blob: 29f698ae681731b875ea3bf635d8f17e4697a873 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2012 The Native Client Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import optparse
import os.path
import shutil
import subprocess
import sys
import time
import traceback
'32': {
'gyp_arch': 'ia32',
'scons_platform': 'x86-32',
'64': {
'gyp_arch': 'x64',
'scons_platform': 'x86-64',
'arm': {
'gyp_arch': 'arm',
'scons_platform': 'arm',
'mips32': {
'gyp_arch': 'mips32',
'scons_platform': 'mips32',
def RunningOnBuildbot():
return os.environ.get('BUILDBOT_SLAVE_TYPE') is not None
def GetHostPlatform():
sys_platform = sys.platform.lower()
if sys_platform.startswith('linux'):
return 'linux'
elif sys_platform in ('win', 'win32', 'windows', 'cygwin'):
return 'win'
elif sys_platform in ('darwin', 'mac'):
return 'mac'
raise Exception('Can not determine the platform!')
def SetDefaultContextAttributes(context):
Set default values for the attributes needed by the SCons function, so that
SCons can be run without needing ParseStandardCommandLine
platform = GetHostPlatform()
context['platform'] = platform
context['mode'] = 'opt'
context['default_scons_mode'] = ['opt-host', 'nacl']
context['default_scons_platform'] = ('x86-64' if platform == 'win'
else 'x86-32')
context['android'] = False
context['clang'] = False
context['asan'] = False
context['pnacl'] = False
context['use_glibc'] = False
context['use_breakpad_tools'] = False
context['max_jobs'] = 8
context['scons_args'] = []
# Windows-specific environment manipulation
def SetupWindowsEnvironment(context):
# Poke around looking for MSVC. We should do something more principled in
# the future.
# The name of Program Files can differ, depending on the bittage of Windows.
program_files = r'c:\Program Files (x86)'
if not os.path.exists(program_files):
program_files = r'c:\Program Files'
if not os.path.exists(program_files):
raise Exception('Cannot find the Program Files directory!')
# The location of MSVC can differ depending on the version.
msvc_locs = [
('Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0', 'VS120COMNTOOLS', '2013'),
('Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0', 'VS100COMNTOOLS', '2010'),
('Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0', 'VS90COMNTOOLS', '2008'),
('Microsoft Visual Studio 8.0', 'VS80COMNTOOLS', '2005'),
for dirname, comntools_var, gyp_msvs_version in msvc_locs:
msvc = os.path.join(program_files, dirname)
context.SetEnv('GYP_MSVS_VERSION', gyp_msvs_version)
if os.path.exists(msvc):
# The break statement did not execute.
raise Exception('Cannot find MSVC!')
# Put MSVC in the path.
vc = os.path.join(msvc, 'VC')
comntools = os.path.join(msvc, 'Common7', 'Tools')
perf = os.path.join(msvc, 'Team Tools', 'Performance Tools')
context.SetEnv('PATH', os.pathsep.join([
# SCons needs this variable to find vsvars.bat.
# The end slash is needed because the batch files expect it.
context.SetEnv(comntools_var, comntools + '\\')
# This environment variable will SCons to print debug info while it searches
# for MSVC.
context.SetEnv('SCONS_MSCOMMON_DEBUG', '-')
# Needed for finding devenv.
context['msvc'] = msvc
SetupGyp(context, [])
def SetupGyp(context, extra_vars=[]):
context.SetEnv('GYP_GENERATORS', 'ninja')
if RunningOnBuildbot():
goma_opts = [
goma_opts = []
context.SetEnv('GYP_DEFINES', ' '.join(
context['gyp_vars'] + goma_opts + extra_vars))
def SetupLinuxEnvironment(context):
SetupGyp(context, ['target_arch='+context['gyp_arch']])
def SetupMacEnvironment(context):
SetupGyp(context, ['target_arch='+context['gyp_arch']])
def SetupAndroidEnvironment(context):
SetupGyp(context, ['OS=android', 'target_arch='+context['gyp_arch']])
context.SetEnv('GYP_GENERATORS', 'ninja')
context.SetEnv('GYP_CROSSCOMPILE', '1')
def ParseStandardCommandLine(context):
The standard buildbot scripts require 3 arguments to run. The first
argument (dbg/opt) controls if the build is a debug or a release build. The
second argument (32/64) controls the machine architecture being targeted.
