blob: 2452b9d825c70874bb73dc489c2571b6a5f83937 [file] [log] [blame]
This is the D scannerless GLR parser. It uses to Tomita algorithm,
and incorporates BNF production syntax, regular expression terminals,
and a state-specific symbol table.
It can be compiled to work with or without the Boehm Garbage Collector.
To compile with GC, uncomment the line D_USE_GC=1 in the Makefile.
The result is natural grammars and powerful parsing.
To build: 'gmake' (only available with source code package)
To test: 'gmake test' (only available with source code package)
To install, 'gmake install' (binary or source code packages)
For python support, '(cd python; gmake install)'
Refer to the manual for more information.
See the UPGRADING for information on upgrading from previous version.