blob: 3d7ba93262930ed514cdf48c812edd904ccbe24c [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2014 The LUCI Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed under the Apache License, Version 2.0
# that can be found in the LICENSE file.
"""Auth management REST API."""
import base64
import functools
import logging
import textwrap
from six.moves import urllib
import webapp2
from google.appengine.api import app_identity
from google.appengine.api import datastore_errors
from google.appengine.api import memcache
from google.appengine.datastore import datastore_query
from google.appengine.ext import ndb
from components import utils
from . import acl
from .. import api
from .. import change_log
from .. import handler
from .. import ipaddr
from .. import model
from .. import replication
from .. import signature
from .. import version
from ..proto import replication_pb2
# Set by set_config_locked.
_is_config_locked_cb = None
def get_rest_api_routes():
"""Return a list of webapp2 routes with auth REST API handlers."""
assert model.GROUP_NAME_RE.pattern[0] == '^'
group_re = model.GROUP_NAME_RE.pattern[1:]
assert model.IP_WHITELIST_NAME_RE.pattern[0] == '^'
ip_whitelist_re = model.IP_WHITELIST_NAME_RE.pattern[1:]
return [
webapp2.Route('/auth/api/v1/accounts/self', SelfHandler),
webapp2.Route('/auth/api/v1/accounts/self/xsrf_token', XSRFHandler),
webapp2.Route('/auth/api/v1/change_log', ChangeLogHandler),
webapp2.Route('/auth/api/v1/groups', GroupsHandler),
webapp2.Route('/auth/api/v1/groups/<name:%s>' % group_re, GroupHandler),
webapp2.Route('/auth/api/v1/internal/replication', ReplicationHandler),
webapp2.Route('/auth/api/v1/ip_allowlists', IPAllowlistsHandler),
'/auth/api/v1/ip_allowlists/<name:%s>' % ip_whitelist_re,
'/auth/api/v1/listing/groups/<name:%s>' % group_re,
webapp2.Route('/auth/api/v1/memberships/list', MembershipsListHandler),
webapp2.Route('/auth/api/v1/memberships/check', MembershipsCheckHandler),
webapp2.Route('/auth/api/v1/subgraph/<principal:.*$>', SubgraphHandler),
webapp2.Route('/auth/api/v1/suggest/groups', GroupsSuggestHandler),
webapp2.Route('/auth/api/v1/server/certificates', CertificatesHandler),
webapp2.Route('/auth/api/v1/server/info', ServerInfoHandler),
webapp2.Route('/auth/api/v1/server/oauth_config', OAuthConfigHandler),
webapp2.Route('/auth/api/v1/server/state', ServerStateHandler),
def forbid_api_on_replica(method):
"""Decorator for methods that are not allowed to be called on Replica.
If such method is called on a service in Replica mode, it would return
HTTP 405 "Method Not Allowed".
def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs):
assert isinstance(self, webapp2.RequestHandler)
if model.is_replica():
'primary_url': model.get_replication_state().primary_url,
'text': 'Use Primary service for API requests',
'Content-Type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8',
return method(self, *args, **kwargs)
return wrapper
def is_config_locked():
"""Returns True to forbid configuration changing API calls.
If is_config_locked returns True API requests that change configuration will
return HTTP 409 error.
A configuration is subset of AuthDB that changes infrequently:
* OAuth client_id whitelist
* IP whitelist
Used by auth_service that utilizes config_service for config management.
return _is_config_locked_cb() if _is_config_locked_cb else False
def set_config_locked(locked_callback):
"""Sets a function that returns True if configuration is locked."""
global _is_config_locked_cb
_is_config_locked_cb = locked_callback
def _is_no_cache(request):
"""Returns True if the request should skip the cache."""
cache_control = request.headers.get('Cache-Control') or ''
return 'no-cache' in cache_control or 'max-age=0' in cache_control
def _get_maybe_cached_auth_db(request):
"""Returns cached auth DB unless the request has no cache header."""
if _is_no_cache(request):
return api.get_latest_auth_db()
return api.get_request_auth_db()
class EntityOperationError(Exception):
"""Raised by do_* methods in EntityHandlerBase to indicate a conflict."""
def __init__(self, message, details=None):
super(EntityOperationError, self).__init__(message)
self.message = message
self.details = details
class EntityHandlerBase(handler.ApiHandler):
"""Handler for creating, reading, updating and deleting an entity in AuthDB.
Implements optimistic concurrency control based on Last-Modified header.
Subclasses must override class methods (see below). Entities being manipulated
should implement datastore_utils.SerializableModelMixin and
model.AuthVersionedEntityMixin and have following properties:
GET handler is available in Standalone, Primary and Replica modes.
Everything else is available only in Standalone and Primary modes.
