blob: 3ba56bb7b11d5b04a6c8177a9513536a9f6b4432 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2014 The Native Client Authors. All rights reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
* Make sure that all vector types supported by PNaCl can be loaded and stored
* without faulting, even when their alignment is at the vector's element size
* instead of the full vector's width.
* Care is taken in this test to prevent the compiler from propagating alignment
* information or the actual address being loaded:
* - The test is performed in 4 steps:
* + Setup allocated aligned buffers, filled with a pseudo-random sequence.
* + Test misaligns those buffers (whose base alignment is unknown) and adds
* their values together using vector instructions. Adding is prefered to
* simply moving because the compiler could decide to use memcpy.
* + Check does the same but with scalar instructions, and also prints the
* vector to stdout to be verified against the golden file (in case the
* scalar loop gets improperly vectorized and does fault).
* + Cleanup frees the buffers.
* - Each step is run for all type+alignments before moving to the next step.
* - The test information is kept in a volatile datastructure.
* - Each step, for each type+alignment, is run in a thread, which the main
* thread waits on being completed before proceeding further. This is extra
* paranoia to prevent the compiler from being too smart.
#include "native_client/tests/simd/vector.h"
// Arithmetic will be performed on that many vectors. More testing can be
// performed by increasing this.
volatile size_t NumVectorsToTest = 2;
// Number of vectors to allocate for tests. This leaves room for re-alignment
// within each vector-aligned section that's allocated.
volatile size_t NumVectorsToAllocate = NumVectorsToTest + 1;
// Check that the addition performed on vectors is the same as that performed on
// scalars.
template <size_t NumElements, typename T>
NOINLINE typename std::enable_if<std::is_floating_point<T>::value>::type
check_vector(const T *in0, const T *in1, const T *out) {
for (size_t i = 0; i != NumElements; ++i)
// Floating-point addition must be within one epsilon.
CHECK(std::abs((in0[i] + in1[i]) - out[i]) <=
template <size_t NumElements, typename T>
NOINLINE typename std::enable_if<std::is_unsigned<T>::value>::type
check_vector(const T *in0, const T *in1, const T *out) {
for (size_t i = 0; i != NumElements; ++i)
// Rely on unsigned type's max being a power of 2 minus one to mask sums
// that overflow.
CHECK(((in0[i] + in1[i]) & std::numeric_limits<T>::max()) == out[i]);
// Setup the memory which will hold the vector data. Align memory to the vector
// size. The test can then offset from this to get unaligned vectors.
template <size_t NumElements, typename T>
NOINLINE void *setup(void *arg) {
volatile Test *t = (volatile Test *)arg;
// Allocate the 2 input and 1 output buffers.
for (size_t i = 0; i != Test::NumBufs; ++i) {
T **buf_ptr = (T **)&t->bufs[i];
size_t vectorBytes = NumElements * sizeof(T);
size_t allocBytes = vectorBytes * NumVectorsToAllocate;
int ret = posix_memalign((void **)buf_ptr, vectorBytes, allocBytes);
CHECK(ret == 0);
CHECK(((uintptr_t)*buf_ptr & ~(uintptr_t)(vectorBytes - 1)) ==
(uintptr_t)*buf_ptr); // Check alignment.
// Initialize the in buffers to a pseudo-random sequence, the output to zero.
size_t initSize = NumElements * NumVectorsToAllocate;
Rng r;
for (size_t i = 0; i != Test::NumBufs; ++i) {
T *buf = *(T **)&t->bufs[i];
if (i == Test::OutBuf)
memset(buf, 0, initSize * sizeof(T));
pseudoRandomInit(&r, buf, initSize);
return NULL;
template <size_t NumElementsMisaligned, size_t NumElements, typename T>
NOINLINE void *test(void *arg) {
volatile Test *t = (volatile Test *)arg;
// We're going to purposefully re-align the pointer so that it's not strictly
// aligned to the vector size. Make sure that enough memory was allocated.
CHECK(NumVectorsToAllocate > NumVectorsToTest);
// Re-align.
typedef typename VectorHelper<NumElements, T>::ElementAligned Vector;
Vector *vec[Test::NumBufs];
for (size_t i = 0; i != Test::NumBufs; ++i)
vec[i] = (Vector *)((T *)t->bufs[i] + NumElementsMisaligned);
// Load, add and store NumVectorsToTest times.
for (size_t i = 0; i != NumVectorsToTest; ++i)
*(vec[Test::OutBuf] + i) =
*(vec[Test::InBuf0] + i) + *(vec[Test::InBuf1] + i);
return NULL;
template <size_t NumElementsMisaligned, size_t NumElements, typename T>
NOINLINE void *check(void *arg) {
volatile Test *t = (volatile Test *)arg;
// Re-align the same way the test did, but this time go through scalars
// instead of vectors.
T *vec[Test::NumBufs];
for (size_t i = 0; i != Test::NumBufs; ++i)
vec[i] = (T *)t->bufs[i] + NumElementsMisaligned;
// Print and check each vector, manually re-creating the indexing for
// NumElements scalars instead of for a vector containing NumElements.
for (size_t i = 0; i != NumVectorsToTest; ++i) {
T *in0 = vec[Test::InBuf0] + i * NumElements;
T *in1 = vec[Test::InBuf1] + i * NumElements;
T *out = vec[Test::OutBuf] + i * NumElements;
std::cout << " ";
print_vector<NumElements, T>(in0);
std::cout << " + ";
print_vector<NumElements, T>(in1);
std::cout << " = ";
print_vector<NumElements, T>(out);
std::cout << '\n';
check_vector<NumElements, T>(in0, in1, out);
return NULL;
NOINLINE void *cleanup(void *arg) {
volatile Test *t = (volatile Test *)arg;
for (size_t i = 0; i != Test::NumBufs; ++i)
return NULL;
#define SETUP_TEST(N, T, FMT) \
{{&setup<N, T>, &test<0, N, T>, &check<0, N, T>, &cleanup}, \
{NULL, NULL, NULL}, "<" #N " x " #T "> misaligned by 0"}, \
{{&setup<N, T>, &test<1, N, T>, &check<1, N, T>, &cleanup}, \
{NULL, NULL, NULL}, "<" #N " x " #T "> misaligned by 1"},
volatile Test tests[] = {FOR_EACH_VECTOR_TYPE(SETUP_TEST)};