blob: fdb5cfdd0a2ce019e5f06b90cf56a9cc4eec74cb [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2019 The LUCI Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed under the Apache License, Version 2.0
# that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import inspect
import unittest
from recipe_engine import recipe_api
# Change the value of the message for when a diff is omitted to refer to
# assertions.maxDiff instead of self.maxDiff. =
'self.maxDiff', 'assertions.maxDiff')
def make_assertion(assertion_method, **test_case_attrs):
def assertion_wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
class Asserter(unittest.TestCase):
# The __init__ method of TestCase requires the name of a method on the
# class that is the test to run. We're not going to run a test, we just
# want access to the assertion methods, so just put some method.
def __init__(self):
super(Asserter, self).__init__('__init__')
def _formatMessage(self, msg, standardMsg):
if msg:
# Extract the non-msg, non-self arguments to the assertion method to
# be used in formatting custom messages e.g.
# assertEqual(0, 1, '{first} should be {second}'), format_args will be
# {'first': 0, 'second': 1} because the name of assertEqual's
# arguments are named first and second
call_args = inspect.getcallargs(assertion, *args, **kwargs)
format_args = {k: v for k, v in call_args.items()
if k not in ('self', 'msg')}
msg = msg.format(**format_args)
return super(Asserter, self)._formatMessage(msg, standardMsg)
asserter = Asserter()
for a, v in test_case_attrs.items():
setattr(asserter, a, v)
assertion = getattr(asserter, assertion_method)
return assertion(*args, **kwargs)
# Catch and throw a new exception so that the frames for unittest's
# implementation aren't part of the displayed traceback
except AssertionError as e:
raise AssertionError(str(e))
return assertion_wrapper
class AssertionsApi(recipe_api.RecipeApi):
"""Provides access to the assertion methods of the python unittest module.
Asserting non-step aspects of code (return values, non-step side effects) is
expressed more naturally by making assertions within the RunSteps function of
the test recipe. This api provides access to the assertion methods of
unittest.TestCase to be used within test recipes.
All non-deprecated assertion methods of unittest.TestCase can be used.
An enhancement to the assertion methods is that if a custom msg is used,
values for the non-msg arguments can be substituted into the message using
named substitution with the format method of strings.
e.g. self.AssertEqual(0, 1, '{first} should be {second}') will raise an
AssertionError with the message: '0 should be 1'.
The attributes longMessage and maxDiff are supported and have the same
behavior as the unittest module.
Example (.../recipe_modules/my_module/tests/
DEPS = [
def RunSteps(api):
'''Behavior of foo depends on whether build is experimental'''
value =
expected_value ='expected_value')
api.assertions.assertEqual(value, expected_value)
def GenTests(api):
yield (
+'normal value')
yield (
+'experimental value')
+ api.runtime(is_experimental=True)
# Not included: assertLogs, all of the deprecated assertion methods, all
# non-methods
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(AssertionsApi, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
if not self._test_data.enabled: # pragma: no cover
raise Exception('assertions module is only for use in tests')
# The __init__ method of TestCase requires the name of a method on the class
# that is the test to run. We're not going to run a test, we just want the
# object to be able to read default values of attrs, so just put some
# method.
prototype = unittest.TestCase('__init__')
self.longMessage = prototype.longMessage
self.maxDiff = prototype.maxDiff
def __getattr__(self, attr):
return make_assertion(
attr, longMessage=self.longMessage, maxDiff=self.maxDiff)
# TODO(crbug/1147793) When python2 support is removed (and all uses are
# switch to call assertCountEqual), just add assertCountEqual to
elif attr == 'assertCountEqual':
for a in ('assertCountEqual', 'assertItemsEqual'):
if hasattr(unittest.TestCase, a):
return make_assertion(
a, longMessage=self.longMessage, maxDiff=self.maxDiff)
raise AttributeError("'%s' object has no attribute '%s'"
% (type(self).__name__, attr))