# Root URL of this handler, e.g. '/auth/api/v1/groups/'.
entity_url_prefix = None
# Entity class being operated on, e.g. model.AuthGroup.
entity_kind = None
# Will show up as a key in response dicts, e.g. {<name>: ...}.
entity_kind_name = None
# Will show up in error messages, e.g. 'Failed to delete <title>'.
entity_kind_title = None
def check_preconditions(self):
"""Called after initial has_access checks, but before actual handling."""
def get_entity_key(cls, name):
"""Returns ndb.Key corresponding to entity with given name."""
raise NotImplementedError()
def is_entity_writable(cls, _name):
"""Returns True if entity can be modified (e.g. not an external group)."""
return True
def entity_to_dict(cls, entity):
"""Converts an entity to a serializable dictionary."""
return entity.to_serializable_dict(with_id_as='name')
def do_get(cls, name, request):
"""Returns an entity given its name or None if no such entity.
Can be called in any mode (including on replicas).
name: name of the entity to fetch (use get_entity_key to convert to key).
request: webapp2.Request object.
return cls.get_entity_key(name).get()
def can_create(cls):
"""True if the caller is allowed to create a new entity."""
return acl.is_admin()
def do_create(cls, entity):
"""Called in a transaction to validate and put a new entity.
Called only in Primary and Standalone modes.
EntityOperationError in case of a conflict.
raise NotImplementedError()
def can_update(cls, entity):
"""True if the caller is allowed to update a given entity."""
return acl.is_admin()
def do_update(cls, entity, params):
"""Called in a transaction to update existing entity.
Called only in Primary and Standalone modes.
EntityOperationError in case of a conflict.
raise NotImplementedError()
def can_delete(cls, entity):
"""True if the caller is allowed to delete a given entity."""
return acl.is_admin()
def do_delete(cls, entity):
"""Called in a transaction to delete existing entity.
Called only in Primary and Standalone modes.
EntityOperationError in case of a conflict.
raise NotImplementedError()
# Actual handlers implemented in terms of do_* calls.
def get(self, name):
"""Fetches entity give its name."""
obj = self.do_get(name, self.request)
if not obj:
self.abort_with_error(404, text='No such %s' % self.entity_kind_title)
response={self.entity_kind_name: self.entity_to_dict(obj)},
headers={'Last-Modified': utils.datetime_to_rfc2822(obj.modified_ts)})
def post(self, name):
"""Creates a new entity, ensuring it's indeed new (no overwrites)."""
body = self.parse_body()
name_in_body = body.pop('name', None)
if not name_in_body or name_in_body != name:
raise ValueError('Missing or mismatching name in request body')
if not self.is_entity_writable(name):
raise ValueError('This %s is not writable' % self.entity_kind_title)
entity = self.entity_kind.from_serializable_dict(
except (TypeError, ValueError) as e:
self.abort_with_error(400, text=str(e))
# No need to enter a transaction (like in do_update) to check this.
if not self.can_create():
raise api.AuthorizationError(
'"%s" has no permission to create a %s' %
(api.get_current_identity().to_bytes(), self.entity_kind_title))
def create(entity):
if entity.key.get():
return False, {
'http_code': 409,
'text': 'Such %s already exists' % self.entity_kind_title,
comment='REST API')
except EntityOperationError as exc:
return False, {
'http_code': 409,
'text': exc.message,
'details': exc.details,
except ValueError as exc:
return False, {
'http_code': 400,
'text': str(exc),
return True, None
success, error_details = create(entity)
if not success:
response={'ok': True},
'%s%s' % (self.entity_url_prefix,
def put(self, name):
"""Updates an existing entity."""
body = self.parse_body()
name_in_body = body.pop('name', None)
if not name_in_body or name_in_body != name:
raise ValueError('Missing or mismatching name in request body')
if not self.is_entity_writable(name):
raise ValueError('This %s is not writable' % self.entity_kind_title)
entity_params = self.entity_kind.convert_serializable_dict(body)
except (TypeError, ValueError) as e:
self.abort_with_error(400, text=str(e))
def update(params, expected_ts):
entity = self.get_entity_key(name).get()
if not entity:
return None, None, {
'http_code': 404,
'text': 'No such %s' % self.entity_kind_title,
if (expected_ts and
utils.datetime_to_rfc2822(entity.modified_ts) != expected_ts):
return None, None, {
'http_code': 412,
'%s was modified by someone else' %
if not self.can_update(entity):
# Raising from inside a transaction produces ugly logs. Just return the
# exception to be raised outside.
ident = api.get_current_identity()
exc = api.AuthorizationError(
'"%s" has no permission to update %s "%s"' %
(ident.to_bytes(), self.entity_kind_title, name))
return None, exc, None
comment='REST API')
self.do_update(entity, params)
except EntityOperationError as exc:
return None, None, {
'http_code': 409,
'text': exc.message,
'details': exc.details,
except ValueError as exc:
return None, None, {
'http_code': 400,
'text': str(exc),
return entity, None, None
entity, exc, error_details = update(
entity_params, self.request.headers.get('If-Unmodified-Since'))
if exc:
raise exc # pylint: disable=raising-bad-type
if not entity:
response={'ok': True},
'Last-Modified': utils.datetime_to_rfc2822(entity.modified_ts),
def delete(self, name):
"""Deletes an entity."""
