blob: 628255866d2ccfbb8f6cd1f6752df841f87b04db [file] [log] [blame]
# DEPS files look like -*- Python -*-
vars = {
# These revisions are slices of the chromium repository.
# Because they come from separate sub-slices, their hashes do not match at
# equivalent revisions. When updating them, use the roll-dep script
# to move them to equivalent revisions. Additionally, because not all
# directories contain commits at each revision, you will need to select
# revisions at latest revision up to a high watermark from each slice.
# Document the high watermark here:
# chrome_rev: 275800
"valgrind_rev": "59886873b4b8258a8e0f098c23e1958e0d0c0a26", # from svn revision 231553
"tools_valgrind_rev": "4989a1b19c3a33c828e385d3a07e83e202e1e651", # from svn revision 275521
"clang_rev": "7aa71664f527268776ce5b5bceae01a4bc6a1666", # from svn revision 274816
# NOTE! These five should be kept up to date with their counterparts in
# chromium/src/DEPS.
# Be sure to update them when updating the chromium slice revisions above.
# (This is not essential for Breakpad, because we do not use its code
# in the build that goes into Chromium. But we might as well update it too.)
# You should now use the roll-dep script in depot_tools to do this update.
"gtest_rev": "74de57c951aedebc5dfe26a27604353432392b98", # from svn revision 643
"gyp_rev": "adb7d24b9fc166f01ab2da50478556b518a9218f", # from svn revision 2027
"lss_rev": "2f724fced658cd6182096c615efdf3767b7c57fe", # from svn revision 26
"breakpad_rev": "fe34e3f9fef1eb425b25a79f0da84e2f277d433b", # from svn revision 1338
"android_tools_rev": "ea50cccc11657404ce22cf928062ed1a3927eb39",
# Separately pinned repositories, update with roll-dep individually.
"third_party_rev": "7e4c04567bd393069233676fc648333885e18da9", # from svn revision 13800
"lcov_rev": "b37daf5968200da8ff520ce65c4e5bce4047dd15", # from svn revision 149720
"gnu_binutils_rev": "f4003433b61b25666565690caf3d7a7a1a4ec436", # from svn revision 8151
"mingw_rev": "3cc8b140b883a9fe4986d12cfd46c16a093d3527", # from svn revision 7064
"nsis_rev": "21b6ad22daa7bfc04b9f1c1805a34622e2607a93", # from svn revision 7071
"ragel_rev": "da42bb33f1b67c2d70b38ec1d2edf5263271b635", # from svn revision 9010
"validator_snapshots_rev": "1d36eef611e64f2e1d8df433524352adb11565ef",
"chromium_git": "",
# Three lines of non-changing comments so that
# the commit queue can handle CLs rolling build tools
# and whatever else without interference from each other.
"buildtools_revision": "c27f95bd1d9baaef70c879dea375090dd1496147"
deps = {
Var("chromium_git") + "/external/google-breakpad.git@" +
Var("chromium_git") + "/chromium/buildtools.git@" +
Var("chromium_git") + "/external/googletest.git@" + Var("gtest_rev"),
Var("chromium_git") + "/native_client/src/third_party.git@" +
(Var("chromium_git") + "/native_client/src/validator_snapshots.git@" +
Var("chromium_git") + "/chromium/src/third_party/lcov.git@" +
Var("chromium_git") + "/external/linux-syscall-support/lss.git@" +
Var("chromium_git") + "/chromium/deps/valgrind.git@" + Var("valgrind_rev"),
Var("chromium_git") + "/chromium/src/tools/clang.git@" + Var("clang_rev"),
Var("chromium_git") + "/external/gyp.git@" + Var("gyp_rev"),
Var("chromium_git") + "/chromium/src/tools/valgrind.git@" +
deps_os = {
"win": {
# GNU binutils assembler for x86-32.
Var("chromium_git") +
"/native_client/deps/third_party/gnu_binutils.git@" +
# GNU binutils assembler for x86-64.
Var("chromium_git") +
"/native_client/deps/third_party/mingw-w64/mingw/bin.git@" +
Var("chromium_git") + "/native_client/deps/third_party/NSIS.git@" +
"unix": {
# Ragel for validator_ragel
Var("chromium_git") + "/native_client/deps/third_party/ragel.git@" +
"android": {
Var("chromium_git") + "/android_tools.git@" + Var("android_tools_rev")
hooks = [
# Pull NaCl Toolchain binaries. This needs to be before running GYP below.
"pattern": ".",
"action": ["python",
"sync", "--extract",
# Cleanup any stale package_version files.
"pattern": ".",
"action": ["python",
# Update the Windows toolchain if necessary.
"name": "win_toolchain",
"pattern": ".",
"action": ["python", "native_client/build/", "update"],
# Update clang
"name": "clang",
"pattern": ".",
"action": ["python", "tools/clang/scripts/", "--if-needed"],
# Pull GN binaries. This needs to be before running GYP below.
"name": "gn_win",
"pattern": ".",
"action": [ "download_from_google_storage",
"--bucket", "chromium-gn",
"-s", "buildtools/win/gn.exe.sha1",
"name": "gn_mac",
"pattern": ".",
"action": [ "download_from_google_storage",
"--bucket", "chromium-gn",
"-s", "buildtools/mac/gn.sha1",
"name": "gn_linux32",
"pattern": ".",
"action": [ "download_from_google_storage",
"--bucket", "chromium-gn",
"-s", "buildtools/linux32/gn.sha1",
"name": "gn_linux64",
"pattern": ".",
"action": [ "download_from_google_storage",
"--bucket", "chromium-gn",
"-s", "buildtools/linux64/gn.sha1",
# Run GYP, do this last to make sure all the tools are present first.
"pattern": ".",
"action": ["python", "native_client/build/gyp_nacl"],
include_rules = [