Fix logdog client library on windows.

LOGDOG_STREAM_SERVER_PATH is set to e.g. `net.pipe:LUCILogDogKitchen_1176`
on bots, but the file to open is '\\.\pipe\LUCILogDogKitchen_1176'.

Additionally, specify no-buffering and '+' mode to prevent python from
hanging onto bytes it shouldn't keep and allow the pipe to be re-opened
for multiple streams in the same python process.

Bug: 910369
Change-Id: I47948856a5ac91f87f61eeee8e56e6e093ec3a96
Auto-Submit: Robbie Iannucci <>
Reviewed-by: Andrii Shyshkalov <>
Commit-Queue: Robbie Iannucci <>
diff --git a/recipe_engine/third_party/logdog/ b/recipe_engine/third_party/logdog/
index 7e02772..5952f66 100644
--- a/recipe_engine/third_party/logdog/
+++ b/recipe_engine/third_party/logdog/
@@ -528,14 +528,14 @@
       name (str): The name of the Windows named pipe to use (e.g., "\\.\name")
     super(_NamedPipeStreamClient, self).__init__(**kwargs)
-    self._name = name
+    self._name = '\\\\.\\pipe\\' + name
   def _create(cls, value, **kwargs):
     return cls(value, **kwargs)
   def _connect_raw(self):
-    return open(self._name, 'wb')
+    return open(self._name, 'wb+', buffering=0)
 _default_registry.register_protocol('net.pipe', _NamedPipeStreamClient)