The third argument (newlib/glibc) controls which c library we're using for
the nexes. Different buildbots may have different sets of arguments.
parser = optparse.OptionParser()
parser.add_option('-n', '--dry-run', dest='dry_run', default=False,
action='store_true', help='Do not execute any commands.')
parser.add_option('--inside-toolchain', dest='inside_toolchain',
action='store_true', help='Inside toolchain build.')
parser.add_option('--android', dest='android', default=False,
action='store_true', help='Build for Android.')
parser.add_option('--clang', dest='clang', default=False,
action='store_true', help='Build trusted code with Clang.')
parser.add_option('--coverage', dest='coverage', default=False,
help='Build and test for code coverage.')
parser.add_option('--validator', dest='validator', default=False,
help='Only run validator regression test')
parser.add_option('--asan', dest='asan', default=False,
action='store_true', help='Build trusted code with ASan.')
parser.add_option('--scons-args', dest='scons_args', default =[],
action='append', help='Extra scons arguments.')
parser.add_option('--step-suffix', metavar='SUFFIX', default='',
help='Append SUFFIX to buildbot step names.')
parser.add_option('--no-gyp', dest='no_gyp', default=False,
action='store_true', help='Do not run the gyp build')
parser.add_option('--no-goma', dest='no_goma', default=False,
action='store_true', help='Do not run with goma')
parser.add_option('--use-breakpad-tools', dest='use_breakpad_tools',
default=False, action='store_true',
help='Use breakpad tools for testing')
parser.add_option('--skip-build', dest='skip_build', default=False,
help='Skip building steps in buildbot_pnacl')
parser.add_option('--skip-run', dest='skip_run', default=False,
help='Skip test-running steps in buildbot_pnacl')
options, args = parser.parse_args()
if len(args) != 3:
parser.error('Expected 3 arguments: mode arch toolchain')
# script + 3 args == 4
mode, arch, toolchain = args
if mode not in ('dbg', 'opt', 'coverage'):
parser.error('Invalid mode %r' % mode)
if arch not in ARCH_MAP:
parser.error('Invalid arch %r' % arch)
if toolchain not in ('newlib', 'glibc', 'pnacl', 'nacl_clang'):
parser.error('Invalid toolchain %r' % toolchain)
# TODO(ncbray) allow a command-line override
platform = GetHostPlatform()
context['platform'] = platform
context['mode'] = mode
context['arch'] = arch
context['android'] =
# ASan is Clang, so set the flag to simplify other checks.
context['clang'] = options.clang or options.asan
context['validator'] = options.validator
context['asan'] = options.asan
# TODO(ncbray) turn derived values into methods.
context['gyp_mode'] = {
'opt': 'Release',
'dbg': 'Debug',
'coverage': 'Debug'}[mode]
context['gn_is_debug'] = {
'opt': 'false',
'dbg': 'true',
'coverage': 'true'}[mode]
context['gyp_arch'] = ARCH_MAP[arch]['gyp_arch']
context['gyp_vars'] = []
if context['clang']:
if context['asan']:
context['default_scons_platform'] = ARCH_MAP[arch]['scons_platform']
context['default_scons_mode'] = ['nacl']
# Only Linux can build trusted code on ARM.
# TODO(mcgrathr): clean this up somehow
if arch != 'arm' or platform == 'linux':
context['default_scons_mode'] += [mode + '-host']
context['use_glibc'] = toolchain == 'glibc'
context['pnacl'] = toolchain == 'pnacl'
context['nacl_clang'] = toolchain == 'nacl_clang'
context['max_jobs'] = 8
context['dry_run'] = options.dry_run
context['inside_toolchain'] = options.inside_toolchain
context['step_suffix'] = options.step_suffix
context['no_gyp'] = options.no_gyp
context['no_goma'] = options.no_goma
context['coverage'] = options.coverage
context['use_breakpad_tools'] = options.use_breakpad_tools
context['scons_args'] = options.scons_args
context['skip_build'] = options.skip_build
context['skip_run'] = options.skip_run
# Don't run gyp on coverage builds.
if context['coverage']:
context['no_gyp'] = True
for key, value in sorted(context.config.items()):
print '%s=%s' % (key, value)
def EnsureDirectoryExists(path):
Create a directory if it does not already exist.
Does not mask failures, but there really shouldn't be any.
if not os.path.exists(path):
def TryToCleanContents(path, file_name_filter=lambda fn: True):
Remove the contents of a directory without touching the directory itself.