if not self.is_entity_writable(name):
400, text='This %s is not writable' % self.entity_kind_title)
def delete(expected_ts):
entity = self.get_entity_key(name).get()
if not entity:
if expected_ts:
return None, {
'http_code': 412,
'%s was deleted by someone else' %
# Unconditionally deleting it, and it's already gone -> success.
return None, None
if (expected_ts and
utils.datetime_to_rfc2822(entity.modified_ts) != expected_ts):
return None, {
'http_code': 412,
'%s was modified by someone else' %
if not self.can_delete(entity):
# Raising from inside a transaction produces ugly logs. Just return the
# exception to be raised outside.
ident = api.get_current_identity()
exc = api.AuthorizationError(
'"%s" has no permission to delete %s "%s"' %
(ident.to_bytes(), self.entity_kind_title, name))
return exc, None
comment='REST API')
except EntityOperationError as exc:
return None, {
'http_code': 409,
'text': exc.message,
'details': exc.details,
return None, None
exc, error_details = delete(self.request.headers.get('If-Unmodified-Since'))
if exc:
raise exc # pylint: disable=raising-bad-type
if error_details:
self.send_response({'ok': True})
class SelfHandler(handler.ApiHandler):
"""Returns identity of a caller and authentication related request properties.
Available in Standalone, Primary and Replica modes.
# This is visible in the UI.
api_doc = [
'verb': 'GET',
'Returns identity of a caller based on passed authentication tokens, '
'as well as requester\'s IP address (as seen by AppEngine). Useful '
'when debugging authentication issues.',
'response_type': 'Self info',
def get(self):
'identity': api.get_current_identity().to_bytes(),
'ip': ipaddr.ip_to_string(api.get_peer_ip()),
class XSRFHandler(handler.ApiHandler):
"""Generates XSRF token on demand.
Should be used only by client scripts or Ajax calls. Requires header
'X-XSRF-Token-Request' to be present (actual value doesn't matter).
Available in Standalone, Primary and Replica modes.
# Don't enforce prior XSRF token, it might not be known yet.
xsrf_token_enforce_on = ()
def post(self):
token = self.generate_xsrf_token()
'expiration_sec': handler.XSRFToken.expiration_sec,
'xsrf_token': token,
class ChangeLogHandler(handler.ApiHandler):
"""Returns AuthDBChange log entries matching some query.
Supported query parameters (with example):
target='AuthGroup$A group' - limit changes to given target only (if given).
auth_db_rev=123 - limit changes to given revision only (if given).
limit=50 - how many changes to return in a single page (default: 50).
cursor=.... - urlsafe datastore cursor for pagination.
# The list of indexes here is synchronized with auth_service/index.yaml.
NEED_INDEX_ERROR_MESSAGE = textwrap.dedent(r"""
Your GAE app doesn't have indexes required for "Change log" functionality.
If you need this feature, add following indexes to index.yaml. You can do it
any time: changes are collected, they are just not queryable until indexed.
- kind: AuthDBChange
ancestor: yes
- name: target
- name: __key__
direction: desc
- kind: AuthDBChange
ancestor: yes
- name: __key__
direction: desc
def get(self):
target = self.request.get('target')
if target and not change_log.TARGET_RE.match(target):
self.abort_with_error(400, text='Invalid \'target\' param')
auth_db_rev = self.request.get('auth_db_rev')
if auth_db_rev:
auth_db_rev = int(auth_db_rev)
if auth_db_rev <= 0:
raise ValueError('Outside of allowed range')
except ValueError as exc:
400, text='Invalid \'auth_db_rev\' param: %s' % exc)
limit = int(self.request.get('limit', 50))
if limit <= 0 or limit > 1000:
raise ValueError('Outside of allowed range')
except ValueError as exc:
self.abort_with_error(400, text='Invalid \'limit\' param: %s' % exc)
cursor = datastore_query.Cursor(urlsafe=self.request.get('cursor'))
except (datastore_errors.BadValueError, ValueError) as exc:
self.abort_with_error(400, text='Invalid \'cursor\' param: %s' % exc)
q = change_log.make_change_log_query(target=target, auth_db_rev=auth_db_rev)
changes, cursor, more = q.fetch_page(limit, start_cursor=cursor)
except datastore_errors.NeedIndexError:
# This is expected for users of components.auth that did not update
# index.yaml. Return a friendlier message pointing them to instructions.
self.abort_with_error(500, text=self.NEED_INDEX_ERROR_MESSAGE)
'changes': [c.to_jsonish() for c in changes],
'cursor': cursor.urlsafe() if cursor and more else None,
def caller_can_modify(group_dict):
"""True if given group (presented as dict) is modifiable by a caller."""
if model.is_external_group_name(group_dict['name']):
return False
return api.is_admin() or api.is_group_member(group_dict['owners'])
class GroupsHandler(handler.ApiHandler):
"""Lists all registered groups.
