blob: d343fdef19dc3d92c9974455206ae27ed7422fe4 [file] [log] [blame]
# -*- python -*-
# Copyright 2011 The Native Client Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can
# be found in the LICENSE file.
# This command is placed in its own nacl.cons file because:
# 1) It gives it access to the same environment as the tests
# 2) Sicking it in an arbitrary test's .scons file would be cryptic
binary = env.DownloadedChromeBinary()
node = env.Command(binary,
'${PYTHON} build/ '
'--arch=%s --dst=${CHROME_DOWNLOAD_DIR}' %
# This stops Scons from deleting the file before running the step above.
env.Alias('download_chrome', node)
## Support
## scons MODE=nacl html_examples
## to build all examples linked from scons-out/.../staging/examples.html
html_examples = env.Replicate('${STAGING_DIR}', 'examples.html')
example_nexes = [
# SRPC Nexe Tests
'srpc_hw', # srpc_hw.html
'srpc_test', # srpc_basic.html, srpc_perf.html
'srpc_nrd_server', # srpc_nrd_xfer.html
'srpc_nrd_client', # srpc_nrd_xfer.html
# SRPC Nexe Performance
'mandel_tiled', # mandel_tiled.html
'autoloader_default', # autoloader.html',
# PPAPI Nexe Examples
'ppapi_basic_object', # basic_object.html
'ppapi_example_events', # ppapi_example_events.html
'ppapi_example_2d', # ppapi_example_2d.html
'ppapi_example_audio', # ppapi_example_audio.html
'ppapi_geturl', # ppapi_geturl.html
'ppapi_progress_events', # ppapi_progress_events.html
'earth_c', # earth_c.html
'earth_cc', # earth_cc.html
'ppapi_bad', # ppapi_bad.html
#TODO(polina): follow ppapi_bad's example to pull in all nexes
#'ppapi_crash' # ppapi_crash.html
# PPAPI Proxy Tests
'ppapi_ppb_core', # ppapi_ppb_core.html
'ppapi_ppb_graphics2d', # ppapi_ppb_graphics2d.html
'ppapi_ppb_file_system', # ppapi_ppb_file_system.html
'ppapi_ppb_image_data', # ppapi_ppb_image_data.html
'ppapi_ppb_instance', # ppapi_ppb_instance_data.html
'ppapi_ppb_memory', # ppapi_ppb_memory.html
'ppapi_messaging', # ppapi_messaging.html
'ppapi_ppb_scrollbar', # ppapi_ppb_scrollbar.html
'ppapi_ppb_url_request_info', # ppapi_ppb_url_request_info.html
'ppapi_ppp_instance', # ppapi_ppp_instance.html
prog_suffix = env['PROGSUFFIX']
[ env.Alias(nexe + prog_suffix) for nexe in example_nexes ])
env.Alias('html_examples', html_examples) # scons --mode=nacl examples_html
env.Alias('examples_html', html_examples) # scons --mode=nacl html_examples