blob: 22eae6e88edde6c717207557e3f266eacd79a522 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2012 The Native Client Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import sys
import driver_tools
from driver_env import env
from driver_log import Log, DriverOpen, DriverClose
import filetype
'INPUTS' : '',
'OUTPUT' : '',
'FLAGS' : '',
DISPatterns = [
( '--file-type', "env.set('FILE_TYPE', '1')"),
( ('-o','(.*)'), "env.set('OUTPUT', pathtools.normalize($0))"),
( '(-.*)', "env.append('FLAGS', $0)"),
( '(.*)', "env.append('INPUTS', pathtools.normalize($0))"),
def main(argv):
driver_tools.ParseArgs(argv, DISPatterns)
inputs = env.get('INPUTS')
output = env.getone('OUTPUT')
for path in inputs + [output]:
if len(inputs) == 0:
Log.Fatal("No input files given")
if len(inputs) > 1 and output != '':
Log.Fatal("Cannot have -o with multiple inputs")
for infile in inputs:
env.set('input', infile)
env.set('output', output)
# When we output to stdout, set redirect_stdout and set log_stdout
# to False to bypass the driver's line-by-line handling of stdout
# which is extremely slow when you have a lot of output
if (filetype.IsLLVMBitcode(infile) or
bitcodetype = 'PNaCl' if filetype.IsPNaClBitcode(infile) else 'LLVM'
format = bitcodetype.lower()
if env.has('FILE_TYPE'):
sys.stdout.write('%s: %s bitcode\n' % (infile, bitcodetype))
env.append('FLAGS', '-bitcode-format=' + format)
if output == '':
# LLVM by default outputs to a file if -o is missing
# Let's instead output to stdout
env.set('output', '-')
env.append('FLAGS', '-f')
driver_tools.Run('${LLVM_DIS} ${FLAGS} ${input} -o ${output}')
elif filetype.IsELF(infile):
if env.has('FILE_TYPE'):
sys.stdout.write('%s: ELF\n' % infile)
flags = env.get('FLAGS')
if len(flags) == 0:
env.append('FLAGS', '-d')
if output == '':
# objdump to stdout
driver_tools.Run('"${OBJDUMP}" ${FLAGS} ${input}')
# objdump always outputs to stdout, and doesn't recognize -o
# Let's add this feature to be consistent.
fp = DriverOpen(output, 'w')
driver_tools.Run('${OBJDUMP} ${FLAGS} ${input}', redirect_stdout=fp)
Log.Fatal('Unknown file type')
# only reached in case of no errors
return 0
def get_help(unused_argv):
return """Usage: pnacl-dis [options] <input binary file> -o <output.txt>
Disassembler for PNaCl. Converts either bitcode to text or
native code to assembly. For native code, this just a wrapper around objdump
so this accepts the usual objdump flags.
-o <file> Output to file
-help | -h Output this help.
--file-type Detect and print the file type for each of the input files.