Returns a list of groups, sorted by name. Each entry in a list is a dict with
all details about the group except the actual list of members
(which may be large).
Available in Standalone, Primary and Replica modes.
# This is visible in the UI.
api_doc = [
'verb': 'GET',
'params': 'exclude_external=1|0',
'doc': 'Lists names and descriptions of groups.',
'response_type': 'Groups',
def cache_key(auth_db_rev, exclude_external):
return 'api:v1:GroupsHandler/%d?exclude_external=%d' % (
auth_db_rev, 1 if exclude_external else 0)
def adjust_response_for_user(response):
"""Modifies response (in place) based on user ACLs."""
for g in response['groups']:
g['caller_can_modify'] = caller_can_modify(g)
def get(self):
exclude_external = self.request.get('exclude_external') == '1'
# Try to find a cached response for the current revision.
auth_db_rev = model.get_auth_db_revision()
cache_key = self.cache_key(auth_db_rev, exclude_external)
cached_response = memcache.get(cache_key)
if cached_response is not None:
# Grab a list of groups and corresponding revision for cache key.
if not model.is_replica():
def run():
# TODO(vadimsh): We can index "is_external" field and skip fetching
# external groups here if exclude_external is True.
fut = model.AuthGroup.query(ancestor=model.root_key()).fetch_async()
return model.get_auth_db_revision(), fut.get_result()
auth_db_rev, group_list = ndb.transaction(run)
auth_db = api.get_latest_auth_db()
auth_db_rev = auth_db.auth_db_rev
group_list = [auth_db.get_group(g) for g in auth_db.get_group_names()]
# Throw away external groups if asked to.
if exclude_external:
group_list = [
g for g in group_list
if not model.is_external_group_name(g.key.string_id())
# Currently AuthGroup entity contains a list of group members in the entity
# body. It's an implementation detail that should not be relied upon.
# Generally speaking, fetching a list of group members can be an expensive
# operation, and group listing call shouldn't do it all the time. So throw
# away all fields that enumerate group members.
response = {
'groups': [
exclude=('globs', 'members', 'nested'))
for g in sorted(group_list, key=lambda x: x.key.string_id())
memcache.set(cache_key, response, time=24*3600)
class GroupHandler(EntityHandlerBase):
"""Creating, reading, updating and deleting a single group.
GET is available in Standalone, Primary and Replica modes.
Everything else is available only in Standalone and Primary modes.
entity_url_prefix = '/auth/api/v1/groups/'
entity_kind = model.AuthGroup
entity_kind_name = 'group'
entity_kind_title = 'group'
# This is visible in the UI.
api_doc = [
'verb': 'GET',
'doc': 'Returns a group given its name. Doesn\'t expand nested groups.',
'response_type': 'Group',
'verb': 'POST',
'doc': 'Creates a new group (ensuring it is indeed new).',
'request_type': 'Group',
'response_type': 'Status',
'verb': 'PUT',
'Updates an existing group. Use If-Unmodified-Since header to '
'avoid unintentional overwrites.',
'request_type': 'Group',
'response_type': 'Status',
'verb': 'DELETE',
'Deletes an existing group. Use If-Unmodified-Since header to '
'avoid unintentional removals.',
'response_type': 'Status',
def get_entity_key(cls, name):
assert model.is_valid_group_name(name), name
return model.group_key(name)
def is_entity_writable(cls, name):
return not model.is_external_group_name(name)
def entity_to_dict(cls, entity):
g = super(GroupHandler, cls).entity_to_dict(entity)
g['caller_can_modify'] = caller_can_modify(g)
return g
def do_get(cls, name, request):
# On the primary/standalone, hit the datastore directly if the caching is
# forbidden.
if _is_no_cache(request) and not model.is_replica():
return super(GroupHandler, cls).do_get(name, request)
# Otherwise use AuthDB (either latest or cached). The cached one can be
# slightly stale, but serving from it is extra fast (0 RPCs).
return _get_maybe_cached_auth_db(request).get_group(name)
# Same as in the base class, repeated here just for clarity.
def can_create(cls):
return acl.is_admin()
def do_create(cls, entity):