Ignores all failures.
if os.path.exists(path):
for fn in os.listdir(path):
TryToCleanPath(os.path.join(path, fn), file_name_filter)
def TryToCleanPath(path, file_name_filter=lambda fn: True):
Removes a file or directory.
Ignores all failures.
if os.path.exists(path):
if file_name_filter(path):
print 'Trying to remove %s' % path
if os.path.isdir(path):
shutil.rmtree(path, ignore_errors=True)
except Exception:
print 'Skipping %s' % path
def Retry(op, *args):
# Windows seems to be prone to having commands that delete files or
# directories fail. We currently do not have a complete understanding why,
# and as a workaround we simply retry the command a few times.
# It appears that file locks are hanging around longer than they should. This
# may be a secondary effect of processes hanging around longer than they
# should. This may be because when we kill a browser sel_ldr does not exit
# immediately, etc.
# Virus checkers can also accidently prevent files from being deleted, but
# that shouldn't be a problem on the bots.
if GetHostPlatform() == 'win':
count = 0
while True:
except Exception:
print "FAILED: %s %s" % (op.__name__, repr(args))
count += 1
if count < 5:
print "RETRY: %s %s" % (op.__name__, repr(args))
time.sleep(pow(2, count))
# Don't mask the exception.
def _RemoveDirectory(path):
print 'Removing %s' % path
if os.path.exists(path):
print ' Succeeded.'
print ' Path does not exist, nothing to do.'
def RemoveDirectory(path):
Remove a directory if it exists.
Does not mask failures, although it does retry a few times on Windows.
Retry(_RemoveDirectory, path)
# This is a sanity check so Command can print out better error information.
def FileCanBeFound(name, paths):
if os.path.exists(name):
return True
# Paths with directories are not resolved using the PATH variable.
if os.path.dirname(name):
return False
# In path
for path in paths.split(os.pathsep):
full = os.path.join(path, name)
if os.path.exists(full):
return True
return False
def RemoveGypBuildDirectories():
# Remove all directories on all platforms. Overkill, but it allows for
# straight-line code.
# Windows
# Linux and Mac
def RemoveSconsBuildDirectories():
# Execute a command using Python's subprocess module.
def Command(context, cmd, cwd=None):
print 'Running command: %s' % ' '.join(cmd)
# Python's subprocess has a quirk. A subprocess can execute with an
# arbitrary, user-defined environment. The first argument of the command,
# however, is located using the PATH variable of the Python script that is
# launching the subprocess. Modifying the PATH in the environment passed to
# the subprocess does not affect Python's search for the first argument of
# the command (the executable file.) This is a little counter intuitive,
# so we're forcing the search to use the same PATH variable as is seen by
# the subprocess.
env = context.MakeCommandEnv()
script_path = os.environ['PATH']
os.environ['PATH'] = env['PATH']
if FileCanBeFound(cmd[0], env['PATH']) or context['dry_run']:
# Make sure that print statements before the subprocess call have been
# flushed, otherwise the output of the subprocess call may appear before
# the print statements.
if context['dry_run']:
retcode = 0
retcode =, cwd=cwd, env=env)
# Provide a nicer failure message.
# If subprocess cannot find the executable, it will throw a cryptic
# exception.
print 'Executable %r cannot be found.' % cmd[0]
retcode = 1
os.environ['PATH'] = script_path
print 'Command return code: %d' % retcode
if retcode != 0:
raise StepFailed()
return retcode
# A specialized version of CommandStep.
def SCons(context, mode=None, platform=None, parallel=False, browser_test=False,
args=(), cwd=None):
python = sys.executable
if mode is None: mode = context['default_scons_mode']
if platform is None: platform = context['default_scons_platform']
if parallel:
jobs = context['max_jobs']
jobs = 1
cmd = []
if browser_test and context.Linux():
# Although we could use the "browser_headless=1" Scons option, it runs
# xvfb-run once per Chromium invocation. This is good for isolating
# the tests, but xvfb-run has a stupid fixed-period sleep, which would
# slow down the tests unnecessarily.
cmd.extend(['xvfb-run', '--auto-servernum'])
python, '',
'-j%d' % jobs,
if context['clang']: cmd.append('--clang')
if context['asan']: cmd.append('--asan')
if context['use_glibc']: cmd.append('--nacl_glibc')
if context['pnacl']: cmd.append('bitcode=1')
if context['nacl_clang']: cmd.append('nacl_clang=1')
if context['use_breakpad_tools']:
if context['android']:
# Append used-specified arguments.
Command(context, cmd, cwd)
class StepFailed(Exception):
Thrown when the step has failed.
