.
syntax = "proto3";
option go_package = ";dm";
import "google/protobuf/duration.proto";
import "";
import "";
import "";
package dm;
// WalkGraphReq allows you to walk from one or more Quests through their
// Attempt's forward dependencies.
// The handler will evaluate all of the queries, executing them in parallel.
// For each attempt or quest produced by the query, it will queue a walk
// operation for that node, respecting the options set (max_depth, etc.).
message WalkGraphReq {
// Optional. See Include.AttemptResult for restrictions.
dm.Execution.Auth auth = 1;
// Query specifies a list of queries to start the graph traversal on. The
// traversal will occur as a union of the query results. Redundant
// specification will not cause additional heavy work; every graph node will
// be processed exactly once, regardless of how many times it appears in the
// query results. However, redundancy in the queries will cause the server to
// retrieve and discard more information.
GraphQuery query = 2;
message Mode {
// DFS sets whether this is a Depth-first (ish) or a Breadth-first (ish) load.
// Since the load operation is multi-threaded, the search order is best
// effort, but will actually be some hybrid between DFS and BFS. This setting
// controls the bias direction of the hybrid loading algorithm.
bool dfs = 1;
// Direction indicates that direction of dependencies that the request should
// walk.
enum Direction {
BOTH = 2;
Direction direction = 2;
Mode mode = 3;
message Limit {
// MaxDepth sets the number of attempts to traverse; 0 means 'immediate'
// (no dependencies), -1 means 'no limit', and >0 is a limit.
// Any negative value besides -1 is an error.
int64 max_depth = 1;
// MaxTime sets the maximum amount of time that the query processor should
// take. Application of this deadline is 'best effort', which means the query
// may take a bit longer than this timeout and still attempt to return data.
// This is different than the grpc timeout header, which will set a hard
// deadline for the request.
google.protobuf.Duration max_time = 2;
// MaxDataSize sets the maximum amount of 'Data' (in bytes) that can be
// returned, if include.quest_data, include.attempt_data, and/or
// include.attempt_result are set. If this limit is hit, then the
// appropriate 'partial' value will be set for that object, but the base
// object would still be included in the result.
// If this limit is 0, a default limit of 16MB will be used. If this limit
// exceeds 30MB, it will be reduced to 30MB.
uint32 max_data_size = 3;
Limit limit = 4;
message Include {
message Options {
// Fills the 'id' field.
// If this is false, it will be omitted.
// Note that there's enough information contextually to derive these ids
// on the client side, though it can be handy to have the server produce
// them for you.
bool ids = 1;
// Instructs the request to include the Data field
bool data = 2;
// Instructs finished objects to include the Result field.
// If the requestor is an execution, the query logic will only include the
// result if the execution's Attempt depends on it, otherwise it will be
// blank.
// If the request's cumulative result data would be more than
// limit.max_data_size of data, the remaining results will have their
// Partial.Result set to DATA_SIZE_LIMIT.
// Has no effect for Quests.
bool result = 3;
// If set to true, objects with an abnormal termination will be included.
bool abnormal = 4;
// If set to true, expired objects will be included.
bool expired = 5;
Options quest = 1;
Options attempt = 2;
Options execution = 3;
// Executions is the number of Executions to include per Attempt. If this
// is 0, then the execution data will be omitted completely.
// Executions included are from high ids to low ids. So setting this to `1`
// would return the LAST execution made for this Attempt.
uint32 num_executions = 4;
// FwdDeps instructs WalkGraph to include forward dependency information
// from the result. This only changes the presence of information in the
// result; if the query is walking forward attempt dependencies, that will
// still occur even if this is false.
bool fwd_deps = 5;
// BackDeps instructs WalkGraph to include the backwards dependency
// information. This only changes the presence of information in the result;
// if the query is walking backward attempt dependencies, that will still
// occur even if this is false.
bool back_deps = 6;
// Include allows you to add additional information to the returned
// GraphData which is typically medium-to-large sized.
Include include = 5;
message Exclude {
// Do not include data from the following quests in the response.
repeated string quests = 1;
// Do not include data from the following attempts in the response.
dm.AttemptList attempts = 2;
Exclude exclude = 6;