# Check that all references group (owning group, nested groups) exist. It is
# ok for a new group to have itself as an owner.
entity.owners = entity.owners or model.ADMIN_GROUP
to_check = list(entity.nested)
if entity.owners != and entity.owners not in to_check:
missing = model.get_missing_groups(to_check)
if missing:
raise EntityOperationError(
'Some referenced groups don\'t exist: %s.' % ', '.join(missing),
details={'missing': missing})
def can_update(cls, entity):
return acl.is_admin() or api.is_group_member(entity.owners)
def do_update(cls, entity, params):
# If changing an owner, ensure new owner exists. No need to do it if
# the group owns itself (we know it exists).
new_owners = params.get('owners', entity.owners)
if new_owners != entity.owners and new_owners !=
ent = model.group_key(new_owners).get()
if not ent:
raise EntityOperationError(
message='Owners groups (%s) doesn\'t exist.' % new_owners,
details={'missing': [new_owners]})
# Admin group must be owned by itself.
if == model.ADMIN_GROUP and new_owners != model.ADMIN_GROUP:
raise EntityOperationError(
message='Can\'t change owner of \'%s\' group.' % model.ADMIN_GROUP)
# If adding new nested groups, need to ensure they exist.
added_nested_groups = None
if 'nested' in params:
added_nested_groups = set(params['nested']) - set(entity.nested)
if added_nested_groups:
missing = model.get_missing_groups(added_nested_groups)
if missing:
raise EntityOperationError(
'Some referenced groups don\'t exist: %s.'
% ', '.join(missing),
details={'missing': missing})
# Now make sure updated group is not a part of new group dependency cycle.
if added_nested_groups:
cycle = model.find_group_dependency_cycle(entity)
if cycle:
# Make it clear that cycle starts from the group being modified.
cycle = [] + cycle
as_str = ' -> '.join(cycle)
raise EntityOperationError(
message='Groups can not have cyclic dependencies: %s.' % as_str,
details={'cycle': cycle})
# TODO(vadimsh): Temporary forbid using 'project:...' identities in groups.
# They are not safe to be added to groups until all services that consume
# AuthDB understand them. Many services do an overzealous validation of
# AuthDB pushes and totally reject them if AuthDB contains some unrecognized
# identity kinds.
if any(m.is_project for m in entity.members):
raise EntityOperationError(
message='"project:..." identities aren\'t allowed in groups yet')
# Good enough.
def can_delete(cls, entity):
return acl.is_admin() or api.is_group_member(entity.owners)
def do_delete(cls, entity):
# Admin group is special, deleting it would be bad.
if == model.ADMIN_GROUP:
raise EntityOperationError(
message='Can\'t delete \'%s\' group.' % model.ADMIN_GROUP)
# A group can be its own owner (but it can not "nest" itself, as checked by
# find_group_dependency_cycle). It is OK to delete a self-owning group.
referencing_groups = model.find_referencing_groups(
if referencing_groups:
grs = sorted(referencing_groups)
raise EntityOperationError(
'This group is being referenced by other groups: %s.' %
', '.join(grs)),
details={'groups': grs})
class ReplicationHandler(handler.AuthenticatingHandler):
"""Accepts AuthDB push from Primary."""
# Handler checks headers already protected by CORS mechanism.
xsrf_token_enforce_on = ()
def send_response(self, response):
"""Sends serialized ReplicationPushResponse as a response."""
assert isinstance(response, replication_pb2.ReplicationPushResponse)
self.response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/octet-stream'
def send_error(self, error_code):
"""Sends ReplicationPushResponse with fatal error as a response."""
response = replication_pb2.ReplicationPushResponse()
response.status = replication_pb2.ReplicationPushResponse.FATAL_ERROR
response.error_code = error_code
response.auth_code_version = version.__version__
# The ACL check is inside.
def post(self):'Push from %s', api.get_current_identity().to_bytes())
# Check that current service is a Replica.
if not model.is_replica():
# This is e.g. "chrome-infra-auth".
primary_id = model.get_replication_state().primary_id
# Check that request came from expected Primary service.
expected_ident = (
# For GAE => GAE requests using URL Fetch API.
model.Identity(model.IDENTITY_SERVICE, primary_id),
# For requests authenticated with OAuth access tokens.
primary_id + ''))
if api.get_current_identity() not in expected_ident:
# Check the signature headers are present.
key_name = self.request.headers.get('X-AuthDB-SigKey-v1')
sign = self.request.headers.get('X-AuthDB-SigVal-v1')
if not key_name or not sign:
# Verify the signature.
body = self.request.body
sign = base64.b64decode(sign)
if not replication.is_signed_by_primary(body, key_name, sign):
# Deserialize the request, check it is valid.
request = replication_pb2.ReplicationPushRequest.FromString(body)
if not request.revision or not request.HasField('auth_db'):
# Handle it.'Received AuthDB push: rev %d', request.revision.auth_db_rev)
if request.auth_code_version:
'Primary\'s auth component version: %s', request.auth_code_version)
applied, state = replication.push_auth_db(request.revision, request.auth_db)
'AuthDB push %s: rev is %d',
'applied' if applied else 'skipped', state.auth_db_rev)
# Send the response.
response = replication_pb2.ReplicationPushResponse()
if applied:
response.status = replication_pb2.ReplicationPushResponse.APPLIED
response.status = replication_pb2.ReplicationPushResponse.SKIPPED
response.current_revision.primary_id = state.primary_id
response.current_revision.auth_db_rev = state.auth_db_rev
response.current_revision.modified_ts = utils.datetime_to_timestamp(
response.auth_code_version = version.__version__
class IPAllowlistsHandler(handler.ApiHandler):
"""Lists all IP allowlists.
