tree: e93f87fefa7adf2d7c69b00ced976088778d6305 [path history] [tgz]
  1. isolateimpl/
  2. main.go

isolate user guide

Isolate your test.


  • isolate wraps the vast majority of the client side code relating to executable isolation.
  • isolate help” gives you all the help you need so only a quick overview is given here.


  • isolate” wraps usage for tracing, compiling, archiving and even running a test isolated locally.
  • Look at the isolate help page for more information.
  • -isolate is the preferred input format in the Go implementation. -isolated is supported in only a few subcommands (e.g. isolate archive).

Minimal .isolate file

Here is an example of a minimal .isolate file where an additional file is needed only on Windows and the command there is different:

  # 1. Global level.
  'variables': {
    'files': [
      # 1. All files in a subdirectory will be included.

  # 1. Things that are configuration or OS specific.
  'conditions': [
    ['OS=="linux" or OS=="mac"', {
      'variables': {
        'command': [

    ['OS=="android"', {
      'variables': {
        'command': [
        'files': [
  • EXECUTABLE_SUFFIX variable is automatically set to ".exe" on Windows and empty on the other OSes.
  • PRODUCT_DIR is variable passed with --path-variable flag.

Working on Chromium? You are not done yet! You need to create a GN target too, check out

Useful subcommands

  • isolate check” verifies a .isolate file (It no longer produces a .isolated).
  • isolate archive” does the equivalent of check, then archives the isolated tree.
  • isolate run” runs the test locally isolated, so you can verify for any failure specific to isolated testing.