blob: 4a406bc6d3e36ea505942fca038c9dfb57eeac49 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2012 The Native Client Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# pathtools is meant to be a drop-in replacement for "os.path"
# All pathnames passed into the driver are "normalized" to
# a posix representation (with / as the separator). For example,
# on Windows, C:\foo\bar.c would become /cygdrive/c/foo/bar.c
# On all other platforms, pathnames are already in the correct form.
# This is convenient for two reasons:
# 1) All of the tools invoked by the driver expect this type
# of pathname. (since on Windows, they are compiled with cygwin)
# 2) Everywhere in the driver, we can assume / is the path separator.
# Special functions:
# pathtools.normalize: Convert an OS-style path into a normalized path
# pathtools.tosys : Convert a normalized path into an OS-style path
# pathtools.touser : Convert a normalized path into a representation
# suitable for presentation to the user.
import os
import platform
import posixpath
# This is only true when the driver is invoked on
# Windows, but outside of Cygwin.
WINDOWS_MANGLE = 'windows' in platform.system().lower()
def normalize(syspath):
""" Convert an input path into a normalized path. """
# Recognize paths which are already normalized.
# (Should only happen during recursive driver calls)
if '\\' not in syspath:
return syspath
return syspath.replace('\\', '/')
return syspath
# All functions below expect a normalized path as input
def touser(npath):
""" Convert a unix-style path into a user-displayable format """
return tosys(npath)
def tosys(npath):
""" Convert a normalized path into a system-style path """
if npath.startswith('/cygdrive'):
components = npath.split('/')
assert(components[0] == '')
assert(len(components[2]) == 1)
drive = components[2]
components = components[3:]
return '%s:\\%s' % (drive.upper(), '\\'.join(components))
# Work around for an issue that windows has opening long
# relative paths.
npath = os.path.abspath(unicode(npath))
return npath.replace('/', '\\')
return npath
def join(*args):
return posixpath.join(*args)
def exists(npath):
return os.path.exists(tosys(npath))
def split(npath):
return posixpath.split(npath)
def splitext(npath):
return posixpath.splitext(npath)
def basename(npath):
return posixpath.basename(npath)
def dirname(npath):
return posixpath.dirname(npath)
def abspath(npath):
# We always use absolute paths for (non-cygwin) windows
return npath
return posixpath.abspath(npath)
def normpath(npath):
return posixpath.normpath(npath)
def isdir(npath):
return os.path.isdir(tosys(npath))
def isfile(npath):
return os.path.isfile(tosys(npath))
def getsize(npath):
return os.path.getsize(tosys(npath))