Available in Standalone, Primary and Replica modes. Replicas only have IP
allowlists referenced in "account -> IP allowlist" mapping.
def get(self):
if model.is_replica():
raise NotImplementedError()
entities = model.AuthIPWhitelist.query(ancestor=model.root_key())
'ip_allowlists': [
for e in sorted(entities, key=lambda x:
class IPAllowlistHandler(EntityHandlerBase):
"""Creating, reading, updating and deleting a single IP allowlist.
GET is available in Standalone, Primary and Replica modes.
Everything else is available only in Standalone and Primary modes.
entity_url_prefix = '/auth/api/v1/ip_allowlists/'
entity_kind = model.AuthIPWhitelist
entity_kind_name = 'ip_allowlist'
entity_kind_title = 'ip allowlist'
def check_preconditions(self):
if self.request.method != 'GET' and is_config_locked():
self.abort_with_error(409, text='The configuration is managed elsewhere')
def get_entity_key(cls, name):
assert model.is_valid_ip_whitelist_name(name), name
return model.ip_whitelist_key(name)
def do_get(cls, name, request):
if model.is_replica():
raise NotImplementedError()
return super(IPAllowlistHandler, cls).do_get(name, request)
def do_create(cls, entity):
def do_update(cls, entity, params):
def do_delete(cls, entity):
# TODO(vadimsh): Verify it isn't being referenced by whitelist assignments.
class PerIdentityBatchHandler(handler.ApiHandler):
"""A class with the POST handler being the batch version of the GET handler.
GET handler accepts 'identity=...' query parameter.
POST handler accepts {'per_identity': {<ident>: <parameters>}} dict.
Subclasses must override 'collect_get_params', 'validate_params' and
# POST here is not state-modifying, no need for XSRF token.
xsrf_token_enforce_on = ()
def collect_get_params(self):
"""Examines GET query and returns a dict with them.
The format of the dict must match what is supposed to be passed as a value
in 'per_identity' dict in POST body. So POST body is essentially
a collection of GET queries to be executed as a batch.
raise NotImplementedError()
def validate_params(self, params):
"""Takes a dict with some single query parameters and validates it.
Raises ValueError if parameters are invalid.
raise NotImplementedError()
def execute_batch(self, queries):
"""Takes a dict {Identity => params dict} and returns {Identity => results}.
Parameters are already validated at this point.
raise NotImplementedError()
def post(self):
def get(self):
ident = self.request.get('identity')
if not ident:
self.abort_with_error(400, text='"identity" query parameter is required')
except ValueError as e:
self.abort_with_error(400, text='Invalid "identity" - %s' % e)
# Make the "batch" call with the single request.
resp = self._handle_batch({
'per_identity': {
ident: self.collect_get_params(),
# Extract back singular response.
per_ident = resp.get('per_identity')
assert ident in per_ident, resp
def _handle_batch(self, body):
# 'per_identity' is a dict {identity => request parameters},
if not isinstance(body, dict):
self.abort_with_error(400, text='The body must be a dict')
per_identity = body.get('per_identity', None)
if not isinstance(per_identity, dict) or not per_identity:
self.abort_with_error(400, text='"per_identity" must be a non-empty dict')
# Validate individual queries.
queries = {}
for ident_str, params in per_identity.items():
ident = model.Identity.from_bytes(ident_str)
except ValueError as e:
400, text='Not a valid identity %r - %s' % (ident_str, e))
# Make sure 'ident' serializes back to 'ident_str'. This is important,
# since we use it as key in the response, and callers most likely will be
# searching for exact same value they pass in the query.
assert ident.to_bytes() == ident_str, (ident, ident_str)
if params is None:
params = {}
if not isinstance(params, dict):
raise ValueError('parameters must be specified as a dict')
except ValueError as e:
self.abort_with_error(400, text='When querying %s: %s' % (ident_str, e))
queries[ident] = params
return {
'per_identity': {
ident.to_bytes(): res
for ident, res in self.execute_batch(queries).items()
class GroupListingHandler(handler.ApiHandler):
"""Lists all members of a group, recursively."""
