blob: 069058f7130886ffc29fee8ac67ce91a84fb004d [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2014 The Native Client Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Conditions for scons to gn
Contains all conditions we iterate over (OS, CPU), as well as helper
convertion functions.
from __future__ import print_function
'arm' : 'arm',
'x86' : 'x86-32',
'x64' : 'x86-64'
'arm' : '32',
'x86' : '32',
'x64' : '64'
class Conditions(object):
def __init__(self, seta, setb):
self._set_a = seta
self._set_b = setb
self._all = ['%s_%s' % (a, b) for a in seta for b in setb]
self._active_condition = self._all[0]
def get(self, key, default=False):
os, arch = self._active_condition.split('_')
return FULLARCH[arch]
if key == "TARGET_SUBARCH":
return SUBARCH[arch]
def All(self):
return self._all
def Bit(self, name):
_, arch = self._active_condition.split('_')
if name == 'coverage_enabled':
return False
if name == 'build_x86':
return arch == 'x86' or arch == 'x64'
if name == 'build_arm':
return arch == 'arm'
if name == 'build_x86_32':
return arch == 'x86'
if name == 'build_x86_64':
return arch == 'x64'
if name == 'build_mips32':
return arch == 'mips32'
if name == 'target_arm':
return arch == 'arm'
if name == 'target_x86':
return arch == 'x86' or arch == 'x64'
if name == 'target_x86_32':
return arch == 'x86'
if name == 'target_x86_64':
return arch == 'x64'
print('Unknown bit: ' + name)
return False
def SetA(self):
return self._set_a
def SetB(self):
return self._set_b
def ActiveCondition(self):
return self._active_condition
def SetActiveCondition(self, cond):
if cond not in self._all:
raise RuntimeError('Unknown condition: ' + cond)
self._active_condition = cond
def WriteImports(self, fileobj):
if self.imports:
for imp in self.imports:
fileobj.write('import("%s")\n' % imp)
class TrustedConditions(Conditions):
def __init__(self):
OSES = ['AND', 'CHR', 'IOS', 'LIN', 'MAC', 'WIN']
ARCH = ['arm', 'x86', 'x64']
Conditions.__init__(self, OSES, ARCH)
self.imports = []
def Bit(self, name):
os, arch = self._active_condition.split('_')
osname = name[:3].upper()
if osname in self.SetA():
return osname == os
return Conditions.Bit(self, name)
class UntrustedConditions(Conditions):
def __init__(self):
LIBS = ['newlib', 'glibc']
ARCH = ['arm', 'x86', 'x64', 'pnacl']
Conditions.__init__(self, LIBS, ARCH)
self.imports = [
def get(self, key, default=False):
os, arch = self._active_condition.split('_')
if key == "TARGET_FULLARCH":
return FULLARCH[arch]
return Conditions.get(self, key, default)
def Bit(self, name):
libc, arch = self._active_condition.split('_')
if name == 'bitcode':
return arch == 'pnacl'
if name[:5] == 'nacl_':
return name[5:] == libc
return Conditions.Bit(self, name)
BOGUS = """
ALL = ['%s_%s' % (os, cpu) for os in OSES for cpu in CPUS]
for idx, cpu in enumerate(CPUS):
CPU_TO_BIT_MAP[cpu] = 1 << idx
BIT_TO_CPU_MAP[1 << idx] = cpu
def CPUsToBits(cpus):
out = 0;
for cpu in cpus:
out += CPU_TO_BIT_MAP[cpu]
return out
def BitsToCPUs(cpus):
out = []
for i in [1, 2, 4]:
if cpus & i:
return out