blob: a30b4681e87c45f9ddf6951d0b6d2028f4f774d3 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2011 The Native Client Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import os
import sys
import coverage_helper
Coverage for Linux
On the Linux Coverage Bots, coverage information is stored in
The data is in the form of:
Where SF specifices the full path to the soruce file. DA specifies a line
number in that source and how many hits happened on that line. 'end_of_record'
specifies the end of a source file.
The lcov data is generated by updating hit counts for any source file contained
in any instrumented executable. The lcov data will only list lines which
were compiled into the executables.
The data is transformed into a dictionary containing per file coverage data
which is also mapped into per 'group' coverage data where a group is list
of paths of interest.
# SortedOutput
# SortedOutput is an object for collecting lines of output which can be
# sorted in sections. Lines are added via 'append' and sections are
# declared via the 'section' function, which can prepend a title and
# optionally sort the current section.
class SortedOutput(object):
def __init__(self):
self.out_lines = []
self.q_lines = []
def append(self, line):
def section(self, sort_it = True, title = None):
# Insert title if one is provided
if title: self.out_lines.append(title)
# Sort the current lines if requested
if sort_it: self.q_lines.sort()
# Append the current set of lines to the output
self.q_lines = []
def output(self, out = sys.stdout):
# Append any lines in the outstanding unsorted list
for line in self.out_lines:
out.write('%s\n' % line)
# Clear the output
self.out_lines = []
self.q_lines = []
# CoverageParse
# Parse the 'lcov' data generated by the scons coverage target into a
# dictionary mapping file to a touple of lines hits and total lines.
def CoverageParse(lines, ignore_set):
# Starting with an empty dictionary
out = {}
filename = None
# Scan each input line
for line in lines:
line = line.strip()
words = line.split(':')
# Ignore malformed lines
if len(words) < 1 or len(words) > 2: continue
# If we are starting a new file, clear running totals
if words[0] == 'SF':
filename = words[1]
if sys.platform == 'win32':
if filename.startswith('/cygdrive/c/'):
filename = 'C:/' + filename[len('/cygdrive/c/'):]
if filename.startswith('/cygdrive/e/'):
filename = 'E:/' + filename[len('/cygdrive/e/'):]
filename = os.path.normpath(filename)
total = 0
used = 0
# If we have line data, append it to the list of line hits
if words[0] == 'DA':
# Split the data into line number/hits
info = words[1].split(',')
# Check if there are any hits on this line
if int(info[1]): used += 1
total += 1
# If this is the end of a file, store the running totals
if line == 'end_of_record':
# If this file is not ignored, add it to the dictionary
path, name = os.path.split(filename)
if not name in ignore_set:
out[filename] = (used, total)
# Reset filename to None to force an exception of something goes wrong
# in the parsing (such as missing a start of file marker)
filename = None
return out
def CoveragePercent(used, total, name):
if total:
percent = float(used) * float(100) / float(total)
return '%6.2f %d/%d %s' % (percent, used, total, name)
return '%6.2f > Unused < %s' % (0.0, name)
def ShortGroup(path):
parts = path.rsplit('/native_client/', 1)
if len(parts) > 1:
name = parts[1]
name = path
return name.replace('/', '_')
def CoverageResult(used, total, name):
# Perf dashboard format results.
return [
'RESULT coverage_percent_%s: coverage_percent_%s= %f coverage%%' % (
name, name, used * 100.0 / total),
'RESULT lines_%s: lines_%s= %d lines' % (
name, name, total),
'RESULT covered_%s: covered_%s= %d lines' % (
name, name, used),
def CoverageProcess(platform, verbose = False):
helper = coverage_helper.CoverageHelper()
groups = helper.groups
filters = helper.path_filter
# Load and parse the 'lcov' file
covfile = 'scons-out/coverage-%s/coverage/coverage.lcov' % platform
covdata = open(covfile, 'r').readlines()
cov = CoverageParse(covdata, helper.ignore_set)
# Get a sorted list of sources
filelist = sorted(cov.keys())
# Construct output objects
filtered = SortedOutput()
perfile = SortedOutput()
pergroup = SortedOutput()
summary = SortedOutput()
results = []
# Build the group dictionary with an empty list for each key
group_data = {}
for g in groups: group_data[g] = []
for f in filelist:
# Ignore test files and standard includes
if f.find('test') >= 0: continue
if f.find('/usr/include') >= 0: continue
# If the first group this path matches
group = None
for g in groups:
if f.find(g) >= 0:
group = g
# Retrieved the used and total line information for this file
used = cov[f][0]
total = cov[f][1]
# If this file matched a group, add it to that group's data
if group: group_data[group].append((used, total))
# In either case, add it to the per file data
perfile.append(CoveragePercent(used, total, f))
# Calculate the over all percentage by interating through non-filtered groups
global_total = 0
global_used = 0
for group in groups:
used = 0
total = 0
for u, t in group_data[group]:
used += u
total += t
sgroup = ShortGroup(group)
# If this is a filtered group, add it to the filtered output set
if group in filters:
filtered.append(CoveragePercent(used, total, sgroup))
# Otherwise add it to the per group only if the group has hits
if total:
pergroup.append(CoveragePercent(used, total, sgroup))
results.extend(CoverageResult(used, total, sgroup))
global_total += total
global_used += used
# Add titles and sort each output group
perfile.section(title = '\nPer file:')
pergroup.section(title = '\nGroups:')
filtered.section(title = '\nFiltered files:')
summary.append(CoveragePercent(global_used, global_total, 'Overall'))
summary.section(title = '\nSummary')
results.extend(CoverageResult(global_used, global_total, 'Overall'))
if verbose: perfile.output()
# Emit perf dashboard results.
print ''
print 'Dashboard Results'
print '-----------------'
for line in results:
print line
print ''
return (global_used * 100) / global_total
def main(argv):
platform = argv[0]
# TOODO Raise the coverage requirement once we get coverage to a reasonable
# number.
if platform.startswith('linux-'):
coverage_target = 45
coverage_target = 12
if CoverageProcess(platform) >= coverage_target:
return 0
print 'Coverage bellow %d%%, failed.' % coverage_target
return -1
if __name__ == '__main__':