# This is visible in the UI.
api_doc = [
'verb': 'GET',
'doc': 'Lists all members of a group, expanding subgroups.',
'response_type': 'Group listing',
def get(self, name):
if not model.is_valid_group_name(name):
self.abort_with_error(400, text='Invalid group name')
# By default use cached auth DB. Switch to latest one only if No-Cache
# header is given.
listing = _get_maybe_cached_auth_db(self.request).list_group(name)
'listing': {
'members': [{'principal': m.to_bytes()} for m in listing.members],
'globs': [{'principal': g.to_bytes()} for g in listing.globs],
'nested': [{'principal': n} for n in listing.nested],
class MembershipsListHandler(PerIdentityBatchHandler):
"""Lists all groups a user belongs to."""
# This is visible in the UI.
api_doc = [
'verb': 'GET',
'params': 'identity=...',
'Returns a list of groups an identity belongs to (including all '
'transitive relations) as a list of memberships.',
'response_type': {
'name': 'Membership list',
'doc': 'Represents a list of groups some identity is a member of.',
'example': {
'memberships': [
{'group': 'Group name'},
{'group': 'Another group name'},
'verb': 'POST',
'A batch version of the membership listing call. Executes multiple '
'queries for multiple identities in parallel.',
'request_type': {
'name': 'Batch listing request',
'A request to query a list of groups of multiple identities in '
'parallel. Per-identity dict values are options for membership '
'listing (there are currently none, so pass null or {}).',
'example': {
'per_identity': {
'': None,
'': None,
'response_type': {
'name': 'Batch listing response',
'For each identity specifies a list of groups it is a member of '
'(in the same format as non-batched version).',
'example': {
'per_identity': {
'': {
'memberships': [
{'group': 'Group name'},
{'group': 'Another group name'},
'': {
'memberships': [
{'group': 'Group name'},
{'group': 'Another group name'},
def collect_get_params(self):
# No parameters for now.
return {}
def validate_params(self, params):
# No parameters for now.
def execute_batch(self, queries):
# Since we currently have all groups data in memory, doing queries truly
# in parallel will only hurt, since we have only one CPU and there's no IO.
auth_db = api.get_request_cache().auth_db
resp = {}
for ident in queries:
resp[ident] = {
'memberships': [
{'group': g} for g in sorted(auth_db.fetch_groups_with_member(ident))
return resp
class MembershipsCheckHandler(PerIdentityBatchHandler):
"""Checks whether an identity belongs to any of given groups."""
# This is visible in the UI.
api_doc = [
'verb': 'GET',
'params': 'identity=...&groups=...',
'Checks whether a user belongs to any of given groups (provided via '
'"groups" query parameter that can be specified multiple times).',
'response_type': {
'name': 'Check response',
'Indicates whether the identity is a member of any of the groups '
'specified in the request.',
'example': {
'is_member': True,
'verb': 'POST',
'A batch version of the membership check call. Executes multiple '
'checks for multiple identities in parallel.',
'request_type': {
'name': 'Batch check request',
'Represents a request to check memberships of multiple identities in '
'example': {
'per_identity': {
'': {
'groups': ['Group A', 'Group B'],
'': {
'groups': ['Group C', 'Group D'],
'response_type': {
'name': 'Batch check response',
'For each queried identity specifies whether it is a member of any '
'of the groups specified in the request for this identity.',
'example': {
'per_identity': {
'': {
'is_member': True,
'': {
'is_member': False,
def collect_get_params(self):
groups = self.request.GET.getall('groups')
if not groups:
self.abort_with_error(400, text='"groups" query parameter is required')
return {'groups': groups}
def validate_params(self, params):
groups = params.get('groups')
if not isinstance(groups, list) or not groups:
raise ValueError('must specify a non-empty list of groups to check')
for g in groups:
if not isinstance(g, basestring):
raise ValueError('not a group name %r' % (g,))
def execute_batch(self, queries):
# Since we currently have all groups data in memory, doing queries truly
# in parallel will only hurt, since we have only one CPU and there's no IO.
auth_db = api.get_request_cache().auth_db
resp = {}
for iden, p in queries.items():
assert isinstance(p['groups'], list)
resp[iden] = {
'is_member': any(auth_db.is_group_member(g, iden) for g in p['groups']),
return resp
class SubgraphHandler(handler.ApiHandler):
"""Returns groups that include this principal and are owned by it."""