class StopBuild(Exception):
Thrown when the entire build should stop. This does not indicate a failure,
in of itself.
class Step(object):
This class is used in conjunction with a Python "with" statement to ensure
that the preamble and postamble of each build step gets printed and failures
get logged. This class also ensures that exceptions thrown inside a "with"
statement don't take down the entire build.
def __init__(self, name, status, halt_on_fail=True):
self.status = status
if 'step_suffix' in status.context:
suffix = status.context['step_suffix']
suffix = '' = name + suffix
self.halt_on_fail = halt_on_fail
self.step_failed = False
# Called on entry to a 'with' block.
def __enter__(self):
print '@@@BUILD_STEP %s@@@' %
# The method is called on exit from a 'with' block - even for non-local
# control flow, i.e. exceptions, breaks, continues, returns, etc.
# If an exception is thrown inside a block wrapped with a 'with' statement,
# the __exit__ handler can suppress the exception by returning True. This is
# used to isolate each step in the build - if an exception occurs in a given
# step, the step is treated as a failure. This allows the postamble for each
# step to be printed and also allows the build to continue of the failure of
# a given step doesn't halt the build.
def __exit__(self, type, exception, trace):
if exception is None:
# If exception is None, no exception occurred.
step_failed = False
elif isinstance(exception, StepFailed):
step_failed = True
print 'Halting build step because of failure.'
step_failed = True
print 'The build step threw an exception...'
traceback.print_exception(type, exception, trace, file=sys.stdout)
if step_failed:
print '@@@STEP_FAILURE@@@'
if self.halt_on_fail:
print 'Entire build halted because %s failed.' %
raise StopBuild()
# Suppress any exception that occurred.
return True
# Adds an arbitrary link inside the build stage on the waterfall.
def StepLink(text, link):
print '@@@STEP_LINK@%s@%s@@@' % (text, link)
# Adds arbitrary text inside the build stage on the waterfall.
def StepText(text):
print '@@@STEP_TEXT@%s@@@' % (text)
class BuildStatus(object):
Keeps track of the overall status of the build.
def __init__(self, context):
self.context = context
self.ever_failed = False
self.steps = []
def ReportBegin(self, name):
def ReportPass(self, name):
self.steps.append((name, 'passed'))
def ReportFail(self, name):
self.steps.append((name, 'failed'))
self.ever_failed = True
# Handy info when this script is run outside of the buildbot.
def DisplayBuildStatus(self):
for step, status in self.steps:
print '%-40s[%s]' % (step, status)
if self.ever_failed:
print 'Build failed.'
print 'Build succeeded.'
def ReturnValue(self):
return int(self.ever_failed)
class BuildContext(object):
Encapsulates the information needed for running a build command. This
includes environment variables and default arguments for SCons invocations.
# Only allow these attributes on objects of this type.
__slots__ = ['status', 'global_env', 'config']
def __init__(self):
# The contents of global_env override os.environ for any commands run via
# self.Command(...)
self.global_env = {}
# PATH is a special case. See: Command.
self.global_env['PATH'] = os.environ.get('PATH', '')
self.config = {}
self['dry_run'] = False
# Emulate dictionary subscripting.
def __getitem__(self, key):
return self.config[key]
# Emulate dictionary subscripting.
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
self.config[key] = value
# Emulate dictionary membership test
def __contains__(self, key):
return key in self.config
def Windows(self):
return self.config['platform'] == 'win'
def Linux(self):
return self.config['platform'] == 'linux'
def Mac(self):
return self.config['platform'] == 'mac'
def GetEnv(self, name, default=None):
return self.global_env.get(name, default)
def SetEnv(self, name, value):
self.global_env[name] = str(value)
def MakeCommandEnv(self):
# The external environment is not sanitized.
e = dict(os.environ)
# Arbitrary variables can be overridden.
return e
def RunBuild(script, status):
script(status, status.context)
except StopBuild:
# Emit a summary step for three reasons:
# - The annotator will attribute non-zero exit status to the last build step.
# This can misattribute failures to the last build step.
# - wraps the builds to scrape perf data. It emits an annotator
# tag on exit which misattributes perf results to the last build step.
# - Provide a label step in which to show summary result.
# Otherwise these go back to the preamble.
with Step('summary', status):
if status.ever_failed:
print 'There were failed stages.'
print 'Success.'
# Display a summary of the build.