blob: 3ac84dfd6c12d7a22d94f23c41d253ee8eacf7e0 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2013 The LUCI Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed under the Apache License, Version 2.0
# that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import abc
import os
import re
from collections import namedtuple
from . import types
def ResetTostringFns():
RecipeConfigType._TOSTRING_MAP.clear() # pylint: disable=W0212
NamedBasePath._API = None
def json_fixup(obj):
if isinstance(obj, RecipeConfigType):
return str(obj)
if isinstance(obj, types.FrozenDict):
return dict(obj)
raise TypeError("%r is not JSON serializable" % obj)
class RecipeConfigType(object):
"""Base class for custom Recipe config types, intended to be subclassed.
RecipeConfigTypes are meant to be PURE data. There should be no dependency on
any external systems (i.e. no importing sys, os, etc.).
The subclasses should override default_tostring_fn. This method should
produce a string representation of the object. This string representation
should contain all of the data members of the subclass. This representation
will be used during the execution of the recipe_config_tests.
External entities (usually recipe modules), can override the default
tostring_fn method by calling <RecipeConfigType
subclass>.set_tostring_fn(<new method>). This new method will receive an
instance of the RecipeConfigType subclass as its single argument, and is
expected to return a string. There is no restriction on the data that the
override tostring_fn may use. For example, the Path class in this module has
its tostring_fn overridden by the 'path' recipe_module. This new tostring_fn
uses data from the current recipe run, like the host os, to return platform
specific strings using the data in the Path object.
def tostring_fn(self):
cls = self.__class__
return self._TOSTRING_MAP.get(cls.__name__, cls.default_tostring_fn)
def set_tostring_fn(cls, new_tostring_fn):
assert cls.__name__ not in cls._TOSTRING_MAP, (
'tostring_fn already installed for %s' % cls)
cls._TOSTRING_MAP[cls.__name__] = new_tostring_fn
def default_tostring_fn(self):
raise NotImplementedError()
def __str__(self):
return self.tostring_fn(self) # pylint: disable=not-callable
class BasePath(object):
__metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta
def resolve(self, test_enabled):
"""Returns a string representation of the path base.
test_enabled (bool) - true iff this is only for recipe expectations
raise NotImplementedError()
class NamedBasePath(BasePath, namedtuple('NamedBasePath', 'name')):
_API = None
def set_path_api(cls, api):
cls._API = api
def resolve(self, test_enabled):
if in self._API.c.dynamic_paths:
return self._API.c.dynamic_paths[]
if in self._API.c.base_paths:
if test_enabled:
return repr(self)
return self._API.join(
*self._API.c.base_paths[]) # pragma: no cover
raise KeyError(
'Failed to resolve NamedBasePath: %s' % # pragma: no cover
def __repr__(self):
return '[%s]' %
class ModuleBasePath(BasePath, namedtuple('ModuleBasePath', 'module')):
def resolve(self, test_enabled):
if test_enabled:
return repr(self)
return os.path.dirname(self.module.__file__) # pragma: no cover
def __repr__(self):
prefix = '%s.' % RECIPE_MODULE_PREFIX
assert self.module.__name__.startswith(prefix)
name = self.module.__name__[len(prefix):]
# We change python's module delimiter . to ::, since . is already used
# by expect tests.
return 'RECIPE_MODULE[%s]' % re.sub('\.', '::', name)
class RecipeScriptBasePath(
BasePath, namedtuple('RecipeScriptBasePath', 'recipe_name script_path')):
def resolve(self, test_enabled):
if test_enabled:
return repr(self)
return os.path.splitext(self.script_path)[0]+".resources" # pragma: no cover
def __repr__(self):
return 'RECIPE[%s].resources' % self.recipe_name
class RepoBasePath(
BasePath, namedtuple('RepoBasePath', 'repo_name repo_root_path')):
def resolve(self, test_enabled):
if test_enabled:
return repr(self)
return self.repo_root_path # pragma: no cover
def __repr__(self):
return 'RECIPE_REPO[%s]' % self.repo_name
class Path(RecipeConfigType):
"""Represents a path which is relative to a semantically-named base.
Because there's a lot of platform (separator style) and runtime-specific
context (working directory) which goes into assembling a final OS-specific
absolute path, we only store three context-free attributes in this Path
def __init__(self, base, *pieces, **kwargs):
"""Creates a Path
base (str) - The 'name' of a base path, to be filled in at recipe runtime
by the 'path' recipe module.
pieces (tuple(str)) - The components of the path relative to base. These
pieces must be non-relative (i.e. no '..' or '.', etc. as a piece).
platform_ext (dict(str, str)) - A mapping from platform name (as defined
by the 'platform' module), to a suffix for the path.
super(Path, self).__init__()
assert isinstance(base, BasePath), base
assert all(isinstance(x, basestring) for x in pieces), pieces
assert not any(x in ('..', '.', '/', '\\') for x in pieces)
self.base = base
self.pieces = pieces if isinstance(pieces, tuple) else tuple(pieces)
self.platform_ext = kwargs.get('platform_ext', {})
def __eq__(self, other):
return (self.base == other.base and
self.pieces == other.pieces and
self.platform_ext == other.platform_ext)
def __hash__(self):
return hash((
def __ne__(self, other):
return not self == other
def join(self, *pieces, **kwargs):
"""Appends *pieces to this Path, returning a new Path.
Empty values ('', None) in pieces will be omitted.
pieces (tuple(str)) - The components of the path relative to base. These
pieces must be non-relative (i.e. no '..' or '.', etc. as a piece).
platform_ext (dict(str, str)) - A mapping from platform name (as defined
by the 'platform' module), to a suffix for the path.
Returns (Path) - the new Path.
if not pieces and not kwargs:
return self
kwargs.setdefault('platform_ext', self.platform_ext)
return Path(self.base, *filter(bool, self.pieces + pieces), **kwargs)
def is_parent_of(self, child):
"""True if |child| is in a subdirectory of this path."""
# Assumes base paths are not nested.
# TODO(vadimsh): We should not rely on this assumption.
if self.base != child.base:
return False
# A path is not a parent to itself.
if len(self.pieces) >= len(child.pieces):
return False
return child.pieces[:len(self.pieces)] == self.pieces
def __repr__(self):
s = "Path(%r" % (self.base,)
if self.pieces:
s += ", %s" % ", ".join(repr(x) for x in self.pieces)
return s + ")"