# This is visible in the UI.
api_doc = [
'verb': 'GET',
'doc': 'Returns groups that include this principal and are owned by it.',
'response_type': 'Group subgraph',
def get(self, principal):
# Guess the principal type. All globs necessarily have '*' and ':', and all
# identities necessarily have ':' (but don't have '*'). Group names are
# forbidden to have '*' or ':'.
if '*' in principal:
principal = model.IdentityGlob.from_bytes(principal)
elif ':' in principal:
principal = model.Identity.from_bytes(principal)
elif not model.is_valid_group_name(principal):
raise ValueError('Not a valid group name')
except ValueError as exc:
self.abort_with_error(400, text='Bad principal - %s' % exc)
# By default use cached auth DB. Switch to latest one only if No-Cache
# header is given.
auth_db = _get_maybe_cached_auth_db(self.request)
subgraph = auth_db.get_relevant_subgraph(principal)
if subgraph.root_id is None:
# Empty graph from get_relevant_subgraph means group not found.
404, text='The requested group "%s" was not found.' % principal)
def as_dict(node, edges):
if isinstance(node, model.Identity):
kind = 'IDENTITY'
value = node.to_bytes()
elif isinstance(node, model.IdentityGlob):
kind = 'GLOB'
value = node.to_bytes()
assert isinstance(node, basestring), node
kind = 'GROUP'
value = node
sorted_edges = {}
for label, node_id_set in edges.items():
if node_id_set:
sorted_edges[label] = sorted(node_id_set)
out = {'kind': kind, 'value': value}
if sorted_edges:
out['edges'] = sorted_edges
return out
# Per API contract the requested principal for a normal response
# should have ID 0, verify this.
assert subgraph.root_id == 0, subgraph.root_id
'subgraph': {
'nodes': [as_dict(node, edges) for node, edges in subgraph.describe()],
class GroupsSuggestHandler(handler.ApiHandler):
"""Auto-complete for group names."""
# This is visible in the UI.
api_doc = [
'verb': 'GET',
'params': 'name=...',
'doc': 'Suggests group names that match the given string.',
'response_type': {
'name': 'Names',
'doc': 'A list of group names.',
'example': {
'names': ['Group A', 'Group B'],
def get(self):
name = self.request.get('name') or ''
auth_db = api.get_request_cache().auth_db
self.send_response({'names': auth_db.get_group_names_with_prefix(name)})
class ServerInfoHandler(handler.ApiHandler):
"""Returns information about the service (app version, service account name).
May be used by other services to know what account to add to ACLs.
# In 99% cases account name is guessable from appID anyway, so its fine to
# have this public.
def get(self):
'app_id': app_identity.get_application_id(),
'app_runtime': 'python27',
'app_version': utils.get_app_version(),
'service_account_name': utils.get_service_account_name(),
class CertificatesHandler(handler.ApiHandler):
"""Public certificates that service uses to sign blobs.
May be used by other services when validating a signature of this service.
Used by signature.get_service_public_certificates() method.
# Available to anyone, there's no secrets here.
def get(self):
class OAuthConfigHandler(handler.ApiHandler):
"""Returns client_id and client_secret to use for OAuth2 login on a client.
GET is available in Standalone, Primary and Replica modes.
POST is available only in Standalone and Primary modes.
def get(self):
client_id = None
client_secret = None
additional_ids = None
token_server_url = None
# Use most up-to-date data in datastore if requested and available.
if _is_no_cache(self.request) and not model.is_replica():
global_config = model.root_key().get()
client_id = global_config.oauth_client_id
client_secret = global_config.oauth_client_secret
additional_ids = global_config.oauth_additional_client_ids
token_server_url = global_config.token_server_url
# Potentially faster call that uses cached config (that may be several
# minutes stale). Used by all client side scripts that just want to
# authenticate.
auth_db = _get_maybe_cached_auth_db(self.request)
client_id, client_secret, additional_ids = auth_db.get_oauth_config()
token_server_url = auth_db.token_server_url
# Grab URL of a primary service if running as a replica.
replication_state = model.get_replication_state()
primary_url = replication_state.primary_url if replication_state else None
'additional_client_ids': additional_ids,
'client_id': client_id,
'client_not_so_secret': client_secret,
'primary_url': primary_url,
'token_server_url': token_server_url,
def post(self):
if is_config_locked():
self.abort_with_error(409, text='The configuration is managed elsewhere')
body = self.parse_body()
client_id = body['client_id']
client_secret = body['client_not_so_secret']
additional_client_ids = filter(bool, body['additional_client_ids'])
token_server_url = body['token_server_url']
except KeyError as exc:
self.abort_with_error(400, text='Missing key %s' % exc)
if token_server_url:
except ValueError as exc:
self.abort_with_error(400, text='Invalid token server URL - %s' % exc)
def update():
config = model.root_key().get()
comment='REST API')
self.send_response({'ok': True})
class ServerStateHandler(handler.ApiHandler):
"""Reports replication state of a service."""
def get(self):
if model.is_primary():
mode = 'primary'
elif model.is_replica():
mode = 'replica'
assert model.is_standalone()
mode = 'standalone'
state = model.get_replication_state() or model.AuthReplicationState()
'auth_code_version': version.__version__,
'mode': mode,
'replication_state': state.to_serializable_dict(),